Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 371 What, your apprentice only has one master?

Chapter 371 What, Your Apprentice Is Only a Master?
Mu Leiden's publicity is back to Zhang Yang, but in fact, his blood is boiling, and he has a faint desire to vomit blood.

Although vomiting blood does not mean injury, sometimes it is just to calm down the shock in the body faster, but at this time, if he vomits this blood, he feels a little uncomfortable on his face.

It's rare to be so domineering, isn't it!
Of course, the level 7 magic power displayed by the great magister is not simple, even a sword master would not want to go head-to-head.If it wasn't for protecting Nangong Feng, no matter how domineering Mu Leiden would be, he wouldn't have chosen to head-on a blasting fire dragon!My fist still hurts!
Domineering appearance has a price!
"Arnold, don't look left and right, didn't I make a sound in advance to make you pay more attention!"

It was that heavy and loud sound like a bell, but this time it was very close!

Close at hand!

Arnold had no time to be surprised. Leiden appeared suddenly, turned around and raised his staff without looking at it.

The hot magma that Nangongfeng encountered before appeared out of thin air and scattered forward!Accurately throw it on the person who is already in front of him!

The man's reaction was similar to that of Nangong Feng. He raised a hand, and a layer of earth-yellow grudge immediately appeared on his arm to meet him, but the difference was that the layer of grudge was as solid as a thick wall!
The man didn't even look at the lava poured on his grudge, he took another step forward and punched him with his hand.The magma indeed failed to melt away the thick layer of vindictiveness.

"Kimbro!" Arnold was already sure who the fat old man in front of him was!
With a voice as loud as a bell, and a solid earth element fighting spirit, who else can there be except the Sword Master of Earth!

Arnold's reaction was really fast enough. Seeing the fist hit, his left hand quickly protected his chest, and a level 3 flame shield appeared at the same time.

The fist was not fast, but it slammed heavily on the flame shield.

How could a mere level 3 flame shield withstand a punch from the Juggernaut, even if it was only a [-]% punch.After Arnold was punched, a flame shield exploded on his chest, and sparks flew out like a cannon, which was even more exaggerated than being hit by a train.

The direction he flew was the river in the city, but the level 3 flame shield failed to block Jinbro's punch, and most of the force was vented, and the fire element around him immediately boiled with a sudden force, and the whole person soared into the air, floating It went up in the air, but didn't fall into the river.

A figure soared into the sky, obviously starting later than Arnold but reaching the sky above the river in the city earlier than him.

Before he had time to calm down the shock of the earth element fighting energy on his chest that made him want to vomit blood, suddenly the figure who had arrived behind him spoke another sentence. This time the voice was not as dry as Hong Zhong, but rather soft, like a lover's Talking lightly, there was a kind of squeamishness that made him not want to vomit blood and vomit the overnight meal instead.

"Arnold, I haven't seen you for a long time, why do you still say so annoyingly..."

A hand quickly grabbed Arnold's back collar, seemingly gently, but Arnold found that he couldn't break free!

Huh... plop!
Unsurprisingly, Arnold was thrown into the river in the city, and the spray that soared into the sky and scattered was very beautiful.

Tuo Tuo clapped his hands, as if he touched something dirty just now.

The water in the river in the city was very shallow, but Arnold struggled to stand up on the chest of an adult, his originally arrogant expression had already collapsed, and it was miserable with wet hair and clothes.He had tried his best to avoid falling into the water, but he couldn't escape it.

Mu Leiden... Jinbro... Tuo Tuo!

Three of the Seven Great Juggernauts actually came. Although Arnold was beaten into the water and became a drowned chicken, he didn't feel ashamed at all!This is still the other party showing mercy!

"Three Juggernauts, I, Arnold, don't think I offended the seniors? Even if I 'educate' the juniors who are not polite, shouldn't I let the seniors work together?" Arnold said through gritted teeth.

Although Arnold is a great magister, he can be regarded as a relatively young one. Tuo Tuo, Kimbro, and Mu Laiden are the first batch of masters who have become sword masters. can afford it.

A one-on-one opponent that Arnold is not sure of defeating, now the three are coming together, if he insists on confronting him, he can only grit his teeth and give in.

"What's the matter? If your Sabo is bullied, you can take action, but if our apprentice is bullied, you can't take action? Besides, you can only bully the juniors. We are directly bullying the 'senior'." Tuo Tuo Ou looked contemptuous.

Tuo Tuo's words made Arnold very helpless. He had heard the word "junior", but this was the first time he heard the term "senior"!

But he was bullied absolutely right!
"You go home and 'educate' your apprentice. Our apprentices, we can 'educate' ourselves, without your intervention." Mu Leiden walked to the river and said while admiring Arnold's drowned appearance. Don't know what to fiddle with.

"These three are the apprentices of the three seniors?!"

After hearing the meaning of the three Juggernauts, Arnold's heart skipped a beat.

These three sword masters are not like Douglas. Although Douglas has a lot of eyes, he is still a gentleman on the surface, and he will never do anything if he can beep.

But the reputation of these three sword masters is not very good. It doesn't matter whether you are the junior, middle or senior, or the four great magisters and the seven great sword masters.No one is afraid of anyone in a frontal battle, but they don't want to come directly to you. If they like it, they will flirt with you, and if they don't like it, they will flirt with you after a while. It's very annoying!


They never talk about reason, only talk about mood!Like now, I threw myself into the water before I could say anything!If it were Douglas, he would definitely beep a few words first!
If these three were their disciples, Arnold would have to think of another way. It would be unwise to come directly to make trouble, and instead cause himself a lot of trouble!
"Three? No, no, only this careless fool." Kimbro pointed to the guide Gongfeng.

Although Kimbrough's face was full of exaggerated disgust, the smile on the corner of his mouth showed that he still liked this apprentice very much.

Arnold didn't reply, he staggered in shock and drank a few more mouthfuls of water in the river in the city before getting up in embarrassment.

Apprentice of the Three Great Juggernauts? !An apprentice jointly trained by the three great sword masters?

He only accepts one disciple as a great magister, and one-on-one teaching with the strength of a great magister is already an extremely exaggerated waste.This three-line physique sky warrior is even more heroic, and he was taught by the three great sword masters in one breath...

No, three elements of physique...the three elements of wind, fire, and earth, don't they just correspond to these three sword masters!

A chill suddenly appeared in Arnold's body, from the soles of his feet to his forehead.

The three great sword masters combined their strengths into one, and just thinking about it made Arnold shudder.

In all realms, no one is invincible!
When Nangongfeng has mastered the skills of the three families, Arnold can only think of this result!
Jealousy constantly filled Arnold's heart, and the idea of ​​killing Nangongfeng became more profound, but if he wanted to do so under the eyes of the three sword masters, it was an act of courting death.Everything has to be considered in the long term.

"It turns out that this young man is a disciple of the three seniors, and I offended you. But if the other two have nothing to do with the seniors, can I deal with it?" Nangong Feng Arnold absolutely dare not touch him now, but he still has thoughts about Yuan Feiwu I thought, Saab's affairs still had to be dealt with.

"They are good friends of my disciples. If our disciples help you once, you can't fight back. Otherwise, it won't be as simple as taking a bath in the river."

Nangongfeng attacked and couldn't fight back?If he didn't help out, he would have left early, why did he have to fight him just now!How is that different from not letting yourself do it?Arnold was stunned.

Tuo Tuou pinched his nose again while talking. It was late at night, and he couldn't see if he had pinched something. Anyway, he flicked it into the river, and Arnold was still in the river.

Xue Yue doesn't know if Arnold has any thoughts, Xue Yue only knows that she has goose bumps all over her body.

This sword master is too dirty!

"I'll give the three seniors some face, and let's leave it at that."

Arnold's face was ashen, and he decided to give in to this without thinking for a long time, even if he had to give in a hundred steps.Or it can't be done.

It was obvious that the three sword masters wanted to intervene in this matter. If he still insisted on it, he might not get any good.If he did it again, the three sword masters would not be merciful, and it is very likely that his old bones will be confessed here.

(End of this chapter)

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