Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 378 Lord Demon King, I'm Really Not Crazy

Chapter 378 Lord Demon King, I'm Really Not Crazy

Lucifer did not express his happiness when he received the energy crystal, and even worried.

He put away the energy crystals casually, and flew towards the source and said: "Master Demon King, you have given us so much divine power again, isn't this too much of a loss to your cultivation?"

All the demon gods looked at Lucifer one after another.

Of course, it is impossible for the white wolf to appear empty-handed. Of course, it is produced by the Lord Demon King himself by extracting divine power!
It's very clear!

However, this question that everyone ignored intentionally or unintentionally was pointed out by Lucifer.

Because only Lucifer is sincerely following the source and flying.Not because of Yuan Feiwu's strength, not because of benefits, it is said that it is... friendship?Lucifer felt that there might be a friendship between himself and Yuan Feiwu, but this kind of emotion surpassed friendship, there were no words to describe it, and it surpassed the bond between the demon gods of life.

The entanglement started from the day Yuan Feiwu rescued him and his fallen angel army, and it may be entangled for eternity.Because their lives will not be annihilated without external force.

Beelzebub is the most contradictory among all the demon gods.

He is different from the demon gods below, he also sincerely follows Lord Demon King.But he is also different from Lucifer, he sincerely follows Lord Demon King just to gain benefits for himself!

At this moment, I can only become a fly with contradictions to death.

"Almost no impact, don't worry." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

"big boss……"

"Really, I didn't lie to you." Yuan Feiwu continued.

Of course Lucifer doesn't know how exaggerated Yuan Feiwu's divine power is, and even if he doesn't practice on purpose, his body is absorbing spiritual power all the time to increase his cultivation.The energy crystals he gave were produced by the body's recent natural cultivation, and they did not consume one's own divine power to produce them at all.It's just that the concentration of spiritual power in the other world was not high before, so the rewarded energy crystals were relatively small.Now that the concentration has risen, the body that can be squandered will have more divine power to cultivate on its own, so the rewarded energy crystals are much larger.

Lucifer was worried when he saw that the energy crystals sent by Yuan Feiwu were exaggeratedly large. In fact, Yuan Feiwu sent them according to the content ratio, which had no effect on him as before.

The divine power sent out today is probably the amount he cultivated by himself when he visited the territories of the demon gods today, it doesn't matter.

One day is equivalent to the power of the eight demon gods who have practiced together for a hundred years. If Yuan Feiwu explained it to Lucifer in detail, he might frighten him.

"Okay, it's okay, let's go."

Lord Demon King has said so, everyone has nothing to worry about, they all got up and thanked Lord Demon King.

Many people are in a hurry, rushing back to absorb the energy crystals!But in front of Lord Demon King, at least one should be more reserved, not to mention reserved, but also to be respected.So none of the big demon gods flew away, they all moved away from the palace step by step, wishing to write the words "reluctantly" on their faces.Even those who go too fast have to slow down.

What are you doing so fast, don't you really want to see Lord Demon King?
It is really sad to be put on such a hat.

Lucifer cast a glance at Beelzebub who was standing on the other side of the Demon King, that guy had no intention of leaving at all, it seemed that he was definitely going to cling to the Demon King.Since Lord Demon King didn't say anything, it was hard for him to say anything, so he asked directly before he could avoid suspicion, "Master Demon King, what do you need to do next? Don't you still have something to do?"

"Yes, do it now." Yuan Feiwu said and stood up, "I want to go to heaven."

The demon gods haven't walked out of the palace yet, with their strength, they can't even pretend not to hear them!They all stopped and looked back at Lord Demon King with dumbfounded expressions.

Brother, why do you suddenly want to go to heaven? !If you don't want to play with the moon, you want to play with the sun? !

"Lord Demon King, what are you going to do in heaven? This subordinate is willing to accompany Lord Demon King!" Lucifer frowned.

"Didn't a Yuriel come to us from the heavens last year to be our guest? Reciprocity, let me go up this time as a guest! I will go alone." Yuan Feiwu smiled, that smile looked like an angel, but In the eyes of the demon gods, it is even more terrifying than demons!
Is there anyone who is so courteous!They came down to make trouble, not to give you gifts!
No, Lord Demon King meant to go up to make trouble and pay back?Single-handedly attacking the heavens, the Demon King is mighty and domineering!
The eyes of all the demon gods looking at Lord Demon King changed from astonishment to admiration and awe.

"Lord Demon King, does this mean to declare war on the heavens?" Of course Lucifer knew the consequences of Lord Demon King's trip.

"No! Juliyer came down and said that it was not a declaration of war, it was just his personal behavior. I went up this time only as a personal behavior, and it has nothing to do with the Demon Realm." Yuan Feiwu said seriously.

At this moment, Lord Demon King has a serious face, seriously you wool!
He is just one of the archangels, so it can be said that it does not represent the behavior of the heavens; you are the devil king!Your every move represents the meaning of the devil world!Can't it be better to have different identities?
All the demon gods put away their admiration, and there was an indescribable pain in their heads.

Samael was even more unstable. He wanted to support his body with the poisonous spear of fate, but the spear pierced his instep, rolling around on the ground in pain, and Xiao Hei jumped far away in fright. For a while, I thought my owner was sick.

Samael made a lot of noise, but the other great demon gods really didn't have time to pay attention to him. They continued to look at Lord Demon King, wanting to make sure that Lord Demon King was joking or serious.

As a result, under the throne, you can see the great demon gods with all kinds of strange looks, all keeping their bodies forward and their heads turned and then frozen, which is very strange.

They didn't pay attention to Samuel's movements, Yuan Feiwu could see it: "Samael, do you think it's okay to poke yourself at ease!"

Poke your sister!What does it mean to poke yourself with confidence!Does he look like he poked himself on purpose?Do you look like a psycho?

Samuel covered his feet for a long time, but he didn't seem to feel the effects of the poison: "It seems to be all right."

"Didn't lie to you! But even if you think it's fun, don't poke yourself too often. Cherish your body. You're already a demon, and you're still like a child..."

"Yes, thank you Lord Demon King for reminding me, thank you very much!"

For the first time, Samael understood that anger can make a person feel no pain, and he immediately stops the pain and stands up straight again.

Compared to the words of Lord Demon King, what is a mere spear!Another ten spears and I'll be able to hold it!
Who would often poke themselves to play!In the eyes of Lord Demon King, is he really a psychopath?Why don't you think about it, if you go head-to-head with Lord Demon King, is there a [-] in [-] chance of winning?
After thinking about it, I am sure that there is not even a one in ten thousand chance of victory.

Then don't talk, Lord Demon King don't talk to him, otherwise he thinks he will cry one day.

(End of this chapter)

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