Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 384 It's just a slip of the tongue, don't be nervous

Chapter 384 It's just a slip of the tongue, don't be nervous

"Huh? That little handsome guy behind you is so cute, without wings? Is there such a person among our wingless gods?"

Zhenshan's attitude was really nothing to say, the girl felt that there was nothing to scold after scolding for a while, so she turned her attention to behind Zhenshan.

"Oh, this Yuan Feiwu is new here, and I just want to take him to report to the elders!" Zhen Shan quickly introduced, "Why are you singing again!"

"Isn't it just to wait for you!" The girl said angrily, "Go up and find the elder, otherwise this singing will be endless!"

Zhen Shan didn't dare to neglect, he beckoned Yuan Feiwu to follow him, went through the crowd and found the innermost high platform.

At this time, there was only a dry and thin old man sitting there on the high platform, looking old-fashioned.

Like these people who have become gods, there are many like this old man who don't mind the appearance at all.If you want to make yourself young again, it is very simple. After all, the body has been tempered into an energy body. You can do whatever you like, but you are not interested.

"Elder Baldr, I'm back." Zhenshan reported politely.

"All stop, all stop!" Baldr nodded, and shouted to the messy people in the open space to stop.

It was not so easy for that group of people to calm down when they went crazy. Elder Balder's status was not easy to use, and it took a long time to calm everyone down.

Then I saw the burly man with a beard who could hardly see his facial features standing at the front with the loudest ghost roars, leading the way, and shouting in a rough voice: "Baldr, what's the matter, everyone is here?"

"Yeah, everyone is here, don't worry about it." Balder's voice was as dry as his appearance, and his tone was flat.

"Okay, okay." The bearded man walked up to the high platform and took a seat.

No wonder it was so difficult for Balder to stop them from singing and dancing, said the lead singer who was also an elder.

Two people also walked out of the crowd on the other side, and the current one was very eye-catching.

A tall beauty was wearing a tight-fitting samurai suit, and it was also a low-cut dress, which perfectly outlined her exquisite figure.She has long snow-white hair, and a more complex white divine emblem shines on her forehead, which brings out a sense of mystery from her glamorous temperament.

If you have become a god, you will naturally have a divine emblem. The location of the divine emblem is up to everyone, and it doesn't matter even if it is not revealed like Yuan Feiwu.But most people will make the divine emblem appear on the forehead.Moreover, the emblems of people who become gods with fighting spirit are usually silver, those with elemental physique will follow the color of the elements, and the angels are all golden.

White emblems are very rare, but Yuan Feiwu has already seen the reason at a glance. There is a special element whose representative color is white.On the contrary, the god emblem on the head of the bearded man just now was purple, so Yuan Feiwu was even more curious.

With resolute steps, she walked towards the high platform step by step without looking sideways.

But Yuan Feiwu didn't look sideways, he didn't even look at the beauty. For him, what attracted his attention was the man with the red cloak with the flame hairstyle behind the beauty.

That man also stared at Yuan Feiwu, extremely surprised.

This that person just now?Impossible, how could Michael miss?

"The four elders are all here. Before we get down to business, I want to report something to the elders first." Zhen Shan respectfully said, "I met this young man who just broke through the void, his name is Yuan Feiwu."

"Oh?" The four elders were all surprised, after all, no one had ascended from the heavens for a long time.

"Brother Feiwu, these are the famous God of Light Baldr, Hephaestus, God of Fire, Ares, God of Thunder, and Kanova, Goddess of Ice and Snow. They are the elders who lead our wingless God."

Zhenshan introduced, but he didn't realize that his address to Yuan Feiwu also became intimate.

"The God of Light is just a polite title given by everyone." Balder waved his hand.

"You are a family when you come up, just call me Brother Ares!" As soon as Ares spoke, people knew that he was a rough guy who was more unyielding than Zhenshan, and even ordinary speech was an unquestionable imperative.

But this kind of talent is more forthright and less scheming, Yuan Feiwu likes to deal with this kind of people the most, because he can't hide anything on his face if he has anything on his mind.For example, Ophelia...

Hephaestus and Kanova simply nodded their heads as they greeted each other.

"However, brother Feiwu has a small flaw, so I have to report it to the elders to see how to deal with it..."

"What's the flaw?" Ares asked quickly when he saw Zhenshan's awkward look, feeling overwhelmed.

"It' Feiwu, he is a dark element cultivator."

"Dark element?!"

The faces of the four elders immediately changed when they heard this, and their brows were tightly frowned. Nima, this is also called a small flaw! ?If you want to use flaws to describe it, this whole person is a flawed product, okay?
Zhen Shan felt uneasy, he had already said good things for Yuan Feiwu, whether he can save his life depends on the opinion of several elders.As long as a few elders can nod their heads, the other wingless gods can talk about everything. They are basically indifferent to the world. If you don't offend me, I won't offend others. It doesn't matter who you are.

It was because Zhenshan had fought many fights with the demons before that he reacted more to people who used dark elements.

But Kanova quickly regained her composure, and said lightly, "What happened to the dark element?"

"Kanova, even if you don't like angels, you can't deliberately confront them." Balder said, "The can there be dark element practitioners?"

"Dark elements are only one of the six major elements. Isn't it natural to cut through the void to find a higher realm of cultivation? Can't the heavens accommodate dark element practitioners who are also cultivators? Angels hate dark elements so much, called The spiritual energy they usually absorb picks out the dark elements and spits them out!"

Kanova, who is usually cold and cold, said so many words all at once, which made Ares on the side widen his eyes in surprise, thinking that next time he would ask her opinion, she would still only speak within three words as before, and he would ...Forget it, it seems that he can't beat her anyway.

"If the angels know that we have taken in a dark person, I'm afraid..." Hephaestus looked at Yuan Feiwu, his eyes sparkling.

The boy who suddenly ascended?
It just so happened that when I was chatting with Michael in private, someone I had never seen before appeared...

A thin back, a head of black hair... Now I can't see if it is black hair with a hat on.Except that he couldn't believe that such a kid who had just ascended, who should be called the God of War or the Saint of Law by the mortal world, could escape from Michael's hands, the other things were basically the same in terms of body size and timing.

But how did Ascension so coincidentally ascend to that place?Isn't there an area open to the world?Ascension should appear there.

Anyway, I'm afraid this person can't stay...

"Are you afraid of angels?" Kanova looked at Hephaestus coldly, the air around her suddenly dropped several degrees, and the cold wind was biting.

Hephaestus sneered, and the temperature immediately rose.Facing the threat of the Ice and Snow Goddess, he simply dismissed it.

"Oh, what's the fuss about such a trivial matter! It's still the old rule, when there are differences of opinion, it's better to dance!" Ares yelled loudly.

"Huh?" Baldr, Kanova, Hephaestus and Zhenshan were all shocked.

How about dancing?How the hell do I not know about such old rules!

Not to mention the other three elders and Zhenshan, even Yuan Feiwu looked at Ares with a stiff smile.

I thought that the heavens were also the supreme beings, and they liked "martial arts" fighting.Didn't expect that "dancing" fights are popular here? !Even the mind of the ancient demon god would feel super embarrassed to see the beautiful and glamorous Kanova and the ugly and short-legged Hephaestus suddenly dancing here!
Isn't this obviously unfair to Hephaestus!
Kanova's long legs almost reached Hephaestus' chest, even if Hephaestus used his short legs to jump out of a flower, it would be difficult to beat Kanova!
After all, no matter where you are, appearance is a very important prerequisite!

"Sorry, I made a slip of the tongue. I didn't recover from the dance just now." Ares smiled embarrassedly, showing a row of big white teeth from a pile of beards. "What I want to say is, it's better to vote, to vote."

(End of this chapter)

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