Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 387 Vulcan's Depression

Chapter 387 Vulcan's Depression

With this status, it's just for some trivial matter, it's not worth canvassing.

So Vulcan and Ice Goddess just sat there without saying a word.

You guys should vote for Lao Tzu!Tell me, tell me which side you want me to vote for!I really can vote without hesitation!
Thunder God of War was very sad.

He is also one who has no opinion.

Zhenshan really wanted to canvass votes, but he didn't have the right to speak in this kind of elders' meeting, so he could only watch Yuan Feiwu stand aside, look left and then, anyway, he looked at that side but not at the voting side.

I said it was all about your life and death, and I was still smiling like I was visiting a tourist attraction!Does this child have any hidden diseases?For example, neuropathy or something like that...

It looked even more pitiful.

"Hurry up, you!" The God of Light said angrily.

"Wait for a while! Let me think about it!" The Thunder God of War was so depressed that it would be great if he voted to abstain first!
But it was chosen by the God of Light, and now there is a one-to-one tie. If I don't vote, it will be an endless loop. Under this rhythm, the elders who have the decisive vote can't abstain, and it doesn't matter if they don't worry about it.

Just as he took out his divine weapon, a big silver shiny hammer, and planned to throw the hammer blindfolded, there was an angry shout from the outermost part.

"Where is Zhenshan Northway?"

The four elders actually noticed that someone was coming, but they thought they were just passing by and ignored them.

Angels often "pass by" when they gather, just like flies, they always like to fly here twice when they have nothing to do.

All the Wingless Gods were about to boo the Thunder God of War for being unreliable, but they were all attracted by the explosion and looked back.

It was two angels with wings floating in the air, with disgusted expressions on their faces, as if they saw something dirty.

"A mere two-winged angel, what's there to talk about?" An unusually clear sentence came out of the crowd, making the two angels very angry.

"Who is speaking!"

"I said!"

This time the answer was a piece of wingless gods, neat as if they had made an appointment in advance.

Are those two angels fools?Want to be gang beat up?
Obviously not, he simply skipped this question and shouted at everyone: "Please Zhenshan Nuo Siwei come with us!"

"Is there something wrong with me?"

Zhen Shan was at the side of the high platform, raised his head and frowned and asked.

He is also very upset about these bird people. He always feels that he is superior, and he doesn't even know the basic manners when speaking, flying over your head.

Like their gathering of the Wingless Gods, everyone stood on the ground even if they were a little crowded, expressing their respect for each other kindly.The angels also pay attention to etiquette, but when it comes to internal affairs, this makes Zhenshan even more unhappy.

"Archangel, Battle Angel Michael, please, I have something to ask you about a suspicious person." The angel conveyed the mission he had received.

It was also very difficult for Michael to find Yuan Feiwu.

He thought for a while, if Zhenshan and the mysterious man were in the same group, then it would be very difficult to directly arrest him. It is not a good idea to have a conflict with the Wingless God in this situation; He must have disappeared, but Zhenshan should also know some news about the mysterious man, at least he should be the last person Michael knew who had contact with the mysterious man.

It would be best to invite Zhenshan back to the palace for interrogation slowly.

It’s just that Michael didn’t know that Zhenshan and the mysterious man were not in the same group, and the mysterious man didn’t hide anywhere, so he just followed Zhenshan back to the Wingless God’s concentration area, which triggered the elders to vote Controversy, without self-knowledge, has not reached a new level.

"Suspicious person, could it be you? The guy named Yuan Feiwu." Vulcan sneered, looked at Yuan Feiwu, implying, "Suspicious person, did you secretly do something bad to Michael? ?”

"Yes." Yuan Feiwu then withdrew his distant gaze.

Yuan Feiwu answered so honestly that Vulcan was taken aback for a moment.

Zhenshan was also taken aback, and the two birds came to Zhenshan to ask the suspicious person, thinking about it with their buttocks, they thought it was Yuan Feiwu.But this guy actually didn't even look at the angel, as if it had nothing to do with him, he hung up there admiring the distant view, Zhenshan didn't know whether to say he was full of courage or nerve.

"How dare you provoke Michael? Just handing over this 'suspicious person' would be the end of the matter, hahaha..." Vulcan laughed.

I am most afraid that the other party will kill him and deny him, because it is impossible for him to jump out and identify him.But as long as you admit it, you'll be fine.

"I didn't provoke him. It's just that after I first came to the heaven, I happened to see Archangel Michael and Hephaestus Vulcan talking on the sidelines. I didn't do anything bad." Yuan Feiwu honestly said the matter The whole story has been explained.

"Nonsense!" Vulcan was so angry that he vomited blood immediately.

Yuan Feiwu's honest response just now made him forget why he was trying so hard to get rid of this guy, because he was afraid that he would tell the story!In the end, I blamed myself for talking too much, since no one else spoke, I had to provoke this!For the first time in Vulcan's life, he felt the urge to slap himself a few times!

"What? Michael and Vulcan talking on the sidelines?!" The Snow Goddess couldn't help interjecting, "You guys met in private? Why?"

"Nonsense! Do you believe he is talking nonsense?!"

Vulcan was in a hurry, and several excuses flashed through his mind, but they all felt unreasonable, and the only word "nonsense" remained in his mouth under the flustered state.

"Maybe I read it wrong?" Yuan Feiwu smiled.

Yuan Feiwu's smile was facing the Vulcan, and the Ice and Snow Goddess was sitting next to the Vulcan, seeing clearly.She admitted that this was the first time in her life that she saw such a sweet smile, and her goodwill immediately increased a lot.This has something to do with appearance, but it's not the main reason. At least Yuan Feiwu's smile makes her feel that humans and animals are harmless, and she naturally has a desire to protect.

Who knows that this harmless guy needs no protection, but he is actually bullying Vulcan right now!
"Of course I was wrong!" Vulcan was furious, but he had to say so.

"It's just that you can't become a suspicious person if you misread something. Do you think it's a misunderstanding?"

"Hmph!" Vulcan didn't want to be surrounded by Yuan Feiwu, but he didn't want to help Yuan Feiwu get rid of the suspicion, and he didn't want to turn the topic back to his meeting with Michael, so he snorted coldly, neither denying nor confirming. .

This is not the attitude of Vulcan. If he was wished, he would have been irritable a long time ago.At this time, Yuan Feiwu was wronged for a while, but he obediently stopped making a sound. Could it be that Yuan Feiwu was telling the truth?The goddess of ice and snow frowned and looked at Vulcan, trying to see something.

"Brother Feiwu, don't talk nonsense!" Zhenshan was helpless. At this time, the angel was looking for him. He should be the protagonist of the discussion. For some reason, no one paid attention to him. If he is not beautiful enough, he deserves it. Playing tricks for a lifetime? "When I met Brother Feiwu, there was no Michael! Besides, didn't I miss out with Vulcan? I didn't find anyone else. When I met Yuan Feiwu, Vulcan must have returned here. Brother Feiwu How could I bump into them talking! You can tell they're messing around as soon as you hear them!"

"Hey! Do you still put us in your eyes?"

It's not that the two angels didn't recognize Zhenshan, they had already flew over Zhenshan's head at this time, after looking at him for a long time, there were no birds, they were still arguing about this, feeling upset.

"Go, go, go! We're going to have a meeting here, let's talk about it after the meeting is over!" Zhen Shan said impatiently.

A few elders at this end had a dispute, and there were two birdmen at the other end who showed their presence, and Zhenshan had a terrible headache.But Yuan Feiwu was looking at him silly, if he didn't look at that face so delicately that he really wanted to slap him, it was basically you who provoked him!What a joke!

"How dare you let Master Michael wait for you? What a big temper!"

The leading angel sneered, and landed in front of Zhen Shan in a blink of an eye, as fast as lightning, and reached out to grab him.

Seeing that his hand was about to touch Zhenshan, a circle of silver vindictiveness erupted like a substance, shaking the angel's hand away!

What an overbearing divine power!

The angel felt as if his hand had been hit hard by a hammer, and he couldn't stop shaking!

(End of this chapter)

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