Chapter 379

"The matter is so settled, I'll go up now." Yuan Feiwu waved his hand, indicating that this matter is so settled.

Lucifer saw that Lord Demon King had already made up his mind, so he couldn't say much, so he could only stay worried.

But the little unicorn jumped on Yuan Feiwu's body excitedly, roaring all the time.

"You can't go... really want to see the heavens? Then let you pick me up when I come back, good boy..." Yuan Feiwu said while stroking Qilin's head.

Seeing Lord Demon King talking to Qilin like a hallucinated boy again, all the demon gods are already familiar with it.But Lord Demon King decided to go to heaven, and they had to make preparations.

Prepare for war!
Like what only represents a personal position and not the devil world, this kind of nonsense is completely ignored by the heavens!

In fact, they didn't take Juliyer's nonsense seriously, it was clearly a conspiracy of the heavens.But there is no way, everyone knows that the strength of the Demon Realm is indeed not as good as that of the Heaven Realm, and if a war really starts, the Demon Realm will naturally suffer.

So there is no reason to start a war on the grounds of Yuriel.But if they want to go to war, they are not afraid. Anyway, as long as they are serious about saving their lives, the heavens will have nothing to do with them.

At the beginning, I thought that the heavenly world would take advantage of the difference in the concentration of aura between the two worlds, and the longer the time dragged on, the greater the gap between them. This seemingly distant future at the time has come true.Just looking at Juliyer's strength, it can already be seen that it has increased.You must know that Juliel is famous for his brains, and his combat power is among the archangels, hehe, he can beat Lucifer now.Although it is said that with the help of the holy sword Huiyao, Lucifer's strength is not yet at its peak, but his own strength must be so strong, right?Otherwise, the name of the fallen angel Lucifer, the head of the great demon god in the demon world, is just a nice name?
But now there are nine moons in the Demon Realm, and they see the hope that they can continue to fight with the Heaven Realm!
But now there is a change of mind, that powerful Demon King wants to go to the heavens to find his way back!

This is the same thing as declaring war!
"Master Demon King, we will go to the heavens and open their barriers from the outside. Let us accompany the eight demon gods. Otherwise, it will take too much energy for the demon king to open the barriers, and you will suffer after entering the heavens." Lucifer is still flying around for the source For the sake of.

"Oh, it shouldn't be necessary." Yuan Feiwu smiled, "Where is King Polo?"

"King Polo?!" The demon gods were stunned, what's going on with that construction foreman at this time?
Jumping from the building to the moon, and then jumping from the moon to the upper heaven to find a place, after a long time, everyone was nervous, and Nima jumped back to the building again?All the demon gods wanted to throw all their weapons on the ground and shouted "Let's stop playing!" and burst into tears!

I can't understand the psychology of the new master at all, and I always feel as if I am being teased. How wronged this feeling is to their superior demon god!
This time everyone's talking and talking prevented the Lord Demon King from going to find King Boluo in person. How could such a small person need the Lord Demon King to find him himself!Besides, Lord Demon King wants to go to King Boluo, King Boluo is the first one who is not happy!The last time Lord Demon King went to find him in person, and then their territory was almost wiped out...

Lucifer greeted briefly, and Mijel, his subordinate, quickly went out to find someone.Their great demon gods felt disrespectful of their status when they sent voice transmissions to the King of Borneo, and they all ordered their subordinates to call them down. The Demon Realm attaches great importance to status levels.Of course, the exception is when asking someone to borrow someone to build a city.

The four-winged fallen angel Mijar was the first fallen angel to meet the Demon King in the Demon Realm.At this time, he was already a four-winged fallen angel, at least at the level of the head of the Fallen Angel Legion, and now he is the captain of Lucifer's close guard.Don't underestimate the position of the captain of the close body guard, this is an important position that has always followed Lucifer!Although Lucifer is basically not in the Demon Realm recently, and he doesn't like to be followed by people in the Demon Realm, he becomes a guard watching the yard.But what does it mean to protect Lucifer's palace, protect Lord Demon King!Lord Demon King has always lived in Lucifer's palace in the Demon Realm!Looking at it this way, this position is very important!Those regiment leaders didn't dare to underestimate him when they saw him.

It is impossible for him to run errands, but for Lord Lucifer and Lord Demon King, running errands has become very high-style!
During the period of waiting for the arrival of King Boluo, the several great demon gods hadn't settled their postures yet, and they were still in strange postures with their bodies facing forward and their heads twisted back.

Lord Demon King has told everyone to leave just now, and everyone wants to leave too... But now things are getting more and more incomprehensible. It's time to go!
So turning around now counts as disobeying Lord Demon King's order to "scatter"?Will you lose your head?
To be on the safe side, why not continue walking outside, or at most go slower?Slow enough for King Boluo to arrive, slow enough to listen to the gossip of the Lord Demon King looking for King Boluo?If King Borna came slowly, wouldn't he look too contrived?
Tangle, all the demon gods are so tangled up that their legs and feet don't know how to take a step.

Fortunately, King Boluo is very strong. I heard that the Lord Demon King came to him, and he only blamed himself for not having two more legs, or two wings.It's useless to be annoyed, anyway, go all out!

When he came to Lucifer's palace, all the demon gods greeted him with smiling faces.The demon gods turned their minds very quickly, taking the opportunity to turn back very smoothly, enthusiastically leading the way for King Polo, and all followed behind him, as if King Polo might get lost in the palace hall.

King Borna didn't know the minds of the demon gods, he came in and was confused by the warm greeting, and then walked forward surrounded by crowds, his heart skipped a beat.

Nima, they have cut off their own way of retreat!
What did you do?Being called in a hurry, afraid of neglecting Lord Demon King, he hurried on so fast that he didn't have time to think about what to do with him.Now I have some ideas. Could it be that this group of great demon gods did not build their territory well, and the Lord Demon King blamed it all, and put all the blame on Luo Shamen, right?
Mother Hippie, these guys are beasts!
"See Lord Demon King! My subordinates are apologizing! I implore Lord Demon King to recite the fact that the Rakshamen clan has no credit but hard work, and spare Rakshamen's life!"

King Boluo didn't dare to escape because he was in a bad mood. He had seen the ability of the Lord Demon King before, and with a bunch of great demon gods blocking his way, where could he escape?
He simply fell to the ground and bowed to Lord Demon King, regardless of whether he was wrong or not, he should admit it first, and he had to wait until he saved his life to explain anything.

"There is hard work, and of course there is credit. You Rakshamen have done a good job, keep working hard." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

Uh... good job?make persistent efforts?

Did you hear me wrong?

King Borna raised his head, and a huge energy crystal floated in front of his head, scaring him back a few steps.

After feeling the divine power inside, Halazi immediately flowed to the ground!There can still be such a large energy crystallization, how much divine power is contained in it!

The demon gods looked like "Look, look, the style is low, I haven't seen the world, have I?", and they didn't think about how shocked their expressions were when they faced the energy crystal just now.

(End of this chapter)

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