Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 376 For the glory of the devil world!

Chapter 376 For the glory of the devil world!

Early the next morning, Xueyue and Nangongfeng said goodbye and left after eating the breakfast made by Yuan Feiwu.

Facing the rising sun, they firmly set foot on their own path with their purpose.

As for Yuan Feiwu, he also has a path he wants to embark on.

"My lord, the change of clothes is ready. One set was carefully prepared by me, and the other was randomly selected by Lucifer."

His ones were carefully prepared, but his own ones were randomly selected?Phil squinted at Xiao Bu, if it wasn't for Yuan Feiwu, he might already be crushed.

After Yuan Feiwu tidied up the kitchen, Xiao Bu had already put two sets of clothes on the table in the living room.

Because Xiao Bu often stayed on the first floor like a laundry room, he was more or less affected. He would look at those clothes when he was extremely bored.Sometimes when I see which outfit feels good, maybe the Demon Lord will look great in it.

"Which set did you choose?"


"Hmm... It's better to wear casual clothes when you go back to the Demon Realm..."

Yuan Feiwu picked up the suit without any hesitation, and went back to his room to change into his school uniform.

Phil also stood aside respectfully, looking shocked when he saw this situation.

The clothes he picked this time are very powerful and domineering, okay?Black cloak and tight leather jacket, so handsome that he has no friends!
As a result, Yuan Feiwu wore a set of sporty long trousers chosen by Xiao Bu, which was simple and satisfactory.

"Let's go."

Following the sound of Yuan Wuwu, he swiped his hand towards the void, and a wide crack opened in the space.

Yuan Feiwu took the lead and walked in, followed by Xiao Bu and Phil.

When they walked out of the chaotic space, they were already in a palace.Behind Yuan Feiwu, Xiao Bu and Mr. Phil, one has recovered the appearance of a giant fly, the other has restored the arrogant and domineering face with black hair and red eyes, and three pairs of black and bright wings spread out behind him.

"Welcome back, Lord Demon King!"

Under the throne of the palace, the demon god of death Samael, the demon god of doom Azazel, the demon god of destruction Abaddon, the demon god of laziness Belial, the demon god of lies Mostima, and the demon god of doom, the Lord of Souls, have long been waiting there.

The figure of the little unicorn grew even bigger, and the dragon scales on his body became more colorful and lush.It flew up and seized the time to lick Yuan Feiwu's face. Its body, which was already bigger than Yuan Feiwu, wanted to get into Yuan Feiwu's arms like before, making Yuan Feiwu's whole body itchy and laughing.If Athena and others see this picture, I really don't know whether to be envious or jealous.

Today is the return of Lord Demon King. This is the news that they have heard early, and of course they have prepared to welcome him in Lucifer's palace early in the morning.

After the Lord Demon King made nine moons in the Demon Realm, they didn't dare to play any tricks anymore, and they were all so devout.

"Excuse me, everyone, get up. I'll go and see how your city is doing."

Yuan Feiwu flew out after speaking.

Beelzebub behind him was quite complacent. He stood beside Yuan Feiwu, looking down at the other great demon gods kneeling down.This kind of feeling that one person is under one person and above ten thousand people is quite good!If there is no overbearing president standing on the other side.

I haven't finished my complacency yet, the Lord Demon King actually just said a word and flew away!The flying one was caught off guard, Beelzebub was almost a few beats behind before catching up.

The other great demon gods were also stunned. As expected of the Lord Demon King, he was eagerly concerned about the construction of the Demon Realm as soon as he came back.But if they fly out a little more seriously, not like the naughty brat next door, they will be happier.

Lord Demon King is going to inspect their territory, except for Lucifer and Beelzebub who have already followed, of course they also have to follow!Otherwise, who knows if Lord Demon King is satisfied?They are not afraid of the Lord Demon King being dissatisfied, what they are most afraid of is that the Lord Demon King is dissatisfied and he is not present to listen to his orders, what if an annoyed person chops off his head and replaces him as the Great Demon God?
This is not impossible at all!
The Rakshasamon Brahma King who became the construction foreman has been eyeing him and wants to become the Great Demon God!It's just that I haven't found a chance to flatter me yet!

Yuan Feiwu is actually like going shopping, slowly drifting through the territories of various families.The basic construction is good, and the city has the basic appearance of a city. Yuan Feiwu can't help but feel that the changes in the demon world make him a little strange and familiar.Strangeness means that the devil world is no longer as barren as the devil world, and familiarity means that people are more and more thinking about the situation in the mortal world, with some human touch.

Lord Demon King also has a sequence of observations in the territory.

The one who was seen first, the Lord Demon King just smiled and nodded, and these great demon gods immediately knew that they were qualified.

At this time, he straightened his back, looking at those big demon gods who were still worried about whether the Lord Demon King would be unhappy observing his territory, with a hint of arrogance in their eyes.

The demon gods who were relieved even whispered.

"Then what, where have Lord Demon King and Beelzebub Lucifer been for half a year?" Mostima was the first to gossip, and then asked in a low voice.

His territory was actually the second to be inspected, and the first one was of course Lucifer's territory where the palace is currently located.

Originally, I thought that I would be inspected so early, and I was at a disadvantage!If you find a place that the Demon King doesn't like, the Great Demon God who will be inspected later will still have time to make a remedy for it!Fortunately, Lord Demon King didn't embarrass him at all, he floated over the territory and said "Not bad", and then floated away.

Easy to pass, the mood suddenly relaxed.Looking at those nervous big demon gods again, Mostima is so proud, it is actually beneficial to find out earlier!It's even more sad to be suffering slowly!What's more, all the territories in the front are qualified, and there is no defect for the Great Demon God who is inspected behind to make up for it. In this way, the Great Demon God who is ranked behind will not benefit at all!
"Mortal Realm, don't you know?" Abaddon's voice was muffled, and Mostima hurriedly told him to stop talking, sound transmission!

Want to die so loudly!We're chatting about gossip about Lord Demon King behind our backs!

Don't look at Lord Demon King's smiling face and looking easy to get along with, he looks like this every time he slashes people, imagine how scary it is!Mostima didn't dare to show any disrespect to Lord Demon King.

"My lord Demon King and Beelzebub Lucifer went to the Mortal Realm together? What are they... going to do?"

Mostima is very afraid of Lord Demon King, but this gossip has aroused his curiosity to the extreme!If any great demon god goes to the mortal world, a little finger can turn the clouds upside down, but also need the three most powerful gods in the demon world to go up together?It must be a big deal!Just imagining it will make Mostima curious to death!
What are you doing up there?In addition to the three protagonists being discussed, Abaddon and Samael can answer this question.Last year, they took the Lord Demon King to deal with the powerful monsters in their own territories. The Lord Demon King told them without any concealment.

The conscience of heaven and earth was not asked by them, but Lord Demon King took the initiative to say it!
One went up to be a history teacher, and the other became a student and part-time librarian... Beelzebub followed him later, and it was said that he was going to be the servant of the Demon King.

History teacher...librarian...servant...

If you say it, the whole world will only think that you are TM sick!Demon King of the Demon Realm!The two great demon gods that even the gods and kings of the heavens have to take seriously!Go to the mortal world to be a teacher, a part-time administrator, or a servant?Don't say that no one will believe you if you say it, the person who said it will be treated as a crazy person first!
Abaddon shook his head and put on a serious expression: "Don't ask too much, this is a top secret... for the glory of the Demon World!"

"Oh!" Mostima didn't dare to ask any more questions, his blood was boiling with excitement, and he really wanted to make a big deal, "I understand, I understand, for the glory of the devil world!"

Mostima, the shrewd demon god of lies who is well-known in the demon world, was fooled one day, and he was fooled by the dullest demon god of destruction, Abaddon... It can be seen how much the demon world has changed under the influence of Yuan Feiwu!
(End of this chapter)

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