Chapter 380

"Master Demon King, this is..."

King Boluo could barely maintain his sanity in front of the Lord Demon King, and the six hands held each other to prevent it from stretching out.There is no way to drool, let's drool first.

"Rewards. As for your subordinates, do you need any rewards?" Yuan Feiwu didn't forget that the Rakshamen and other low-level personnel also contributed a lot to helping the Demon Realm slowly build a good city.

"No, no, they are paid for their work and don't need any rewards!"

King Borneo licked off the saliva from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were already inseparable from the energy crystals.How could he ask Lord Demon King for anything at this time, everything is worth it!

"Then it's still this."

Another basketball-sized energy crystal flew in front of King Borneo, black and shiny.

This thing is so beautiful that King Borna forgot to breathe.

"This is for your subordinates." Lucifer said coldly.

He was naturally distressed that Lord Demon King wasted his divine power again, and this was given to other members of the Rakshasa clan. Wouldn't it be a waste of Lord Demon King's painstaking efforts if it was swallowed up by the King of Brahma?

"Of course, of course!" Brahmin quickly replied, "It's okay, I'll leave now?"

Lord Demon King said that if you want to give it to your subordinates, you can only give it to your subordinates. King Borneo is not as careful as Lucifer imagined.In fact, it shouldn’t be said that there is no idea, but the performance of the Lord Demon King made the King of Borneo dare not have other ideas. Didn’t he see the energy crystal and told him he didn’t dare to make a fuss.Under normal circumstances, no matter whether you grab it for yourself first or not!

And a small share of another energy crystal of the same size is enough for the thousands of people in Luoshamen, and his subordinates are very excited that such a clean energy can be divided.

that's all?Then what?
The Great Demon God below is still waiting for Mr. Eighty-Eight Demon King to find King Boluo.

Beelzebub didn't take it seriously.

Based on his understanding of Lord Demon King, it is right to think in the opposite direction.

For example, everyone thinks that the Lord Demon King's thinking jump is unexpected, but there must be something else to call the Brahman.In fact, as long as you think about it reversely, you will know it, and it is really just a call to praise!

That's right, that's it!Then no!
Damn, I seem to be slowly grasping the thoughts of the Lord Demon King, it's not easy... Beelzebub's heart is fluttering, and his movements are even more fluttering. The insect's wings flap slightly behind his back, and his feet start to leave the ground.

"King Borneo, I still have something to do with you."


Beelzebub's body fell aside.

Everyone looked over, but saw Beelzebub struggling to get up and saying, "This place is too fucking slippery to stand on, and it's too unfriendly to the legs of flies..."

Don't play by the routine! ! ! !

Beelzebub roared inside! ! !

Isn't it just the way that the Lord Demon King smiled sweetly and said "It's okay, step back", which made all the demon gods puzzled! ! !

After a long time, it turned out that I still failed to grasp the tricks of Lord Demon King! ! !
No one paid attention to Beelzebub's painstaking efforts. After all, this kind of development is normal. There must be a later story for the Lord Demon King to call King Borna over.And it's great, it turns out that it's really important to find King Borneo. Although the devil king is unpredictable, his thinking is not too jumpy.We can still communicate well!
King Borna hurriedly bowed to Yuan Feiwu on the throne again: "Master Demon King, if you have anything to say, just say it! This subordinate will definitely go through fire and water!"

"Do you still remember when Yuriel came down to the Demon Realm a year ago?"

"Remember...remember!" King Boluo broke out in a cold sweat, he never expected that Lord Demon King would come to settle accounts at this time.

Even the demon gods couldn't help sighing, they didn't expect the reflex arc of Lord Demon King's revenge to be so long!Incredible looking!

"Where is the passage he came down from?"

"Tong, channel?" King Polo couldn't react, and thought about it carefully, "What channel? Oh oh! That is a gap in the demon space that the subordinate opened behind the soul-destroyer array in his own territory in private, because the soul-destroyer array The shielding effect is extraordinary to hide from the Lord Demon King and all the demon gods. Now it has been re-sealed by the subordinates, please redeem the Lord Demon King!"

"Take me there, and I'll go up from here." Yuan Feiwu asked the King Polo to get up, and motioned the King Polo to lead the way.

"Go up? Where?" King Borna was confused again.


"Heaven Realm?!" King Polo's voice suddenly raised eight notes, and the last word "jie" broke.

"We have an independent gap here, and I believe the heavens also have it, so Yuriel can come and go freely. Otherwise, the barrier of the heaven will be unsealed, which is too big a project. This kind of independent gap must be opened from the outside , is much easier than breaking the celestial barrier?"

Everyone understood what Lord Demon King said.

Why didn't everyone think of it!

No, no one thought about making troubles in the heavens single-handedly, who would think about such a thing!

"Master Demon King, with Juliel's wisdom, I'm afraid the gap over there has been sealed. Or the arrangement has been made. It is impossible for him not to have thought about the possibility of us infiltrating into the heaven from here." Lucifer Chaoyuan Fei Wu said.

"I think his statement that 'the act of coming to the Demon Realm is only a personal act' has a certain degree of credibility. Maybe only he knows about the gap, and he doesn't want to make it public. It's just that he blocked it with his own power. Try to see if you can untie it, I heard that he has a lot of research on formations, right?"

Lucifer suddenly realized that according to Juliel's rigorous thinking, the possibility that Lord Demon King said was very high.Juliyer's magic circle is at the top level in the heavens, and it is easy to make a magic circle that he will know if it is broken.

Even if a demon god really intends to go up from here, he must use external force to crack the magic circle. There are probably a thousand ways for Julier to arrange a good show of catching turtles in a jar.

And Lord Demon King made a move to hack that magic circle without anyone noticing, maybe it is really possible.

"Here it is here."

King Boluo brought Yuan Feiwu to the place where the soul-stirring formation originally started.Maybe because he was so happy, he forgot to store the two energy crystals in his storage space, and ran over with one in his arms.

The other demon gods laughed at each other and followed suit, forgetting that the previous Lord Demon King called "Let's go".Along the way, they all expressed their worries to Lord Demon King, anyway, they all acted like "I'm not just joining in the fun, I'm your caring little padded jacket".

As a result, once you get to the location, your sister is too damn close to the soul-destroying array, what if you accidentally step on a few steps and directly enter the soul-destroying array?
Seeing this situation, all the demon gods stopped far away, and even Beelzebub stood a few steps away, watching the king of Boluo pointing with Yuan Feiwu, while Lucifer asked a few questions from time to time.

Of course, Yuan Feiwu was not afraid at all, he knew that there was no such thing as the Dementor Array here, and it was contained in his body.

King Boluo has some connections with the Dementor Array, and of course he also feels that the Dementor Array has disappeared, let alone worry.

King Borneo's seal, Yuan Feiwu, shattered with a simple kick, so King Borneo wouldn't be surprised.Is it strange that a demon dragon controlled by nearly a thousand soul wizards can't die with a single sword, and it's strange to smash your own seal with one kick?It would be strange if he couldn't be kicked to death!

(End of this chapter)

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