Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 377 It's such an uninspiring reward, but I just can't stop it

Chapter 377 It's such an uninspiring reward, but I just can't stop it

The Demon Realm is too large. Although the eight Great Demon Gods all occupy a territory and divide the Demon Realm into eight parts, in fact, the areas they each use in their territories are just the tip of the iceberg.

Yuan Feiwu only spent a whole day inspecting the established cities in their respective territories.

But it doesn't matter, there is no difference between day and night in the devil world.Coupled with the fact that there are now nine moons hanging in the sky, emitting faint light all the time, the entire Demon World has been in a gray tone.Those moons haven't set like the sun yet, so it hasn't changed all the time.

Creatures in the demon world are also very adaptable to this tune.Whether it is a day or a year, the great demon gods don't care about the endless lives during these times, only Yuan Feiwu has this sense of time.After all, he still has to calculate the start time of school.

"Everyone did a good job." Yuan Feiwu returned to the palace, and first praised the work of the demon gods, "It's just a pity..."

The demon gods thumped in their hearts.

I know that the Lord Demon King is not so easy to dismiss. All the construction of the territory is qualified, but it is only polite before soldiers, and then criticize slowly after praise, and even give harsher instructions!

"It's a pity, Lord Demon King, please clarify!"

The Lord of Soul had little contact with Lord Demon King, and he was convinced by Lord Demon King. If Lord Demon King felt something was wrong, he hoped to improve it, so he didn't have much idea.

"Hey... haven't you seen it, the second moon from the left is not round enough..."

dong dong dong...

Together with Beelzebub, the seven Great Demon Gods slipped together.

Didn't you just inspect the construction of the territory city? Why is it a pity that the moon is not round enough?The devil king's thinking jumps too much beyond ordinary people, right?Isn't it round? They didn't think so, why don't you go out and have a look and then respond to Lord Demon King?So is it important whether the distant things are round or not?But Lord Demon King seems to be very entangled!

"How about I go up and pinch it again?"

Luckily, Lucifer knew about this at the beginning, and he also knew that the Lord Demon King seemed to have a different entanglement about whether it was round or not. It might not be as pretty."

"Really? I think it's flatter..." Yuan Feiwu was still tangled up, and if those chicks saw it, he would definitely yell "Xiao Wu, who is tangled up, is so cute!".

But now it is clearly not the thing to worry about this thing, go up and pinch the moon again, Lucifer doesn't realize that it is a simple matter at all!

Hastily winked downwards.

"Round! This subordinate thinks it is very round, [-]% round, and [-]% round!" "Report to Lord Demon King, your subordinates may have eye problems, and every moon looks the same!" "Report to Lord Demon King, your subordinates may also have eyes The problem is that the ten moons look the same round, maybe the subordinate's eyes are fake eyes..." "To tell you the truth, the subordinates feel that the second moon is too round, rounder than the others, and they should pinch it if they want to." Squeeze the other eight!" "Shut up, Mostima, and squeeze your sister, eight! Lord Demon King, take it seriously and see if I won't deal with you!"

All the demon gods were sweating profusely and talking nonsense, and they were all worried with Lucifer anyway.Now there are nine moons that make the aura of the devil world very strong, and they are all super satisfied. If the devil later goes up and pinches the moon and pinches one unhappy, it will all be smashed, and everything will be gone!
Absolutely can't make things out of context!

"Okay..." Yuan Feiwu seemed to be convinced, and finally turned to the topic, "We will continue to expand the size of the city now. The requirements for road construction are not high, as long as there are no unevenness. Anyway, everyone does not use cars for transportation. A type of transportation; the greening in the city can be denser, and forests and farmland are planned outside the city, so that more life can be nurtured; the size of the city can make all the people in your territory have a place to live; the city is almost the same. Road signs and roads can be built between the city and the city to facilitate everyone's communication and trade..."

Yuan Feiwu spoke one by one, and the demon gods recorded each one in their heads.Lord Demon King said everything is right and very simple, but in fact it is very difficult to do, and many great demon gods have lost their faces.

"I have not limited your time for these, you can proceed step by step."

Oh, it's easy to say that there is no time limit!Many great demon gods have already prepared the idea of ​​muddling along.

"But too slowly, and there's no reward."


Just as they were being attracted by these two words, a few basketball-sized energy crystals flew quietly in front of them.

It's unbelievable that there are such huge energy crystals!Everyone was stunned to see the energy crystal in front of them. If they had to change to being more awake, they would have snatched it early regardless of 21.

"These are the rewards for this urban construction."

Here's the reward!
What a novelty, I reward this every time, but this time it's a little bigger!
But I really like it!

The great demon gods quickly took the energy crystals, and already felt the exceptionally clean divine power on them!This thing is a great tonic for all god-level creatures in the demon world. Absorbing it can greatly increase the cultivation level; the body of the demon god has become an energy body, and if it is damaged, you can use these stored divine powers to repair physical injuries, as good medicine It is also possible to use.

A few demon gods just threw it into their mouths, and most of them stuffed it into the storage space, intending to keep it for a rainy day or take it back to their own palace to practice hard. It would be a waste of money not to take it seriously.

"Subordinates must build the territory well and live up to the Lord Demon King's entrustment!" The demon gods quickly regained their composure from the desire for energy crystallization, and all knelt down and danced towards the source to express their gratitude.

"Hmm, please."


It's amazing!
Although building a city is a headache, it's actually not a big deal. The great demon gods just let their subordinates do it after explaining it to them.Those subordinates thought it had something to do with the great demon gods because the aura of the demon world was nine times stronger, and they were extremely obedient.Compared to the trouble of construction, this harvest is huge. How much can such a large and pure crystal of dark divine power enhance one's cultivation?How many years can you compare yourself to practice slowly?ten years?century?millennium?

At least over a hundred years!How many years it will be is hard to predict.

With this thing as a reward, you can talk about anything!

Ah ha ha ha ha... uh...

Mostima was the most shrewd among them, he laughed heartily for a while, and suddenly met the Demon King on the throne.

Lord Demon King was very calm, still squinting his eyes and smiling like that, nothing changed from before.

But Mostima still touched something in his heart.

Perhaps in the eyes of Lord Demon King, the performance of all the demon gods is taken for granted!So he is calm.

Even...Mostima looked at the well-behaved appearance of the other great demon gods, and felt like the Lord Demon King greeted some disobedient brats. At first, he beat some of them who were particularly disobedient to make an example, and then made his request , It is almost done and gives great benefits.And then, and then, they are all obedient...

A typical slap to a candy!

After a long time, they thought that the devil king looked like a brat, but in fact, the devil regarded them as a brat!A real brat!

No matter how much tears flowed down his face, with the energy crystallization of basketball, Mostima felt that everything was worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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