Chapter 372

"Thank you for the face, let's go slowly." Mu Leiden waved his hand perfunctorily, as if chasing away some flies.

Arnold's face was gloomy, and he was running his magic power to take off, with a red light glowing around him, and he dried the water on his body at once.

"Farewell to the three seniors." After speaking, he flew away quickly without looking back.

"There's such a commotion, why didn't Douglas come over?" Tuo Tuo fell back to the ground and said doubtfully.

Tuo Tuo didn't even look at the direction Arnold was flying away at all. To him, dismissing Arnold was no different from dismissing a delivery man.Just now Arnold actually killed Nangongfeng, he didn't take off one of his arms, which is already a great deal of face.Return face to the three of them?Sorry, not unusual at all.

"There's a lot of movement, but there are Arnold's and you and me and him, he's afraid of a piece of shit!" Mu Leiden rolled his eyes.

What the three of them were discussing was exactly what Arnold was going to do here, and what Douglas hadn't shown up to now.

Mu Leiden speculated that Douglas was like a mirror in his heart, and when he sensed that the three great sword masters had taken action, he absolutely felt at ease drinking tea at home.

What Mu Leiden said was right. After Arnold's magic fluctuations appeared, he was a little flustered. He didn't expect that guy to come to the door.That guy really lost all face because of Sabo, and ran over to argue with a junior regardless of right or wrong.

But then he noticed the fluctuations in the grudge of the three great sword masters, and Douglas immediately felt relieved.

Where are the three great Juggernauts... Do you still need to go there by yourself?

In fact, I have thought about it quite a bit, and it seems pretty good to see Arnold's unlucky appearance.

I think so, but Douglas doesn't have the bad taste like Athena, and he sat back in his seat peacefully, drinking the tea he just made.

It's a little funny that Livia's house is next to the house where he lives alone in the corner of Landis Academy of Magic.Douglas could feel the wave of Livia's magic power rushing out and then rushing back. He probably noticed that the three Juggernauts were there just like himself, and then he went back as if he cared about those people. .

It seems that the relationship between Yuan Feiwu and Livia has eased a lot... Douglas took another sip of tea silently, feeling happy.

"That old bastard is really... really old bastard." Kimbrough hurriedly cursed while he was away.

"Hey, hey, I said you three are old bastards, why are you here?"

Seeing that his three masters got together and began to talk about others, Nangongfeng couldn't help asking.

Their appearance is so weird and extraordinary, isn't it!

Hearing Nangongfeng's question, the three inevitably felt guilty.The reason why they appeared here was, of course, that they were worried about the improper relationship between their apprentice and Yuan Feiwu.In the end, I followed all the way and found that the relationship between them seemed to be quite normal. On the contrary, when Xueyue came out of the shop, it was probably Xueyue who held Yuan Feiwu in her arms and ran out, as if this thing was also a rare commodity bought, and she still didn’t give it away. The kind that takes the money and runs away.

Of course, this reason cannot be said directly, according to Nangong Feng's temperament, he must sever ties with himself!
"Isn't it okay to pass by?" Mu Leiden first put on a righteous posture to cover up his guilt.

"Where are you going to pass by here?"

Nangongfeng rolled his eyes to the end, and then found that rolling his eyes too much would make him dizzy.

"Let's take a walk! You've been there for so long, we came out for a walk out of boredom, and somehow ended up here!" Kim Bro quickly added.

"Can you come here for a walk?" Nangong Feng sneered.

"Lost and obsessed, I came here. Which way is the way back? Are you walking in this direction?" Tuo Tuo hurriedly finished speaking, then pulled the other two and ran away, not giving Nangong Feng any further The time for pressing questions, lest the more you ask, the more flaws will be made, "Then we will leave first, hurry up!"

"I'll wipe it, come back and explain it!" Nangong Feng was depressed enough.

But there are also some surprises. If the three masters didn't show up in time, it might be really troublesome for them to face Arnold.Especially Yuan Feiwu.

In order to protect him and Xueyue, Yuan Feiwu must expose his dark element physique.

That's right, Nangongfeng knew about Yuan Feiwu's physique early on, and Yuan Feiwu didn't hide it from him at all.However, what is the strength of Yuan Feiwu, Nangongfeng did not get the answer from Yuan Feiwu's mouth.

At that time, Nangong Feng speculated that Yuan Feiwu should already have the strength of a sky warrior.

But after he broke through Sky Warrior, he still couldn't see through Yuan Feiwu. Although Yuan Feiwu's actions were usually maintained at the level of a high-level warrior, Nangongfeng didn't think it was that simple.

But Nangong Feng didn't blame Yuan Feiwu for not telling himself all the facts.People have told about the dark element physique, but they have been very honest with themselves.Otherwise, you don't even need to tell this secret, and you won't be able to see it anyway.Dimly, Nangongfeng felt that Yuan Feiwu's concealment was to protect himself.

"When did the three Juggernauts come?" Xueyue at the side was not that surprised by the sudden appearance of the Three Juggernauts, because Yuan Feiwu had given him a vaccination in advance.

Otherwise, why would Yuan Feiwu lose Nangongfeng and Arnold so reassuringly?
However, Xue Yue was very curious about Yuan Feiwu's ability to detect the hidden traces of the three sword masters.

This guy can do anything!Apart from Nangong Feng breaking through the Sky Warrior, there was nothing he could do about it.

"I've followed from the beginning." Yuan Feiwu said with a pleasant smile.

"Fuck, what are those three old bastards trying to do? They're perverted!"

Nangongfeng probably knew it when he heard it. Yuan Feiwu noticed that the Juggernauts were following, so Arnold appeared and he was not in a hurry.And it wasn't surprising that Yuan Feiwu could notice the three Juggernauts following him.He's already a sky warrior, but he hasn't been able to figure out the secrets of Touyuan Feiwu, what's so strange about this ability.

The figures of the three sword masters in front were still faintly visible, and they staggered one after another.How could Nangongfeng's sword masters not hear them? They are sword masters, representing the highest strength of mortal warriors. Even if they go several times farther, they can still hear it if they want to!

But they want to hide this matter, even if they are called perverts behind their backs, they can only bear it!

Back in the non-human house, everyone was bustling again.

Xueyue Nangongfeng and Yuan Feiwu have lived together for so long, and they have a tacit understanding in many things. They wash the vegetables and wipe the table meticulously. In short, they can't help with the cooking, and everything else is covered.

This time, there were no fifth graders in the kitchen, so Athena and Ophelia could stand at the door openly and peek at Yuan Feiwu cooking, all showing idiotic smiles.

That cute apron, that serious demeanor, that pretty little face with her hair up, tsk tsk, made the two of them feel relaxed and happy.

Tarena also wanted to go over and take a peek, but after meeting the apron version of Xiaojia Biyuyuan Feiwu who was serving the dishes just now, she still couldn't calm down the violent beating of her heart.Nima is a majestic seven-foot man... well, I don't want to ridicule him for being short, but the use of the word "seven feet" is a bit distorted.An imposing six-foot man wearing an apron, with his hair up, what the hell is he looking so gentle!What the hell is it that I like so much!I feel that my worldview and values ​​have collapsed a bit!And the speed of the collapse can't even be saved!

Fallen... She suddenly thought of a word that she didn't really want to admit, but it was very suitable to describe her current worldview.

No, after a few more glances, she thinks she might have a nosebleed or a heart attack, so it's better to stay quietly on the sofa.

So when all the dishes were served, Tarena could be seen sitting there upright.

(End of this chapter)

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