Chapter 389
"I have to say that if we continue to get along with the angel race like this, it will only waste everyone's time and sacrifice innocent lives, increase mutual hatred, and eventually lead to a situation that no one wants to see."

When the God of Light said this, many people were silent.

Over the years, there have been countless frictions between each other, of course there are big and small.The big ones even have gods that perish between heaven and earth.The God King and the Four Great Elders have also personally stopped these things, otherwise these frictions caused by divine fate would turn into a war between races.

That is something neither side wants to see.

"Let them hand in the master-servant contract! If you want peace, why don't they bow their heads!" Many people booed.

"Our strength is not as good as that." Vulcan didn't speak for a long time, and when he spoke, everyone was silent.

No one can refute what Vulcan said. Regardless of quantity or quality, the Wingless God is obviously inferior to Angel.Even though Zhenshan is more than enough to bully a two-winged angel, but the two-winged angel is only the lowest-level existence among angels, and there are a lot of four-winged angels on it, whose strength cannot be compared with the two-winged angel.There are also six archangels above, and none of the four elders patted their chests and said that they can definitely beat the archangels. At most, they can only say that they can try.This has not even counted the unfathomable strength of the king of gods.

If the conflict between the two clans escalates to an endless war, then the defeated side will definitely be the side of the Wingless God. There is no dispute. Everyone still has this self-knowledge.Before, the Wingless God also included many hairy guys from the orc race. They are wild and untrained, and their appearance is too far from ordinary humans, which makes angels, a race that considers themselves noble, very impressive. Not pleasing to the eye, unlike the wingless gods of other human races, they are basically the same except for their wings and angels, and the angels are not too repulsive.Later, the quarrel between the wingless god of the orcs and the angels turned into a war. After the defeat, they didn't know where they were driven away. After the king of the gods declared a truce, none of them dared to take the lead.

It is tantamount to nonsense to ask an angel who is much more powerful to submit a master-servant contract to the Wingless God.Moreover, the angels are all beings who regard self-esteem as more important than their lives, and they would rather die if they are asked to hand in the master-servant contract.

"Of course, we won't agree rashly. We discussed with them and agreed on a condition." The God of Light said.

No one spoke, so they waited for the God of Light's breathless tone before continuing.

"This matter must be resolved after all, and it is useless to avoid it all the time. We discussed it. After a while, we will make an appointment to fight, and each side will send five representatives. If we win, the matter of the master-servant contract will not be mentioned again. And each of their angels must swear to the God of Creation, to treat us like every angel, to be like brothers and sisters, and to break the oath, the gods will be wiped out. If they win, all of us, the wingless gods, will face rice Caleb handed over the master-servant contract."

If the angels could swear such an oath, the wingless gods would think it was quite sincere, after all, the angels were very xenophobic towards foreign races.But it would be foolish to let them swear like this without any reason.But if they are defeated in the competition, with the pride of the angels, they will swear an oath according to the bet.

"Why Michael?" Zhen Shan couldn't help asking, because he had just put on a show for the head of the Archangel.

"The god-king has gone to retreat. But Michael is the head of the archangels, there is no difference between giving him and giving to the god-king." Thunder God of War dismissed Zhenshan's question impatiently.

What's so important about this question?Just like whether there are three pairs of wings, two pairs of wings or one pair of wings, a birdman is always a birdman!It doesn't matter which birdman the master-servant contract is handed over to, it's just as embarrassing.

"Then the God King will not participate in the battle? This is good news, but Michael is known as a battle angel, and his strength is also terrifying."

"Then we will be at a disadvantage... The number of people should be reduced. For example, let Archangel Juliyer, who is known as the bottom of the strength, come and fight the God of Light, so that we will have a better chance of winning!"

"Aren't you an angel who is stupid?! Why don't you ask the other party to send out two-winged angels and the God of Light to fight? Crazy!"

There was another discussion under the high stage.

"Michael also agreed not to participate in the war. The reason is that it seems fair." The God of Light added.

It's good news that Michael didn't participate in the war, but the reason... The God of Light said it very tactfully, but he still revealed a huge aura of the other party that is pulling him to the sky!

Obviously contempt, his participation in the war means to abuse food!

But everyone can only complain in their hearts. They really don't want to stand up and name Michael to fight. The chances of winning with him and without him are really dozens of times different.

In this way, the god king retreats, Gabriel heard that the mission is out, and Michael will not fight, so the only strongmen of the angels are the army angel Kamal, the charm angel Hania, the law angel Uriel, and the healing angel. Archangel Raphael.The opponent's lineup can be sorted out at once, and the remaining one is just a make-up, which is irrelevant.

As for the Wingless God, the four elders, the God of Light, the God of Fire, the Goddess of Ice and Snow, and the God of Thunder and War are necessary.

A glance means that a simple strength comparison can be made in advance.

One-on-one, the strengths of the four elders are about the same. On the other hand... the military angel Kamal is a stubble, and the charismatic angel Haniya is also good.The Archangel Juliel, the Archangel of Law, and the Angel of Healing, Raphael, are said to be relatively weak among the six Archangels, but they probably won't be much worse.

But it's better than joining a powerful Michael!Even the absence of Gabriel who once teamed up with Lucifer to repel the four elders is a great thing!

As for Lucifer, whose strength is said to be a little bit stronger than Michael, they just want to applaud vigorously now, because he is now Lucifer, and he has nothing to do with angels, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations .

Just like this, from the book, everyone wins and loses only five to five and a half points. No one dares to say that they are sure to win!
Although it is said that if you lose, you have to hand in the master-servant contract, but it seems that the angels are quite sincere!
"They can still swear in the name of the Creator God that even if we hand in the master-servant contract, we will be allowed to maintain our current life. This is just equivalent to a key condition to force them to let go of their prejudice."

When the God of Light said this, the Wingless God, no matter how unhappy the audience was, could only sigh.You have all become servants of others, and they hold your life in their hands. Can you not let go of your prejudices?If you don't obey me, you'll blow your mind right away!It is an accessory of others, and it is an accessory that is not afraid of betrayal at all.

Don't want to be an accessory?It’s okay if you don’t want to, then maintain the status quo, as the God of Light said, after the hatred slowly accumulates, start a war.Or simply hide away now and go to open up a new area to live your own life.But that is not a simple matter.

"But we are a whole, I think we still need to ask for everyone's opinions. This time I think it is an important matter of my life, and I may not be able to advance and retreat together anymore. If there are brothers and sisters who cannot accept it, they can withdraw... "

"Stop talking, God of Light, let's make an appointment to start the fight!"

"What's the point if we can't be together!"

"If you want to hand over to the master and servant, then hand it over together, or if you don't hand it over, don't hand it over together, and share a bird! Can those who can't die together be called their own?"

The Thunder God of War listened, wiped away his tears, and shouted loudly: "So, vote. If you decide to fight, raise your hand; if you decide not to fight, raise your foot... Don't draw your long gun, just kidding... Those who decide not to fight and then plan for the long-term do not raise their hands! Life and death are shared!"

"We live and die together!" The wingless gods under the high platform raised their hands without any hesitation.

In fact, they all understood the meaning of the God of Light, and this was indeed the best choice.Otherwise, there may not be a chance to talk with the other party again in the future, because if they refuse this time, the proud angels will only feel that they are more ambivalent and suppress them more openly and secretly.

When they wanted to escape, they couldn't escape.

(End of this chapter)

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