Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 382 Fate Is Really Unexplainable

Chapter 382 Fate Is Really Unexplainable

There is no divine power fluctuation.

Michael's eyes instantly changed from laziness to sharpness, and he couldn't feel any fluctuations in divine power from the fast-moving figure.

Spiritual consciousness instantly enveloped him, and Michael was very clear that he had never seen this person before.So what does it mean that the other party has been withdrawing divine power but not sending it out? Didn't it mean that he didn't want to let himself know who the other party was?

But I have never seen him before, why bother withholding my divine power?

But that head of black hair... looked particularly out of place in the heavenly realm.

"It must be silenced."

The man in the red cloak did not hide his killing intent at all, his eyes became even redder, and countless flames appeared on his head out of thin air, turning into fiery snakes and shooting out.

The fire snakes all over the sky covered Yuan Feiwu's escape route. If you look closely, those fire snakes will fine-tune according to Yuan Feiwu's change of direction, as if they really have life and consciousness.

"low profile."

As Michael said, he didn’t know when he was ahead of the fiery snakes, and with a simple flutter of three pairs of beautiful wings on his back, those fiery snakes were all swept aside, like small candles blown out by the breeze. Pitiful.

With Michael showing his hand, the man in the red cloak will no longer worry about the difference in strength between himself and Michael.

Because the facts may make it hard for him to accept!

Unexpectedly, after not fighting Michael for a long time, he has already put himself away from such a big distance!
It seems that the Wingless God should really surrender, there is no way to make up the gap between them, and the angels with wings absorb the spiritual energy much faster than the Wingless God without wings... The difference in talent!

The man in the red cloak sighed unwillingly.

"Go back first, it's too obvious without you." Michael said lightly.

Hearing Michael's words, the man in the red cloak paused his messy thoughts, looked up, and saw that Michael had stopped the somewhat thin kid.

The strongest archangel in the heavens and the battle angel Michael, can he miss it?The man in the red cloak didn't know who the black-haired boy was, but he knew he didn't need to worry about him anymore, so he turned around and flew in another direction.

As expected of Michael, he flew over Yuan Feiwu before he got into the building complex, with both agility and accurate judgment.

But Yuan Feiwu would not be scared off so easily, and continued to rush forward.

The condescending Michael didn't know whether to praise this guy for his bravery, or to laugh at this guy's ignorance. He dared to rush towards him sullenly. What's the difference between suicide and suicide?
Without speaking or showing any expression, Michael directly pulled out the holy sword Hui Yao, and the shadows of the sword flew all over, like weaving a spider web in front of Yuan Feiwu.

Yuan Feiwu has also achieved this effect before, but it is easy to do it by weaving silk with dark element magic energy.But how fast his sword is, like Michael, who uses the sword to form a net!
But Yuan Feiwu rushed straight over as if he couldn't see those sword shadows!Even Michael was taken aback by this move.

court death?

No, in the next second, this black-haired and overly beautiful boy passed through the shadow of the sword without any injuries, and even passed under his body at the moment when he thought he was determined to win but did not regain his senses.

After all, the sword shadow is just a sword shadow, just the shadow left by swinging the sword too fast, without substance.

And this black-haired boy was able to spot where the sword light was, accurately flashed the holy sword Hui Yao, and passed through the seemingly seamless sword shadow, which was terrifying.At least Michael felt that other archangels could not do it without using divine power.

If he used divine power, Michael was sure that the other party would not be able to pass through.

But the opponent didn't use divine power either... Such a precise judgment is not easy.

Michael put away his contempt and flapped his wings to catch up.

Seraphim's speed-up is terrifying, those three pairs of wings are like three jet motors, with a slight adjustment of the direction and flapping, the body speeds up instantly!
The distance caused by being half a beat slow was only shortened all of a sudden, and he had already entered the attack distance of the Holy Sword Huiyao again!And it's still facing away!


Continue to speed up without hesitation, raise your sword and strike out!Sacred Sword Huiyao is rarely so simple and unadorned without revealing any light, but with murderous aura, it wipes the opponent's neck!

"Someone is coming over there, do you still want to chase?"

As the black-haired boy said, his body stopped abruptly, his feet left a light mark on the pale white floor tiles, rubbing sparks, and he turned around quickly!
This time Michael was startled, but he could tell that all of this was his premeditation!
To put it lightly, the purpose of rushing past Jianying is to make himself serious, and then he will speed up to the extreme.At this time, turn around quickly, turn around and kill a carbine to catch yourself off guard!
But the other party's return of the carbine was not to fight him, his purpose was still to escape.The direction he was really going to escape was right behind him. Someone was coming over there, and he also noticed it.

The opportunity that appeared just now was not for himself, but he created it for himself!

If he rushed through this time, Michael knew that he would have no chance to kill and wipe out the traces before the visitor saw it, unless he killed the visitor too.

Is it because I stopped Fire Snake in order to keep a low profile earlier, or did I really eavesdrop on my conversation, so this kid is so confident and not afraid of using his supernatural power?

Now even Michael is not confident. He thought that he would find out the other party as soon as he appeared, and he killed it just in case, in case he was eavesdropped on the whole process.Now this just-in-case seems like a real possibility!

"Aren't you afraid that I'll kill him too?" Michael couldn't help but want to pierce the other party's confidence.

"Then you are working hard..."

To be able to see through his thoughts... Michael was rarely depressed.

After all, Michael is not a cat or a dog, and the holy sword that he slashed out changed rapidly, chasing after the opponent's figure.But the opponent's body turned away skillfully like a spirit snake, and the sword's edge was only a little short, but it failed to touch the opponent after all.

That smiling face met me so close at hand, and passed by.

The disadvantage of speeding up to the extreme came out. Michael quickly stopped his forward speed and turned around with the power of his wings. The other party took the opportunity to pull some distance away.

Michael didn't start to chase again, but just looked at the holy sword Hui Yao in his hand.

Yuan Feiwu ran in the same direction as the man in the red cloak left before.

There was a middle-aged man at the other end, tall and big, wearing a set of light armor, with a stubble on his face, he looked a bit masculine.

He saw a beautiful woman with black hair scattered behind her head, and the beautiful woman who was flying towards her was taken aback for a moment, and almost kicked her right foot with her left foot and threw herself into a shit.

A thud.

It was almost just now, but now it is really falling.

your sister!The long-haired and bubbling beauty-like object, TM is a boy!

He couldn't stand the blow and threw himself down!

"Who is here? Why have I never seen you before!" The man quickly got up, thick-skinned, not at all embarrassed, pointing at the black-haired boy who had come to stand in front of him and shouted.

"you guess!"

"Oh... Let me think about it... Damn, I guess your sister!"

The man can't calm down now, he can respond to any answer, how do you respond to this "guess"? !
"I'm not familiar with this place!"

Is there a half-dime relationship between whether you are familiar with this place and who you are? !The middle-aged man couldn't take it anymore, and finally realized that there might be a generation gap between himself and the other party. After all, the age gap is still very intuitive, so he decided to guess it by himself, "Could it be that he just ascended from the mortal world?"

"It seems to be okay for you to say that." The black-haired boy smiled brightly. The middle-aged man felt that the charming angel Haniya could give up this title for a moment.

"It's been a long time since no one has ascended, and it's a family! My name is Zhenshan Nuo Siwei, you can call me Brother Zhenshan!" The middle-aged man's messy thoughts just flashed, and soon he smiled heartily. .

"Zhenshan Nuo Siwei...Sometimes fate is really unclear." The black-haired boy reached out and pulled out a gray fur hat that he had used before. He stuffed all his hair into it and put it on. , "My name is Yuan Feiwu, nice to meet you."

(End of this chapter)

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