Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 383 The Man of Darkness

Chapter 383 The Man of Darkness
After turning around and meeting Michael just now, Yuan Feiwu's headband was grazed by the sharp edge and broke along with a few strands of hair.

This is because Michael didn't use his divine power, otherwise it wouldn't just be the hairband that was broken.

In the end, Yuan Feiwu still couldn't dodge the sword that met Michael, if Yuan Feiwu didn't use divine power in the last moment.

As expected of being the head of the archangels, Yuan Feiwu smiled calmly.

"Brother Zhenshan, where is this place? Why are you alone?"

"Where is this place, you don't know? Oh yes, of course you don't know anything when you just ascended. Seeing that you are able to ascend at such a young age, you are really a frightening young man! Thinking back to when I worked hard for more than 200 years..." It seems that Zhenshan has not talked to him about the past for a long time, and he has been talking about it for a long time.

Yuan Feiwu didn't interrupt, the stories he heard from Lester's mouth about an ancestor who cultivated to become a god had a different flavor when he said it from his own mouth.

But Zhenshan is great because he was chattering and lamenting his own story, but he didn't forget what Yuan Feiwu asked at the beginning, and when he had finished speaking, he abruptly changed the subject: "This is the place in front of the palace of the king of the gods." St. Yale Square is a very sacred and important place for the entire heaven. At this time, except for the angels who are on guard, the other angels are practicing at home. And our wingless gods rarely come to this place."

When talking about the time when he rarely came to this place, Zhenshan had a complicated expression, a little embarrassed and unhappy.

"It's beautiful here." Yuan Feiwu thanked Zhenshan for his introduction.

It turns out that this is where Lucifer betrayed the heavens and the battle known as "Twilight of the Gods" took place.

The square, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people, seems to be infinitely large, but in fact it still has a side, and many beautiful buildings are faintly visible on the side.Yuan Feiwu is now on the edge of the square, looking at the square has a more intuitive feeling.Right in front, at the end of the square, stands the incomparably luxurious and majestic golden palace, which makes people feel admiration.

Just outside the gate of that palace, Lucifer experienced the heaviest pain in his life, and did the most proud thing he despises: betrayal and depravity.

"Did you see anyone in the direction you came from just now? Just now I felt a wave of dark energy over there, and it was fleeting. I care too much."

Zhenshan's words brought back Yuan Feiwu's thoughts, and he looked in the direction Zhenshan was pointing at, and there was no longer Michael at the other end.

"It's me, I have a dark elemental physique." Yuan Feiwu turned around and smiled wanly.

It's you! !
Zhen Shan's expression of arrogance and arrogance even when he threw himself on the street, at this time, he couldn't help but be surprised that his mouth turned into an "O" shape.

After stabilizing his emotions, he took a few steps back neatly, with his hands slightly open, divine power shrouded his body.It is worthy of being the patriarch who claims to be able to split mountains and open up land, and even his divine power exudes a sense of domineering.

"People in darkness dare to go to the heavens and seek death!"

"Is it impossible to cultivate a dark physique?"


Zhen Shan froze for a moment, unable to say the word "ran" after that.

Between heaven and earth, there are fire, feng shui, earth elements, light elements, and of course dark elements.So it is quite normal for someone to have a dark element physique.So these people can't cultivate?

No matter how disliked the dark element is, it is also one of the pure energies in the universe.It's just that people who have practiced the dark element are mostly affected by it and have bad character.So it's the people that are the problem, not the dark element.

And the person in front of him... To be honest, Zhenshan's pose was put on, but facing this kind smiling face, he couldn't raise any fighting spirit in his heart.

This person is probably a person born with a dark element physique. He has a good level of cultivation and finally pierced through the void.Even six-year-old children in the mortal world should know this common sense, the heavens are ruled by angels, angels born with light elements hate dark people the most, and those who practice dark elements can only run to the devil world.To put it simply, this person is a foolish young man who went the wrong way!

Zhen Shan pondered for a long time, but finally couldn't make a move: "Come with me and see what the elders have to say."

Yuan Feiwu didn't care, and quickly followed Zhenshan.

The two got into an alley, and after turning several turns familiarly, the more they walked, the more deserted they went.

In other words, it is not barren, but backward.

Before, the houses near St. Yale Square were all resplendent and magnificent, but now the place where Yuan Feiwu walked is probably gradually leaving the bustling place in the city. The surrounding houses are all made of simple wood.

It's like a small village.

And then gradually walked away, suddenly there was a boiling noise from the corner ahead.

"Be low-key and sincere for a while, you know?" Zhen Shan patted Yuan Feiwu on the shoulder.

After the filming, he was taken aback, the other party was a dark person, why did he suddenly become so close to him?
But... Zhenshan sighed, this kid seemed very suitable for his eyes, if it wasn't for the dark man, he might have become a good friend, right?And if the elders don't accept him for a while, I'm afraid he won't be able to survive in the heaven.

Yuan Feiwu of course knew Zhenshan's kindness, and nodded obediently.

Seeing this well-behaved appearance made Zhenshan's heart ache again.

Soon after turning the corner, the noise became much clearer.

A bunch of people can be seen from a distance, old and young, men and women, wearing various styles of clothing, singing incongruous songs around a group.If there were only dozens of people, the scene might be more normal, but this is a black crowd of thousands of people!

Some people played drums made of unknown leather, some played five-stringed or seven-stringed or other number of strings, horizontal and vertical, and many people played various kinds of instruments that even Yuan Feiwu could not see. The out-of-the-ordinary instruments harmonize the song in a mess.

If Yuan Feiwu heard it right, the instruments everyone played were basically not in the same rhythm, let alone tuned.There are several genres of square dance aunts dancing in the square, making your ears full of the most dazzling ethnic style music mixed with the reverberation of the little apple and the moonlight of the lotus pond.

The audience who did not participate seemed to be more excited, and they danced and sang along. The tune of the question sang was also unique and had nothing to do with the song!
"Where did you go, Zhenshan? I asked you to find Hephaestus, the god of fire, but you still dawdled when everyone arrived!" A girl who looked about the same age as Yuan Feiwu hurriedly looked at him when Zhenshan came back. A pat on the shoulder, shouting loudly, so as to drown out the loud noise.

Yes, Yuan Feiwu has already called the chorus of thousands of people as noise.

"Ah, you're back already? Maybe you missed it!" Zhen Shan said embarrassedly, in fact, he forgot why he ran there after meeting Yuan Feiwu.

This picture is very strange, a middle-aged man bowed his head to a girl, and what he showed was not an atmosphere of admiration, but more like a reproach from his elders.

Yuan Feiwu immediately understood that appearance is not important to gods at all. Perhaps this is the appearance of a young girl who becomes a god, and her body will no longer continue to age after becoming a god.It is also possible that she changed into this appearance later, and she already possessed supernatural powers. It is not difficult to rejuvenate her body, maybe she turned out to be an old woman.

In short, people here are not allowed to look at their appearance, even if they look younger than you, but they became gods earlier than you, then they are seniors.

But to sum up, Zhenshan can only be regarded as an errand runner here, that's for sure.

Watching Zhenshan continue to be nagged and instructed by the girl, standing upright like a soldier, Yuan Feiwu still finds it quite interesting.The founding father of the dignified Northway Empire, tsk tsk...

(End of this chapter)

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