Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 375 It's the end of the term and it's a holiday

Chapter 375 It's the end of the term and it's a holiday

Such days passed quickly, suddenly one day Nangong Feng and Yuan Feiwu talked about their plans for the three-month long vacation after the end of the semester, and Xue Yue realized that it was almost the end of the semester.

Yeah, there are still a few days until the end of the semester.

It's not that Xueyue's life is too chaotic, but that during the few years he was in Xuefeng Academy, he devoted himself to cultivating alone.The beginning of school holiday and the end of the semester have no effect on him.For him, it was an ordinary day of cultivation.

But now it has an impact... a holiday means parting.

"I have something to attend to. What about you?"

They were discussing in the library, Xueyue was sitting at the table on the third floor, Yuan Feiwu passed by with a few books lying peacefully in the book basket in his hand, Nangongfeng was fiddling with on the nearby bookcase with books.

This kind of picture is not different from the usual daily life, but the topic raised now makes Xueyue inexplicably sad. She doesn't know what is written on this page, so she has to read it again.

"They're too annoying, there's nothing they can do, they need to learn something last time." Nangongfeng said helplessly.

Nangongfeng said that they are naturally the three sword masters.

Nangongfeng has already broken through the sky warrior, and there is no such thing that will affect his life to stop him from practicing grudge. Of course, the three sword masters can't wait to continue teaching their toy.The guy with the three-element physique is so interesting!More than anyone else, they want to see a person who gathers the strengths of the three of them, who turns out to shock the world.

"Go, it's not bad for you." Yuan Feiwu laughed.

"That stinking shameless said that if you're fine, you can go and have fun." Nangongfeng felt embarrassed when he said this.

It's not fun, it's obvious that they missed Yuan Feiwu's cooking skills!

"No time, next time." Yuan Feiwu declined.

"Where is Xueyue? Are you going to stay here or go up the mountain with me to practice for a few months?" Nangong Feng asked Xueyue.

Ever since Xueyue knew that Yuan Feiwu was a fallen angel that day, the relationship between the three of them has grown deeper.I didn't see much excitement when getting along with each other, everything was flat, but Nangongfeng felt that because the relationship between the three of them had sublimated, it was even more flat, the kind of natural flatness.

Naturally plain, Nangongfeng knew that this was what he wanted.

Xueyue is the same.

So he explained his affairs clearly to everyone, Nangong Feng kept sighing, this is another guy with an unfortunate childhood.

In this way, he knew that Xueyue had nowhere to go during the long vacation.

"I'm going back to Xuefeng Academy." Xue Yue felt his friend's concern, but he also had his own thoughts, "It's almost time for retreat."

"Do you need help?"

"Need not."

"Then I don't need to find Yuan Feiwu to practice next semester, it's too boring." Nangongfeng laughed, and put books in another bookcase.

Yuan Feiwu understood their plans, smiled slightly, and walked towards his destination: "Then...see you next semester."

A few simple words caused ripples in the hearts of the three of them, slight but hard to calm down.

Xue Yueruo seemed not to tilt his head, but his head was always facing the book and never raised.Nangongfeng stretched out a fist from a bookcase and swung it twice.

Although some accounts seem to be lost, a short separation is sometimes necessary, and they all have things that need to be faced by themselves.

Especially...they all felt that they were holding Yuan back.There are so many months of opportunities to improve themselves, and they all feel that they should grasp it well.Although the progress is rapid when we are together, after all, we still need a time to settle what we have learned alone.This holiday is the time suitable for precipitation.

If Arnold or Arnold appeared next time, they hoped to repel them by themselves instead of relying on others.

Important things should of course be protected by themselves... Yuan Feiwu said this.

But they also want to protect what they think is important, instead of always being the one being guarded.

The three of them knew each other's thoughts, and with silent encouragement and support in their hearts, as usual, they scattered around the library to continue what they should do.

Separation is for a better reunion!

They can figure it out, but it doesn't mean that some people can figure it out.

Yuan Feiwu didn't go far and saw Ophelia reading a book in front of a bookshelf in the corner. Unfortunately, her absent-minded appearance made Yuan Feiwu very sure that she wasn't here to read a book.

"Hello, Miss Ophelia, looking for me?"

"I'm going, you almost scared me to death!" Ophelia took several steps in fright. "I've said it many times, you should make a sound when you walk! And who will come to you? I'm here to read, read!!"

"You read the book backwards." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

Ophelia took a closer look and immediately exploded. She almost threw the book like a dart.

Disgraced at home!Why does it fall into this guy's hands every time I lose face? It's unscientific!
"It's okay to find me, then I'll go."

"Wait a minute!" Ophelia called to stop him even if she felt ashamed. Of course her purpose in coming here was to find him!

Thinking of not being able to see Yuan Feiwu for three months, Ophelia felt a void in her heart.As early as in the simple meeting of the student union before, the topic was simply "Yuan Feiwu Playing House Invitation". Both Athena and Tarena invited him, hoping that he could come to visit.

They were all declined.

"Sorry, there are things that need to be dealt with in these three months, let's wait another day."

Athena's disappointment was directly on her face, and she exchanged some comfort from Fei Wu.Tarena covered her face, but she couldn't see the expression, but when she poured tea for herself, it overflowed several times, and she could tell that she was distracted.

There is something else, where does he have so many things...

With this complaint, Ophelia quietly found the library again.

Of course she also wants to invite Yuan Feiwu to come to her house as a guest, there is no reason, anyway, she really wants to!What kind of things like male guests stop and go to death!

"What's wrong?" Yuan Feiwu still turned around and smiled patiently.

"Where are you going on vacation?" Ophelia asked in a nonchalant tone.

"Secret." Yuan Feiwu laughed.

Secret again!Every long holiday is a secret, Ophelia hates this "secret" now!
"That, that, you can come and play with me if you have free time." Opheliano said, her heart was filled with disappointment.

It seems that this long vacation was spent in the palace looking for Athena to pass the time.

"If the matter is resolved in advance, I will go to play with you."

Ophelia was still kicking the ground depressingly, and it took a while before she understood what Yuan Feiwu said, with an uncontrollable joy on her face, "What did you say? Really?"

"Well, I promise you. I'll call Athena again then."

"it is good!"

The final exam in fifth grade was not as important as it was in fourth grade, and everyone passed it easily and happily.

On the last day, during the closed access time of the non-human house, several people said goodbye briefly. Everyone knew that this was the real farewell of this school year.

"Don't just go and never come back." Yuan Feiwu sent it to the door, Ophelia suddenly felt it.

No matter what happened, Yuan Feiwu's existence was still so distant, like a fantasy figure.

Maybe one day when I wake up, this person is just a dream.

Even if it was a dream, Ophelia didn't want this person to disappear quietly. If this is the case, is this a good dream or a nightmare?I really can't figure out the result.

Ophelia's words may have resonated with Athena and Tarena, and they all turned their heads to look at Yuan Feiwu.

"it is good."

With Yuan Feiwu's confirmation, the girls left with some peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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