Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 373 Recorded something

Chapter 373 Recorded something

The Juggernauts actually don't have much desire to eat. For them, eating is already a dispensable thing.However, when he saw a table full of juniors sitting together, his psychology still changed a lot.This kind of warm feeling is something they have never felt before.

They have spent their childhood in cultivation, and people like them who are obsessed with cultivation have never thought about family love.Now that they have become one of the strongest warriors on the mainland, it feels a bit fresh to face these joyful atmospheres again.

Then, after eating a dish that they had never seen before in such an atmosphere, the three sword masters looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Why is this green vegetable so refreshing?!" "Drink a few sips of this water, this water is thick and sweet, don't eat green vegetables, give it a try, Lao Jin!" "The sauce is delicious! I can eat ten Block! Drink some water!"

Suddenly there seemed to be three children on the dinner table, arguing over their favorite dishes, their faces were flushed red.Later, when I ate other things, I found that the taste was also super good, and the quarrel just now became incomprehensible again.

Looking at these few old urchins, Nangongfeng shook his head, his face was completely humiliated by them. After all, these three people appeared here only because they had something to do with him.

After dinner, the attitude of the three great Juggernauts towards Yuan Feiwu was much better, and they kept hinting that they wanted to stay and not leave.At the same time, I am more and more lamented why such a perfect wife candidate is actually a boy.

Of course, Yuan Feiwu's temperament can say everything well, Nangong Feng of course wants to stop it, throwing Yuan Feiwu into the kitchen in one stride, and then angrily scolded the three old urchins one by one, completely dispelling their idea of ​​staying.

Fortunately, Nangongfeng still had some status in their hearts, so they had no choice but to dismiss this idea.

Since there may be no hope of eating and drinking every day, they went to fiddle with other things.

"How do you get this thing? I don't even know if it's done."

Mu Leiden took out a small iron plate, and poured a little grudge down carefully.

"Hey, this is a reflection circle, triggered by magic power, don't break it!" Kimbro became anxious when he saw it, and grabbed it.

"Maybe grudge can also be triggered! How will you know if you don't try!" Mu Leiden was quite unconvinced.

"Absolutely not, you know a fart!"

"You know you come here, how to do it!"

"I would have done it a long time ago, and I still use your nonsense!"

Seeing that the quarrel between Kimbrough and Mu Leiden was about to rise to the level of fighting, Athena was finally willing to intervene: "Anyone can record the image formation, but it needs to be processed by the master of the formation to play it. If the sword masters don't mind , I’ll take it back to the palace and have it processed.”

"It's so troublesome? You two don't pinch each other, and take it back to Northway's little princess. See how sensible he is at a young age." Tuo Tuo was finally willing to speak out.


Yuan Feiwu just came out of the kitchen.

"Reflection circle. I don't know where he got it."

Nangongfeng was sitting next to him all the time, but the three sword masters often quarreled and fought with each other, and he was no stranger to it, and completely ignored it.Seeing that Yuan Feiwu came out to ask, he simply said something.

Where did the reflection circle come from? Nangongfeng might have forgotten it, but Xueyue and Yuan Feiwu hadn't.As soon as Arnold met, Yuan Feiwu made Yuan Feiwu apologize to the reflection circle.It may have fallen off during the fight and was picked up by Mu Leiden.

"Is this urgent? I can try it." Yuan Feiwu smiled.

"You still know this?" The eyes of the three Juggernauts flashed with brilliance.

"know a little."

Yuan Feiwu didn't change his face when he noticed Jingmang, and went up to take the reflection circle.The fingers flicked a few times in a hurry, and the three sword masters pretended to be nonchalant, but their attention was all on Yuan Feiwu's fingers.But the fingers these few times were actually empty, Yuan Feiwu also used his mental power to penetrate into the magic circle.What he is doing now is to process the recorded things in the magic circle and turn them into something that can be played. The process is actually just modifying the magic circle to turn it into something like a player.

"Okay." Yuan Feiwu withdrew his fingers.

"Okay?" The three sword masters didn't even feel fluctuations in each other's magic power!

"Let's broadcast it!" Ophelia's curiosity was seduced.

Yuan Feiwu put the iron plate in the center of the table. After the magic circle was activated, countless light beams converged and intersected in the sky, and the image slowly appeared.

It really works!I heard from Northway's little public opinion that the magic circle needs to be processed by the magic circle master before it can be played, and this kid can make it with a few swipes of his fingers?Is this kid still a magic circle master? !

The three sword masters thought they would be able to find out the details of this rare black-haired boy after just touching him for a while, but they didn't expect that the more they touched the head, the more question marks would appear.If this person hadn't shown that he was a good buddy of Nangongfeng when he was Nangongfeng's Dharma protector, they would all want to arrest him and go back to study.

The three juggernauts who were full of imagination were quickly attracted by what was played by the mirror circle.

At the beginning, Yuan Feiwu and the three of them were shown in the picture, and after a while, Nangong Feng rushed forward and an ice pick appeared, and after another shake, it was facing the floor.However, judging from the occasional flames entering the screen, it is time for the Explosive Fire Dragon to cast its spell.

After a shake, it was dark.

When there was another picture, I happened to see Arnold being punched by Kimbrough, and Arnold shot out with sparks, which was more beautiful than any special effects.

"Haha, interesting, look at how mighty I am!" Kimbro said happily.

Of course, it is impossible for the three of them not to have heard of the Reflection Circle, but this thing is quite expensive, in the hands of a few people, and it is useless to their practice, so they have not had much contact with it.It looks really fun now.

The screen kept chasing Arnold, and Arnold quickly activated his magic power, controlled his figure and slowly rose into the air, almost being directly carried into the water by the momentum.

"This guy is quite capable." Kimbrough pursed his lips.

Then a figure quickly appeared behind Arnold, arriving at the position faster than him, and there was only an afterimage in the picture.

Then Arnold was thrown into the water.

"How can I be so handsome? Even I can't help falling in love with myself..."

Tuo Tuo's very sincere exclamation made everyone in the room want to vomit, he is definitely a leader in the shameless world.

Later, the picture became clearer, and there was only the tumbling river in the picture, and Arnold got up awkwardly, with a dazed expression on his face.

"Haha, you look so stupid!" Of course Ophelia knew that this man was Sabo's master, so she definitely wouldn't give him a good look.

It didn't take long for the picture to disappear until Arnold flew away.Fortunately, the image circle does not have a recording function, otherwise the three major sword masters could have recorded that they had lost their way from Landis School of Magic and come here, which is shameless and ignorant to the point of horror.

"Look at my recording is not bad." Mu Leiden was quite satisfied with his masterpiece.

"This thing must be kept well! But can it be shortened a bit, for example, only keep the part of the scene where I punched him flying?" Kimbrough laughed.

"I want my handsome and heroic figure too!" Tuo Tuo said hastily.

"Okay." Yuan Feiwu said that he was about to operate it, and asked by the way, "What do you want to do with these things?"

"Of course it's used to make fun of Arnold!" Tuo Tuo laughed, "Let everyone see Arnold's downcast appearance, how interesting!"


Occasionally there are chapters without names

Many readers say that the author is lazy, or that the author forgot
Do you think you guessed right? !
That's right, you guessed it right-. -
(End of this chapter)

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