Chapter 391 Gossip
The place where all the Wingless Gods gathered before was a large open space. They usually gather there when they have something to do, and it's just a place for boring walks when they have nothing to do.

And their residence is not far from that large open space.

Yuan Feiwu followed Zhenshan, probably because of the Wingless God's habit. They don't like flying very much, so they just walk on the flat land.

The wooden houses or stone houses of various styles along the way are really irregularly arranged, and the yards outside the houses are also circled so irregularly that the obsessive-compulsive disorder will go crazy.Some houses are not even very straight, but crooked. It doesn't take Zhenshan to introduce Yuan Feiwu to know that they are all very casual, and their owners are probably even more casual.The residence of the Wingless God is really not small. The dense or sparse houses are placed randomly like a maze. Occasionally, there is a wide avenue to see the bottom, and there are houses of various styles at the far end, which shows that they The residence is very large.

It is not enough to describe it as a village, but a small town.

Zhenshan's house was built with stones, and the stones used for construction are flat and flat, which is quite the style of the old houses seen in the Northway Empire.Yuan Feiwu made a rough guess, probably a bit of evolutionary history.The wingless god who came up with the king of gods at the earliest time had a very low level of construction because of the lack of development in architecture. Later, the wingless god who broke through the void and came up to the heaven has experienced a lot of new knowledge and experience in the mortal world. The level gradually increased.

So some of these houses are like straw huts, some have such a shape but have no shape, and some look good.

Zhenshan's home is one that "looks good".

"What, my house looks okay? But now the house in the mortal world should be more beautiful, don't be disgusted with you just coming from the mortal world." Zhen Shan pushed open the courtyard door and led Yuan Feiwu in.

"How do you know that the houses in Mortal Realm are getting more and more beautiful?" Yuan Feiwu was curious.

"Hehe, you may not know that your big brother Zhenshan was also one of the most powerful figures in the mortal world back then! He was invincible on the Star Luo Continent and even unified the north! He was planning to unify the human race, but happened to break through the God of War, so he planned to Breaking the Void came up, and I couldn’t live in the palace that Xiu Rong half promised me to live in. Judging from the preliminary prototype of the palace, tsk tsk, it’s not bad!” Although Zhenshan has already broken through the Void, the former The days are estimated to be too exciting, and when I meet people from the mortal world, I can’t help but recall them, and by the way, I’m vain, “I was preparing to build a country at that time, damn, I don’t even have time to name it! But what’s going on now , I don’t know anymore, and it doesn’t matter anymore. Compared with cultivating to become a god, those things in the mortal world seem a bit childish now.”

"Well, I know, the country was named after your surname later, called the Northway Empire." Yuan Feiwu laughed.

"Ah, so casual? Wouldn't it be better to call it Megatron? It's more grand! Or Megatron!" Zhenshan seemed a little dissatisfied.

"Eh...Compared to Megatron, I think Northway sounds better..." Yuan Feiwu couldn't react, he didn't expect to hear the name of the Transformers villain in another world, and he felt like he had traveled through time. .

Like the Demon Realm, the Heaven Realm has a vast territory.For example, the city where the angels live alone actually occupies a very vast area. It is said to be a city, but it is actually larger than any country in the mortal world.

The residence of the Wingless Gods next to Angel City, the land is vast and sparsely populated, of course they can do whatever they want, as long as they like.You have the energy to get thousands of square meters and hundreds of rooms, and you can live in one every day.

Zhenshan's yard is not too big, but it is larger than the yard of the non-human house. There are many plants with big leaves in it, which looks lush and green and has a rural flavor.

The house is about the same size, but let alone one more Yuan Feiwu, ten more people will be fine.

"The house is built by yourself. If you ask others to help you build it, of course everyone is willing to help. But I strongly recommend not to ask others for help. People who focus on cultivation are generally not very good at architecture."

Listening to Zhenshan's words, Yuan Feiwu could feel that this might be a very sad story that Zhenshan had personally experienced.

Pushing open the big wooden door of the house, Zhenshan said a little embarrassedly: "I built this place myself, so I can live here as I like, and you can do it too! When you build your own residence, you don't have to live in this ghostly place." Already!"

The house is just a one-story house without a second floor, but the roof is unusually high.The interior more or less inherits the style of Mortal Realm, divided into rooms and living rooms, but the walls separating all these inside are not very attractive, as they are all built with slightly flat stones.

"Very good." Yuan Feiwu said sincerely.

Think about it, just two years ago, before Yuan Feixing shot him into the water, he still used the sky as his cover and the ground as his hut.After going through some extreme trials, I can be grateful and accept the little things in daily life, and face everything with a pious heart.

"Looking at your small body, you came up after becoming a Dharma saint, right?"

After arranging the room for Yuan Feiwu, Zhen Shan took Yuan Feiwu to the living room, where a bench was made out of random wood, and after the two sat down, Zhen Shan asked the newcomer.

"You can regard me as a master of magic and martial arts." Yuan Feiwu thought for a while and said.

I'll go, return to both magic and martial arts? !Zhen Shan looked sideways at Yuan Feiwu, feeling disdain and disbelief in his heart.Among the group of brothers who were born and died with him in the past, who practiced fighting qi wasn't all flesh?Even if it wasn't full of flesh, at least it wasn't as malnourished as the one in front of it! need to learn a little fighting spirit, so it's called "Shuangxiu of magic and martial arts" or something... After all, this kid has no self-knowledge, and he said he wants to fight on behalf of the wingless god.

"It's fine if you're happy." Zhenshan didn't bother to argue, arguing with someone who has been looking at you with an angelic pure smile feels like he's bullying someone, and he feels guilty in advance for no reason, "Up to the heaven, you You will find that there is no end to the path of cultivation. The highest Dharma sage in the mortal world is still the God of War. This is just the beginning here. At this point, your fighting spirit or magic power has gradually become pure, which is the so-called 'divine power', and your physique has gradually become more pure. Become a pure energy body. At this time, you will slowly generate the sea of ​​consciousness and the gods, and if you have the gods, you will have a god emblem that represents becoming a god. By the way, where is your god emblem?"

"I don't think it's appropriate for you to see..."

Yuan Feiwu smiled, it really wasn't suitable for him to see, it was full of talismans all over his body, it might scare him to death.

"Oh, forget it then." Zhen Shan suddenly misunderstood, thinking that Yuan Feiwu's divine emblem was in some relatively private place, and suddenly blushed and heartbeated a little whimsically.

Wait, I'm blushing and heart beating!Everyone is a man, even if you really look at it, you won't blush!Zhen Shan slapped himself violently to wake himself up.

"The divine emblem can appear anywhere you want. It doesn't matter if you haven't mastered it yet. Anyway, it doesn't matter much, right?! Yes, anyway, you just came up through the void, even if you have a divine emblem, it's just a little bit. What a beauty!"

After Zhenshan Yitong asked and answered himself, he returned to normal and continued: "Here, there is no distinction between Fasheng and God of War, and they are collectively called 'God Rank'. For example, at your level, it is called God Rank [-]. Angel There are also grades. The low level of the two-winged angels is at least the advanced level of the first level of the gods. You, a guy who has just risen to the first level of the gods, will definitely not be able to beat it. The same is true for the next step. The fourth level of the gods corresponds to the lower level of the four-winged angels. God rank seven corresponds to the lower rank of seraphim. Of course, it is not easy to advance to one rank, like me, it is only around the level of god rank four. But in the wingless god, it is considered to be above the middle level!"

"Oh, not bad." Yuan Feiwu nodded.

Zhenshan's saliva was almost dry, so he changed the source Feiwu to say "not bad".

The slightly perfunctory tone gave Zhenshan the illusion that he was a brat seeking praise for a while, and the elder was so annoyed that he finally dismissed him with a perfunctory compliment.

(End of this chapter)

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