Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 381 The First Guy Encountered in the Heaven Realm

Chapter 381 The first guy I met in the heaven
The so-called gap is invisible.Yuan Feiwu stretched out his hand and cut through the space to create a chaotic space, which is actually no different from what Yuan Feiwu did when he came back from the mortal world to the Demon Realm.The gap is just a gap in a certain area of ​​the enchantment between the Demon Realm and the Heaven Realm. Now we are using that gap to get in and out. There is not really a passage to the Heaven Realm. There are up and down stations in the middle, like a subway.

Yuan Feiwu didn't talk too much, and got in right away. Lucifer wanted to say a few words, but he disappeared.

I'm so worried, should I follow quietly... The fallen angel Lucifer, who is fearless and fearless, won't even twitch his eyebrows if he enters the heaven by himself.Lord Demon King's strength is higher than his own, but he keeps nagging like an old lady.

Thinking about it this way, he couldn't understand it himself. If Juliyer was right, he had changed, but he was not necessarily happy when he became a mother-in-law.

"I've sealed a magic circle here, we can come in and out freely, but others can't get in. If I can't figure it out for a while, I'll come back and make a long-term plan. Let's leave."

When Lucifer was worrying about gains and losses, Lord Demon King poked his head out and spoke again, and disappeared immediately after speaking.

Looking at the smiling face that suddenly appeared and then disappeared, Lucifer immediately knew why he was so worried... Lord Demon King sometimes gives him the feeling that he is an unreliable brat!Can you not worry!
The sound of space tearing kept roaring in Yuan Feiwu's ears, and the tearing and oppression caused by space instability kept finding his seemingly thin body, as if he could be torn into pieces in the next second.

But everything can only be in vain.

Yuan Feiwu strolled to the pre-locked position, the space torn was torn, and his walk was to walk, as if two things were irrelevant and should not exist in the same space, the contradiction was so speechless.

"Well, it's really a magic circle."

Yuan Feiwu's divine power was released, sensing the inconspicuous magic circle in the gap in the heaven.

Very precise and profound array!
Yuan Feiwu couldn't help admiring.

His knowledge of magic circles was only learned in the library of the Landis School of Magic, and his level could at most reach the limit of what the mortal world could achieve.As an existence that is countless times stronger than the mortal realm, the heavenly realm must have a higher and deeper magic circle.Just like magic, there are levels 1-10 in the mortal world, and level 10 is already a god-level magic, and only magic saints who can cut through the void and ascend to the heaven can cast it.But this god level is just a magic that can be easily cast by all the gods in the heaven or demon world.Their magic power, in the calculation method of the mortal world, may be called 11th, 12th or even 15th, 16th level magic.

This is also the case with the magic circle, like what Yuan Feiwu encountered now, it is a hundred times more complicated than the highest-level magic circle learned by Mortal Realm.I have to say that Ulier's formation is terrifying.

Yuan Feiwu has never seen it before, but the magic circle learned by Fanjie is also useful, at least he understands the principle, and it took a little time to hack the magic circle.

In order not to use divine power to cause fluctuations to be discovered, his clothes were gone when he jumped into the heaven, and the space tear was roaring all the time.This time, he was well prepared, and quickly went to the storage space, fell back to the ground, and was already dressed in a simple T-shirt and trousers.

He had just breathed in the air of the heavenly realm, his peripheral vision hastily swept across, and the scenery of the heavenly realm was already in his eyes.There are seven suns hanging in the sky, exuding warm sunshine, shining warmly on his body, and everything around him also becomes warm.

The Gothic-style square is lined with luxurious white or golden buildings. The lawn not far away is bent over by a fat cat walking slowly, and the bells around its neck are jingling, as if it is relaxing in place of the square. My own unwillingness to be lonely.There is also a huge pool in the center of the square. The crystal inside is not white, but deep sapphire blue. From time to time, water splashes rise into the sky, adding a little noise to the surrounding tranquility.

This is a place so leisurely that people forget the passage of time.

Yuan Feiwu didn't have time to relax, as soon as he appeared, he immediately rolled to the side and hid behind a stone chair.

He could figure out how Julier sealed the gap, but Yuan Feiwu never thought that the gap was in such a conspicuous place on the side of the square.Even if it's not a place with few people, it should be in a slightly remote place!

Fortunately, there were no people in the square now, so Yuan Feiwu chose to hide behind the stone chair.But since he can hide, it means someone is still there!

A man wearing a bright red cloak, even his hair was like a mass of burning bright red flames, his eyes were completely fiery red without the whites of the eyeballs.He stood on the other side of the square, not far in front of him, a seraphim floating quietly with three pairs of beautiful snow-white wings stretched out from behind.

Seraphim's appearance is majestic, with a cold expression on his sculpture-like face.His indifference is different from Lucifer's arrogance and indifference, Juriel's melancholy indifference, even Jiawen's cold-blooded indifference, and Xueyue's calmness and indifference, revealing a trace of viciousness.


Maybe it's so shallow that no one can spot the difference.

Yuan Feiwu didn't see many seraphs, only Uriel and Hania, gone.He had never seen this blazing angel, and he didn't know him.He didn't know this Seraphim, but he could recognize the sword on Seraph's waist.

Although the slightly huge cross-shaped long sword was lying obediently in the scabbard at this time, Yuan Feiwu could not mistake it.

The former Seven Evil Swords, the holy sword Yaohui.

The owner of the holy sword Yaohui is not Yulier. Last year, Yulier just claimed to "steal" the demon world to deal with Lucifer.Its real owner is the head of the six archangels in the heavens, the battle angel Michael!

From Lucifer's accidental slip of the tongue, Yuan Feiwu knew that Michael was the only person he hated the most in the heavenly realm.

Now he didn't know whether it was good luck or bad luck, but he met Michael as soon as he came up, an elusive and dangerous man.

"Who's there?" A slightly deep voice came from Seraphim's mouth, clear and thick, and his eyes looked at the stone chair.

From breaking through the gap to changing clothes and rolling into the back of the stone chair, it was actually just a moment, without making any sound.

Yuan Feiwu has already observed many scenes around him in such an instant, and Michael also discovered the existence of Yuan Feiwu in such an instant.

"Who heard it?" The man in the red cloak frowned and transmitted Michael.

He didn't notice Yuan Feiwu's appearance, but after Michael said so, he immediately understood that someone was hiding there, and panicked.

Where did that man come from?How long have you been here?Why didn't I find out?Has the whispered conversation between myself and Michael been heard?
Although I used voice transmission to talk to Michael, as long as someone who is interested gets closer, the voice transmission can also be intercepted.Of course, caring people refer to at least the level above God.

The moment Yuan Feiwu came out, there was such a little movement, one felt it immediately, and the other was completely aware of it later, which shows that the strength gap between the two is not small.

After Lucifer fell into the demon world, besides the king of gods, the strongest in the heavens is Michael, right?

This difference is normal!

Yuan Feiwu, a person from the demon world, understands it very well, but the man in the red cloak doesn't understand it, and his face becomes even uglier when he thinks about this gap more deeply.

In particular, Yuan Feiwu rolled out from behind the stone chair abruptly, jumped a few times and flew far away, further confirming the gap between the man in the red cloak and Michael, and he was extremely upset.

He always thought that he and Michael were about the same in strength!

(End of this chapter)

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