Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 388 Resolving the Gap Between the Two Clans

Chapter 388 Resolving the Gap Between the Two Clans

The circle of dou qi was naturally erupted from Zhenshan's body, and he really didn't pay attention to a mere two-winged angel.

Like an angel, he leaned forward and grabbed it.The angel only felt that he had been locked by his spiritual consciousness and could not move, and was caught by a wing all of a sudden.

In the next second, he was flying into the air.

Fly into the air without your own control!

Of course, Zhen Shan grabbed the wings and let it go. With a hard twitch, the angel's body was twitched.Zhen Shan spun around on the spot twice, took the angel in his hand and spun around twice, and then threw him out, and suddenly a few snow-white feathers floated down from the air.

It has the sense of sight of chicken feathers all over the ground when slaughtering chickens!

The angel was thrown away for a long time before he stabilized his body. He lost face in front of so many people, his face flushed, and when he flew back to Mashan, he was about to strike, but was held back by another companion.

"Don't do it." The companion whispered to him.

"Look at me..." He stopped talking halfway through.

They were still in the air, and below them were more than 3000 pairs of eyes, all looking at themselves.The angel who was thrown out looked at the high platform, where the culprit who made him very angry now was there, but at the same time there were several leaders of the wingless gods, who were also looking at him without squinting.

The Wingless God is famous for being united, so if he does it himself, he will definitely not be able to please him.

"Let's go!" the angel resentfully said.

"Come to me if you have something to do, let Michael come here by himself." Zhen Shan said domineeringly to the backs of the two leaving.

Unexpectedly, the two angels did not reply, and quickly disappeared before everyone's eyes.

Zhenshan's mighty and domineering aura lasted only five seconds. When he saw the angels flying away, he immediately became a little timid, and turned around and asked, "Elder, did I go a little crazy when I said I asked Michael to come here in person?"

"It's a little bit." The Snow Goddess said, and the others followed suit and nodded silently.

The others included the more than 3000 people under the high stage, and it was quite spectacular to nod together.

Even the Ice and Snow Goddess with the word "crazy" on her forehead, who was most upset with angels, said she was a little crazy, and Zhenshan regretted it now!
"But it's very refreshing." The Ice and Snow Goddess added.

"Haha..." The Wingless God present laughed together, and even Zhenshan touched his head, not knowing whether to continue to regret or to have fun with them.

"Whoever they are, we will still follow our rules!" Thunder God of War laughed the loudest. He was emotionally moved by Zhenshan's mighty arrogance just now, and after laughing, he shouted loudly, "I vote for it! Feiwu My brother will stay and become a part of our wingless god! They hate dark elements, so there are no dark elements in the world?"

"Then... two to one. Welcome Yuan Feiwu to become a part of the Wingless God." The God of Light had some hesitation on his face, but he still announced the result of the vote truthfully.

It was only then that everyone realized that the elders had just voted for the issue of acceptance, and they didn't understand why there was anything to vote about.Anyway, the final result is still exciting. It has been a long time since no newcomers joined, and a handsome young man came as soon as he came.A large group of people cheered again, planning to sing and dance again to welcome the newcomers.

Fortunately, the God of Light stopped it early, otherwise this meeting will not be over until when it will be postponed.

Vulcan's face flickered, and in the end he didn't say much about the voting results.

"Yuan Feiwu, our wingless gods don't have too many rules, but there are some things you still need to know. Every wingless god must treat each other as their own relatives, and they must not do things to their relatives that betray their trust and harm others. Once you join the Wingless God, each other should be the most important part of each other's life, and you should unite as one at all times, can you do it?" Guangming God Chaoyuan Feiwu said.

"Of course." Yuan Feiwu smiled.

"Welcome." The God of Light still said dryly.

Yuan Feiwu still had a calm smile on his face, but Zhenshan was more excited. He threw his arms around Yuan Feiwu's shoulder and jumped up and down: "Welcome to join! Brother Feiwu, follow me from now on, I'll cover you!"

"Just like you beat up a two-winged angel and then gave up, and you still say you are flying around the source?" Thunder God of War couldn't help but spurn.

"Are you very timid?" Zhenshan's enthusiastic mood was extinguished in an instant.

"Don't worry, although I'm very cowardly, I don't mind hanging around with you." Yuan Feiwu comforted Zhenshan with a rare word.

If it's just comforting, it won't have any comforting effect.

"Okay, let's talk about the business of getting everyone together."

The God of Light cleared his throat, and Zhen Shan took Yuan Feiwu off the high platform again at this time.Gaotai is the place where the four elders speak to everyone, and they have to abide by the rules in formal meetings.

Today, the four elders summoned all the wingless gods here, so they naturally have something to discuss.

"We, the Wingless God, live next to the angels. Although there are constant frictions, we still maintain an alliance relationship. Recently, the angels felt that the demon world was about to move. After some investigation, they found that the demon world was run by a A more powerful new demon king has ruled, and his strength has become unprecedentedly strong. In order to maintain the peace of the three worlds, several archangels approached us to discuss further alliances and resolve internal harmony issues in order to deal with changes in the demon world.”

"Isn't the alliance always an alliance? Oh, maybe it's a fake alliance. They look at each of us as if they owe them a hundred and eighty thousand."

"Going further? One by one, they saw us as if they saw beggars, with disgusted faces, and let them go further? How do you get in?"

"As long as they respect us, it's already a hundred thousand steps forward, not just one step!"

Many wingless gods complained below.

Of course the four elders are also aware of the current situation.When the angels saw the four elders, their faces were a little bit better. After all, their strength should not be underestimated. It is no worse than the Archangel. The strong are respected.But when I saw other wingless gods, it was impossible to say that the four of them didn't know about that attitude, and I don't know how many times I have witnessed it with my own eyes.

It doesn't mean that other wingless gods are inferior to angels, but their strength has not reached a certain level, and it is difficult to make the proud angels look at them differently.

Almost all the friction between angels and wingless gods arose out of these attitudes.

It is because of this that when several archangels and the God of Light talked about the solution to this matter, he was happy and sad.

Because he was relieved that the angels wanted to solve these problems, but the solutions they offered were not very happy.

"Be quiet and listen to Balder." Thunder God of War looked unhappy, because he knew what the God of Light was going to say next.

"The Archangels proposed a solution, which is to let all our wingless gods hand over their master-servant contracts to them..."

"how is this possible!"

"Do you want us to be their servants?!"

"Our master and their servants, I can barely accept it!"

Before Guangming Mythology finished speaking, there was another commotion below.

"Don't talk, listen to it first!" The God of War Thunder was also upset when he heard the master-servant contract, but he still patiently let the wingless gods in the audience control their emotions.

"I know that this sounds very repulsive, disgusting, and even angry to us. But there is still a meaning in it."

The God of Light sighed, and then said: "The direct conflict between our two races is actually only due to the gap and estrangement caused by the difference in race. In fact, there is no deep hatred between us. In fact, it is the God King who put us among us. Most of the people brought up this pure land to practice, thanks to the grace. Just imagine, if we sign a master-servant contract with them, then they will no longer feel that there is any separation between our two races. Because we have shown that we want peace The greatest sincerity of coexistence, this sincerity is too great for them to doubt."

"It's just to eliminate their estrangement from us, so we have to hand in the master-servant contract? It's unreasonable!"

What this person said was exactly the same as what he said when he first heard the news. Thunder God of War looked over and happened to be Zhenshan who was yelling there.

"Then...who has a more straightforward method? In fact, we are all just looking for a safe and peaceful place to practice. If we can live in peace without any barriers, it would be great .” The God of Light continued.

"I... I can't accept it." Many wingless gods sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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