Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 385 The True Plan of Lord Demon King

Chapter 385 The True Plan of Lord Demon King

On this side of the demon world, although the Lord Demon King told everyone to disperse, everyone still stood there in twos and threes in a daze.

Divided into three parts, the ones farther from the gap in the enchantment of the demon world are the six great demon gods including Samael, the ones closer to it are the lonely fly figure of Beelzebub, and the left and right sides of the gap are naturally Lucifer and King Borna.

The King Borna still hasn't remembered to pack the two energy crystals, like hugging two pumpkins he just bought at the market and rushing home to cook.

King Boluo wanted to leave very much, even if Lord Demon King hadn't told him to leave, he already wanted to leave so much!He is holding two energy crystals containing a huge amount of pure divine power in his hands, how could he not want to take them back to his bedroom and deal with them slowly!And his house is right next to it, and it's only a few steps away!

However, the demon gods hadn't left yet, so he didn't dare to leave. He couldn't bear it after waiting for a long time, and said, "It's been a long time, and the Lord Demon King hasn't turned back yet. It should be safe, right?"

Lucifer remained silent, turned around and left.

Oh, even Lucifer has been withdrawn, it can really be withdrawn.

King Borna breathed a sigh of relief silently, turned around with high spirits and was about to go home.

As a result, Beelzebub followed Lucifer closely and asked, "I said Lucifer, what does Lord Demon King want to do in the heaven?"

I rub!

The gossip-born king was also very itchy, so he immediately stopped and pricked up his ears.

"Didn't the Lord Demon King go up to take revenge? Pay back!" Azazel interjected, stroking his goatee.

"You know nothing." Beelzebub said disgustedly.

Beelzebub spent less time with the Demon King than Lucifer, but much more time than other demon gods, and he followed the Demon King all the time to pay attention to the Demon King. If he understood the thinking logic of the Demon King, it would be easier for him to flatter him.Although most of the time is still unpredictable, but some routines have been figured out to some extent.

That's why Lord Demon King said that Juliel came down to make trouble, so he also went up to make trouble. Beelzebub didn't believe the reason for going to the heavens, but he just said it casually.

If Yulier came down to make trouble, he really caused some losses, so the Lord Demon King went up and treated him in his own way, so Beelzebub would believe it.But Juliyer really failed to make trouble. Although many people died, they were all rebels; although Lucifer was seriously injured, Yuliyer was definitely more injured than Lucifer. Lucifer He was healed by Lord Demon King in less than three months, and that Uliyer probably won't be fully recovered for another three years.No matter how you look at it, it was Juliel who was made into a show by the Lord Demon King, and it was impossible to steal chickens and lose money.

And to avenge Lucifer, but Yuriel was let go by Lucifer himself, the protagonist has no hatred, and the Lord Demon King will not do anything unnecessary.

According to Beelzebub's understanding of Lord Demon King, there must be a deeper meaning for Lord Demon King's trip to go to heaven suddenly, but he didn't catch it.

"I'm afraid this is something that the Lord Demon King planned early on." Lucifer actually knew the Lord Demon King better than Beelzebub.

"What are you planning to do?" Belial was worthy of being a great devil in the name of laziness. He threw out the question to make everyone's brain cells dead, and waited for the answer by himself.

Lucifer didn't speak, just glanced at Belial, got up and flew away.

Shit, it's that domineering president's face and expression again, it makes everyone uncomfortable just looking at it!

However, the demon gods quickly flew up and chased after them, no matter how you look at it, Lucifer seems to know something!Even King Borna jumped up unconsciously and followed silently.

"I also think that the Demon King should have planned it long ago, but Lord Demon King is so great and unfathomable that I can't figure it out."

Beelzebub chased after Lucifer and praised Lord Demon King loudly.Yuan Feiwu couldn't hear his flattery anymore, of course the purpose of his flattery was to tell Lucifer, trying to pry some words out of Lucifer's mouth.As long as he flatters Lord Demon King, Lucifer will never say anything, and Beelzebub has also figured out this trick.

"Master Demon King, don't look like he doesn't know what to do. In fact, he has a very strong purpose, and everything has a clear purpose for him." Lucifer may also have some things he is not sure about, so As if talking to himself, he organized his thoughts.

"That's right, that's right!" Beelzebub quite agreed with this point.

For example, the most classic palace breakfast he had personally experienced that time, seemed extremely boring, but the purpose was very clear, isn't it just to flirt with such an expressionless girl!The girl who always wanted to trouble the Lord Demon King with a stinking face, suddenly fell under the apron of the Lord Demon King, and almost sang to conquer.To tease a girl is to tease a girl, the purpose is so clear!

Thinking about it, Beelzebub didn't dare to say that in front of the Lord Demon King, he might be caught in the palm of his hand and squeeze all the shit out.

"So what is the purpose of Lord Demon King recently? Or what is he paying attention to?" Mostima was reminded by Lucifer, and immediately found a breakthrough.

"Recently? Didn't the Lord Demon King go to the Mortal Realm recently? What do you do in the Mortal Realm, Lord Demon King?" Belial is also one of the demon gods who don't know what the Lord Demon King does in the Mortal Realm.

"Uh... teasing a girl or being teased by a girl?" Beelzebub blurted out immediately based on the reasoning of the relationship between the characters who often came up to the inhuman house to have a meal.

Of course, Lucifer's eyes will be exchanged immediately.

"I don't know in the Mortal Realm. In the Demon Realm, he just asked everyone to build a city. It seems that there is nothing else. There should be other more difficult things, but it seems that it is just a matter of effort for the Demon King."

Mostima was referring to the fact that the Lord Demon King promised them to solve the problem of the concentration of aura in the demon world last year, but it was solved by raising his hand.Damn it, the really perverted thing was solved in the blink of an eye, but the so-called construction problem, Lord Demon King, let everyone take it one step at a time.

The other demon gods understood and kept nodding.

"That's right, it's about building a city..." Samael murmured.

"Damn it, it's not really related to the construction of the city, is it?!" Beelzebub had a premonition that maybe he was going to throw his source of plague again.

Because the Lord Demon King has been nagging in the Demon Realm recently, basically about this matter, but how could he have a relationship with the Heaven Realm?
"Very likely." Lucifer said the same.

"Wait... I vaguely remember that when the Lord Demon King asked us to build the city, he gave an example that the heavens also did the same, and it was our reference. It seems that he also said that we need to find time to go to the heavens..." Abaddon Said.

"Damn it, why do I seem to have such a vague impression!" Beelzebub hurriedly shouted bitterly.

"Then the devil is going up now?" Samael's voice immediately soared an octave.

"Go inspect the city construction in the heaven?" Azazel helped Samuel complete the second half of the sentence.

"Then bring more new urban planning back to build the Demon Realm?" Beryl added the ending.


Lucifer suddenly realized that this seemed to be the truth.

"Just to inspect the city construction of the heavens, I went up alone..." Beelzebub wanted to cry but had no tears.

After King Borna gradually understood their reasoning, he wanted to cry, okay?He also came to [-] with two "balls" in his arms. He was very disappointed after knowing the reason!I thought Lord Demon King was going to the heavens to do things, but he just wanted to peek at other people’s urban construction, and it would be embarrassing for his subordinates to say it out, okay?
All the demon gods were talking all the way, but at this time they all arrived in front of Lucifer's palace and still didn't know it. Just at this time, everyone realized the truth, and each of them maintained their own postures and entered the stage of contemplation.

The captain of the guard, Mijar, was so flustered. Standing outside the palace, he just looked at the eight great demon gods and a Bora king, and stared at himself with wide eyes. He didn't know what to do!

Do you want to go in or do you want to talk to you!Even his boss, Lucifer, was staring and playing silent, what kind of trouble was he trying to do? !

"Forget it, let's go." Beelzebub was annoyed and was the first to leave.

Everyone basically had the same thoughts and withdrew listlessly.

It's depressing not being able to figure out what Lord Demon King is thinking, guessing it... I didn't expect it to be even more depressing.

(End of this chapter)

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