Chapter 390

Everyone raised their hands, only Yuan Feiwu did not.

The four elders all found out, and after telling everyone to let go, the God of Light asked, "Yuan Feiwu, do you disagree?"

"I don't agree." Bright God's voice replied as soon as it fell from the source.

All the wingless gods looked at Yuan Feiwu, and at this guy who had just joined, feeling like they had knocked over a bottle of five flavors, with all kinds of tastes, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty.

You just joined and you're so out of the group, why are you talking about living and dying together?
"Why?" Thunder God of War asked.

"Because I can't win." Yuan Feiwu still smiled sweetly, looking at Vulcan.

Looking at this pair of eyes, Vulcan was angry and flustered. Sure enough, this guy overheard something!

"Then you can quit." The God of Light's dry voice revealed a trace of displeasure, "It's a coward's act to lose before fighting!"

"No, haven't I already joined the Wingless God? The minority obeys the majority. Of course I choose to advance and retreat with everyone. There is still a chance to win. If I represent the battle, there is a chance to win." Yuan Feiwu said quite positively.

Wow, Zhenshan was dumbfounded, it turned out that this young man is not just like, but really crazy!

The other wingless gods were also in an uproar, pointing at Yuan Feiwu, not knowing whether to laugh or scold.But at least he knew that Yuan Feiwu was not because he didn't want to advance and retreat with them, but just hoped to represent them in the competition.He has such great courage just after going to heaven, everyone doesn't know whether to say he is defiant or blindly confident.

"Brother Feiwu, don't make trouble, be good, go home and take your medicine! Besides, the angels will know that you are a person of darkness as soon as you go out to fight! No, you are also a god now, and it is right to call you the god of darkness! Even if we win You're going to have big problems too!"

When he was in Mortal Realm, Zhen Shan had never persuaded his children and grandchildren so earnestly.

He has already persuaded Yuan Feiwu in a very tactful manner, seeing that he is young and handsome, he is afraid of hurting his self-confidence, otherwise he would point to his nose and say that he is not strong enough and go play in the mud!

"It's okay, I don't care!" Yuan Feiwu looked at Zhen Shan seriously.

plop plop...

The Ice and Snow Goddess felt her heart beating so fast suddenly, and the child's serious expression somehow hit her heart, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Your sister doesn't care, but we do!
You, a kid who has just been upgraded to the heaven, why do you represent the wingless god to fight?I can crush you with just one thumb, okay?
Zhenshan simply covered Yuan Feiwu's mouth, pressing it tightly, ignoring him and whining: "Brother Feiwu, can I call you brother? We are talking about business!"

Zhenshan's rude actions made the Ice and Snow Goddess a little worried, her eyebrows were furrowed, and she really wanted to stand up and let Zhenshan let go.

"Yuan Feiwu, don't worry, everyone has a chance. We will observe everyone's strength, and after the competition time is set, we will select a master representative from among you to play." The God of Light quickly smoothed things over.

After saying this, Yuan Feiwu calmed down, and Zhenshan let go of his hand, nagging, why is this guy so uneasy!

There was nothing important to do in the future, and the meeting soon ended, and everyone went back to their respective homes to find their respective mothers.

Yuan Feiwu just arrived and has no place to settle down. Since Zhenshan has already said that he wants to cover him, he ignores many wingless gods who invite Yuan Feiwu to live in his house temporarily, and insists on taking Yuan Feiwu home.

He also felt that maybe everyone thought this guy was a freak, so he was trying to share the burden because he was considerate of himself.In fact, Yuan Feiwu's looks are so attractive that people feel good about him. He looks like a doll carved out of jade, and he smiles so intoxicatingly that many people are unconsciously elated when they look at him.

You must know that in the heavens, everyone has reached a certain level of cultivation, their physique has been energyized, the whole person will exude an indescribable temperament, and their appearance will become radiant, so many people look handsome and beautiful.Not to mention there are angels, none of them are bad looking, it seems that they are born to speak for beauty.

In such a situation where there are so many handsome men and beautiful women and everyone is tired of aesthetics, Yuan Feiwu can still make people's eyes shine, it is really too difficult.

"I'll go, Zhenshan, how can you monopolize Yuan Feiwu like this! Let me play for two days!" The girl who patted Zhenshan at first and taught him a lesson began to teach Zhenshan again.

Play... play for two days?Yuan Feiwu subconsciously moved behind Zhenshan, and under Athena's training, he had an epiphany about the smell of dangerous people.

"That's right, why don't we take turns? Change someone to take care of Yuan Feiwu every two days!" Another beautiful woman who looked like a big sister ran over.

"He will still have his own house in the future, right? He should live in a few more places, so that it would be good to have a clearer demand for his own house in the future." Another beautiful woman who looked turbulent ran over.

Zhenshan is getting more and more confused, these lionesses who are usually fierce and troublesome are not afraid of hardships or tiredness!

Fortunately, people in the heavens cultivate their bodies and minds, and take cultivation as their ultimate goal, so they have no desires and few desires.So only those female animals who prefer beautiful things come up, otherwise, according to Yuan Feiwu's natural physique that is inexplicably attractive to the same sex, there will be a lot of men running over to snatch people!Then Zhenshan will be even more confused!

"Cough cough!"

The slightly low-key cough failed to cause Zhenshan and the ladies to fight, so he had to amplify the volume a little.

"Elder Kanova!" Everyone stared at the cough irritably, only to realize that it was the Ice and Snow Goddess standing beside her.

"What's wrong? Is there no way to arrange Yuan Feiwu's residence?"

The Ice and Snow Goddess didn't intend to come here to get involved, but she came over to take a look when she saw that everyone had left, and there were seven or eight women left in a circle chattering and twittering.But I have to say that she still hasn't left because she still pays attention to Yuan Feiwu occasionally.

"That's right! That bastard Zhenshan wants to dominate Feiwu!" The girl's tone and attitude were not very good, and she almost slapped Zhenshan's head.

"I'm going, why did I become a tyrant! I said I wanted to cover him, but from today on he is my younger brother!" Zhenshan wanted to cry, but these people were all older than him, and wanted to be angry. Afraid of being kicked out, he had no choice but to say in a low voice, "Although Yuan Feiwu is handsome, he is still a man after all, and it would be inconvenient to live with you..."

"Your little brother? You are still my little brother, there is no future with you!" The girl rolled her eyes.

"Rory is so talkative, you are afraid that I will fail if I eat him!" the eldest sister shouted angrily.

Under the anger of all the gods, Zhenshan suddenly wilted like an eggplant beaten by frost. He couldn't figure out whether it was because the other party couldn't understand human words.What he meant was that Yuan Feiwu is a man, a man, even if he is pure-hearted and ascetic, he still has his own nature, if he can't stand the temptation and does something that shouldn't be, isn't this bullying you!Worried that he ate you, why would you worry that you ate him...

Zhenshan was also slow to react, and he didn't realize that it was the other party's slip of the tongue. If he really couldn't stand the temptation, it might be the other party's big sisters...

"Why don't you ask for my opinion." The Ice and Snow Goddess spoke.

That's right, so everyone spread their self-consciously prettiest smiles and asked Yuan Feiwu, which big sister or young lady do you want to go home with?

"I'll just follow Brother Zhenshan." Yuan Feiwu smiled calmly, but shrank back slightly behind Zhenshan, betraying his inner anxiety.

"Okay." The group of women said goodbye to Yuan Feiwu dejectedly, and scattered like birds and beasts.

"Then we're leaving too. Goodbye Elder Kanova!" Zhen Shan said goodbye to the somewhat sluggish Ice and Snow Goddess, and ran away with Yuan Feiwu.

The goddess of ice and snow was in a daze just now.

She was very disappointed with Yuan Feiwu.

With such a cute appearance, she should speak coquettishly, and act coquettishly, but unexpectedly she is so calm and mature, super disappointed.

Fortunately, no one can read minds, otherwise, they would know that the ice and snow goddess who has always been cold and domineering likes cute and delicate things in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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