Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 374 Be honest with each other

Chapter 374 Be honest with each other
Yuan Feiwu stopped his movements as soon as he heard it, this motive was too impure...

"I really want to send this magic circle to Arnold, and then go to see Arnold's face, it must be very interesting!" Kimbrough also laughed.

Hearing these words, many people's faces were filled with smiles.But Yuan Feiwu felt the smell of black belly exuding from the side.

In that direction, Athena still had an elegant smile on her face, but her glowing eyes, Yuan Feiwu was very clear.

"It would be interesting if we made a lot of them, and each city would issue one and put it on a public notice board!" Tuo Tuo's ability to come up with crazy ideas was the most outstanding, and this proposal was unanimously approved as soon as it was uttered.

Athena's eyes were even brighter, and she said: "If you need a lot, I can help you!"

"You can get a lot of Northway's little princesses?!" Mu Leiden was very interested.

"Yes, and I can also help put the magic circle where you want it to appear."

"That's pretty good!" Kimbrough even applauded.

"But if we want to embarrass Arnold, I'm afraid the picture can only start when he fell into the water, and none of the seniors can appear in it."

Athena has entered her field of focus.

whole person.

Speaking of the whole person, Yuan Feiwu has never seen anyone who is more professional than her, that is a professional who can arrange all the details perfectly.For example, when she was tricked into being Yuan Xiaowu's personal maid, she unknowingly stepped into a huge and dense fine net, and was gradually restrained.

"Why? My heroic appearance is also very important! Let everyone see it!" Tuo Tuoou had the biggest opinion.

Because from the very beginning, he had prided himself on being an idol-style sword master, which showed how narcissistic he was. Nangong Feng always called him stinking and shameless in private.

"If all Juggernauts appear on the screen, everyone will know that it was the Juggernaut who bullied Arnold. The three Juggernauts are super powerful, and everyone won't think it's too much to be bullied by you. On the contrary, they sympathize with Arnold. This will not achieve It has the effect you want."

"Ah, you're absolutely right! Let's do this! Just keep a copy of our beating Arnold's self-appreciation, and show Arnold just the look of him falling into the water!"

Athena will never fight against you, just a high-powered and tactful flattery, let Tuo Tuo go with her purpose without showing any signs of expression.

"Okay, wrap it on me." Athena patted her chest, becoming more interested.

The three Juggernauts really hated meeting Athena, and slowly, they ran aside to discuss the details in detail.

Yuan Feiwu could only smile helplessly, Arnold... I'm afraid he's going to be in bad luck.

Send Ophelia and the others away with the Juggernaut before the gate control, and the Inhuman House will be considered quiet.


But Nangongfang sighed.

"How, do you feel the gap?" Yuan Feiwu laughed.


Xueyue glanced at Nangongfeng, he thought Nangongfeng sighed because the Inhuman House had finally calmed down.It doesn't seem to be the case, Yuan Feiwu is very sensitive to other people's emotions, and can detect even small differences.

But for other people's feelings towards him, the reaction, tsk tsk... Xue Yue is very sure that he is not pretending not to know, but really lacking in thoughtfulness.

"I have some insights. If it was like this at the time, perhaps Arnold would not have restricted me so easily." Nangongfeng had many ideas in his head, but he couldn't turn back the time to the moment when he fought with Arnold and let him experiment, "How about Would you like to try it?"

New insight... Nangongfeng has a new insight just after breaking through the sky warrior. After the qualitative change in strength, it will be seamlessly integrated without any transition time.

But Xueyue knew the reason, it was what Yuan Feiwu said at the time, it was a rare big boss that Nangongfeng encountered after his breakthrough was suitable for training.Fighting against the great magister, of course, the understanding and experience gained are very extraordinary.But it also depends on whether one's own strength is qualified enough. If one's own strength as a warrior of the earth goes up to provoke the great magister, what he will get is not comprehension and experience, but a simple blow.

In the past, Nangongfeng would ask Xueyue to test any ideas, but now that the gap in strength between the two has widened, Xueyue can't help him experiment with some of Nangongfeng's ideas.On the contrary, if Xueyue has any new insights, she can rest assured to find Nangongfeng to do it, and she doesn't have to be afraid of hurting him.

"Okay." Yuan Feiwu replied with a smile.

This time, Xueyue focused on Yuan Feiwu.

He hadn't seen Yuan Feiwu take a shot yet, and his original purpose of coming here was to fight with him.Later, after staying here for no reason, he didn't have any discussions with Yuan Feiwu, but he had a lot of discussions with Nangongfeng, and gained much more understanding than he did by himself.

"If you want to fight normally, senior warriors may not be able to give you what you want." Yuan Feiwu thought for a while.

He used the strength of a high-ranking warrior to defeat Nangong Feng.But the purpose now is not to defeat Nangongfeng, but to give Nangongfeng a battle of similar strength to help him adapt to the sky warrior realm.

"Of course not." Nangong Feng said depressedly.

He once approached Yuan Feiwu to fight, and Yuan Feiwu only used his high-level warrior strength to beat him, who was an earth warrior, all over his head.His own speed is superior, his fighting spirit protects his body, and his attacks are powerful, but Yuan Feiwu can dodge his own attacks one by one with only the speed of a high-level warrior, without even touching the corner of his clothes, as if he has predicted his own actions.

"Then... dark element magic energy, it should be about the same level." Yuan Feiwu thought for a while, and finally burst out a burst of dark energy, and a pair of black wings emerged from behind.

Nangong Feng was taken aback.He only knew that Yuan Feiwu had a dark element physique, but he didn't know that he was actually a fallen angel!
It's no wonder that he has never shown his strength. If he appears in Star Luo Continent in this form, no matter who he is, he will be regarded as an enemy!

Of course I don't care about this, but Xueyue is still here...

"Fallen angels?" Xue Yue was not ignorant of the fallen angels of the Demon Race.

"Xueyue, you can't tell about this." Nangongfeng said to Xueyue immediately after recovering.

"Speak out, Yuan Feiwu will be in big trouble, right?"

"Yes! I will be an enemy of the entire Xingluo Continent! Even if you cannot accept that Yuan Feiwu is a fallen angel, please don't say it..."

"Inexplicable." Xueyue said coldly, "Whether it is a fallen angel or not, I only know that Yuan Feiwu is Yuan Feiwu."

Nangong Feng was taken aback when he heard the words, covered his head and laughed.

Well said, Yuan Feiwu is Yuan Feiwu, whether it is a fallen angel or not... It can be seen that I was surprised by Yuan Feiwu just now, not even Xueyue!People didn't take it seriously at all!

From this moment on, Nangongfeng truly regarded Xueyue as a member of the inhuman house without barriers.

"Okay, just play like this, don't go too far!" Nangong Feng begged for mercy rarely.


"Wait, fight here?" Xue Yue suddenly said, "Don't make a mess."

What he meant was not to mess up the living room on the third floor, even if they pulled back, it would be hard not to affect this area.

There are two things that Xue Yue can't stand the most, one is "dirty" and the other is "chaos".

"The next floor, the first floor is not afraid of being smashed." Yuan Feiwu suddenly smiled brightly.

Xueyue and Nangongfeng were already familiar with Yuan Feiwu, and when they saw this smile, they felt like a bright mirror in their hearts.

How much does this guy hate the women's clothing that Mr. Phil has collected!

(End of this chapter)

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