Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 386 The possibility is close to zero, but it doesn't mean it's impossible

Chapter 386 The possibility is close to zero, but it doesn't mean it's impossible

Some people on the other side of the heaven were also very depressed by Lord Demon King.

For example, Hephaestus, the god of fire, is still staring at Yuan Feiwu, his face is cloudy and uncertain, but he hasn't found a chance to make a move in public, and he is very worried that his private meeting with Michael will be revealed , All kinds of irritability.

Another example is Michael. In fact, he is not too afraid of being exposed about his private meeting with Hephaestus. He can accept the impact of the plan.It's just that it's not a good feeling to be evaded by such a person who has never seen him before.

But he was different from Hephaestus, there was no gloomy look on his face, and he was calm.

Because at this time he returned to the palace, facing Yulier.

If something is put on his face, he will see it clearly in less than three seconds.

"Michael, what do you want from me?"

Juliyer raised his scholarly and polite face and said to Michael, his words always brought a sense of serenity, as if there were any problems that would not be a problem for him.

"Just now I met a black-haired boy who happened to be seen meeting Vulcan. I was about to silence him, but...someone happened to come over and he escaped." Michael said calmly, as if to say A very ordinary thing.

Shut up, Juliyer didn't even move his eyebrows when he heard such words.For him, he will choose to do things in a way that avoids this kind of fratricide among the gods of the heavens as much as possible, but since Michael has chosen a path that will cause this situation, it is only natural that he should be decisive when he needs to be silenced .

If the communication between Michael and Vulcan was leaked out, something would definitely go wrong, and Juliyer would have silenced that person without hesitation.Uriel will also make the best choice for the heavens according to the situation, no matter whether it is cruel or vicious.It's just that Juliyer is thinking about the problem rationally, and what Michael cares about is that the other party can escape from his own hands.

However, is there a boy with black hair in the heavens?It's not that I haven't seen the black-haired boy Yulier before. I was almost punched three times by a black-haired boy when I was in the Demon Realm.

Although I was at the end of my strength at the time, the gap between the strengths of each other was really a bit big...

"Moreover, it's the power of darkness." Michael added another sentence seeing that Uliyer hadn't spoken.

In the last sword confrontation, the opponent used a little divine power, even Zhenshan Nuo Siwei felt it from a distance, how could he not feel it.

After all, the dark divine power is so abrupt and sensitive in the heavens.

"Is it the new demon king from the demon world? Kamal didn't notice that there was a demon god breaking in from the mortal world, right? The barriers in the heavenly world dealt with the demon world, and everyone didn't feel any external force to destroy it." Julier thought sideways.

"Could it be the gap you used before, allowing that Lucifer's son to sneak in?"

"This... I didn't feel any abnormality at all." Ulier also thought of this in his heart, and was thinking, "Besides, Lucifer said that he is not his child."

"If not, where does the new devil come from?"

"Lucifer refused to say, but through my inquiries, it seems that the source is unknown."

"The origin is unknown? So could it be that Lucifer is lying? You know, he is just a dirty traitor..."

"There's no need for Lucifer to lie. Or, you don't believe me?"

Uliyer turned his head, his tone was still calm, his expressionless face made Michael unable to see anything.Michael is not worried about Uliyer's misunderstanding, even if Uliyer has a problem with him, he will not betray the heaven.

In wisdom, he is terribly clever; in loyalty, he is terribly stubborn.However, if Lucifer was involved, Michael would be somewhat wary. After all, the relationship between Uriel and Lucifer was directly under the head and deputy head.

"It's just a possibility, so I can't rule it out." Michael said with a faint smile.

It was Yulier who taught him this.There is no way to be 100% sure, and that is that there are still possibilities.

"That's right." Ulier stood up, and walked out slowly with his own unique melancholy temperament, "So I should also go to see if the gap is damaged but I don't feel it, no matter this How unlikely."

"The person who happened to pick up the black-haired boy was Zhenshan Nuo Siwei." Michael said to Yuriel's back.

"The possibility of being a gang is not ruled out."

Yulier dropped his words and flew away with six snow-white wings.

Michael tilted his head and rested his chin. Uriel's words were exactly what Michael was worried about at the moment. After Uriel left, he gave a few words to the angels under him.

Juliyer left the palace and quickly flew to St. Yale Square, walked to an inconspicuous corner on the side, bent down to check the space gap in this area.

The magic circle he set up is still in good condition, and it seems that it has not been damaged.This is also normal, if he is attacked by an external force, he will definitely know it immediately, and if he doesn't feel it, it means that the magic circle has not been attacked at all.

The consciousness was released and got into the magic circle.He wondered if the magic circle had been altered from inside.Although he felt a little whimsical, but as long as there is a possibility, it cannot be ruled out. This is what reason told him.

Nothing in the magic circle was damaged, but if it was changed... Judging from the running time, the magic circle seemed to have paused for a second to half a second before.

To make his magic circle stop for a second to half a second without any damage, the possibility is infinitely close to zero. This error value does not rule out the accumulation of the magic circle over time.

It is close to zero, but not equal to zero. There is still a possibility of being modified.Juliyer got up again, with his characteristic frown when he was thinking, with a seemingly melancholy and sad expression, he flapped his wings and went back to his own palace,

"Okay, then vote."

At this time, on the high platform in the small open space where the Wingless Gods gathered, the God of Light immediately decided on the opinion of the Thunder God of War.

"What are you voting for?"

The quiet wingless gods have been acting as spectators, and the elders don't let themselves sing and dance but keep discussing something there without speaking. They are also very boring.

"It's none of your business, just wait for a while." Thunder God of War waved his hand over there, telling them to be quiet.

"Then let's start voting, take this young man with dark power, Yuan Feiwu, or give it to the angels." said the God of Light.

Ice and Snow Goddess and Vulcan cast their votes immediately, one for admission and one against.

"One to one, oops, the battle is extremely intense and anxious!" The gossiping Wingless Gods actually didn't even pay attention to what the elders were voting for, and made a fuss out of boredom.

There were only two people voting, how can it be seen that the battle is extremely fierce and anxious!There are still two votes left!Thunder God of War really wanted to complain like this, but he had no chance.

The God of Light also cast his vote.

But he was actually an abstention vote!

The God of Light has no opinion on many things, but just at this time, he once again brushed up his sense of existence that he has no opinion.

It's really okay to have no opinion on this kind of thing!Oppose because you are a light element and hate dark elements, or agree because Yuan Feiwu is cute, whatever!You don't need to be so stressed!
I only have one vote left, and it is still one to one at present, and the crucial decision-making power falls in my own hands.

I've made a big mistake, now how dare Thunder God of War complain that the battle is not intense or anxious!It's so intense that he can't bear the weight, okay?

"Thunder God of War, it's your turn, cast quickly!" The God of Light urged, even the voice of the urging was not necessarily urgent, it was weak and dry.

Urge your sister!If the God of Light hadn't been the most respected one among his group of elders, the Thunder God of War would have wanted to beat his skinny body!

It's not your abstention vote that made me hesitate!


Maybe many little friends will ask
Why did the characters in the book suddenly change back to the titles of God of Light, God of Fire, etc.

What about their names?

Of course, it's definitely not the reason why the author can't remember everyone's names and always look back to the previous chapters to find names, which makes him very annoyed

In fact, it is... think of the reason and then answer
Let’s just look at it this way, the real name will be revealed in a while, and the title will be revealed in a while, and the impression will be more profound.

(End of this chapter)

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