Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 392 Promoting a New Archangel

Chapter 392 Promoting a New Archangel
In the palace of the king of gods, five archangels gathered.

These five are the representatives of the highest power among the angels at present.Due to the retreat of the God King, Gabriel was absent from his mission, and everything was presided over by Michael, the head of the Archangel.

At this time, a four-winged angel came in with great vigor and stood aside.The five archangels glanced at him, did not speak, and then turned back to continue the meeting.

"The Wingless God sent the latest decision and agreed to our discussion. After two months, the game will be divided up." Healing Angel Raphael said.

He is the important bridge responsible for the communication and negotiation between the angel and the wingless god.

Raphael's appearance is completely worthy of the beautiful race of angels. His appearance is delicate, and he is less domineering than Michael and Kamal, and less aggressive than Uriel and Hania, and appears gentle and refined.If people who have seen Yuan Feiwu and Raphael evaluate it, most people will think that the two are somewhat similar.

Raphael's good popularity is well-known in the heavens, and he is also very popular with the Wingless God, so it is most suitable for him to handle the somewhat sensitive relationship between the angel and the Wingless God.

The result of the Wingless God's discussion was communicated to him in a very timely manner.

"Well, set a date to inform them." Michael nodded and said.

Yulier didn't look up, as if all this had been expected.

Haniya was very surprised, and opened her mouth to chatter nonsense: "They agreed? How dare they agree?! There is no self-knowledge at all! The king of God can pick the two of them by himself..."

"The god king retreats, and we will take full responsibility for it. How can we compete?" Raphael covered his head, really unable to stand Hania.

One look and you can tell that the bastard didn't listen carefully at the last meeting, and it's not the fucking first time!So many important things, people dare not entrust this guy to do it, it is too worrying.

"There are Michael and Gabriel, and it's enough for them to drink a pot!" Hania is still full of confidence.

"Gabriel is not here! Michael is not participating! How did you participate in the meeting a few days ago? Did you sleep with your eyes open the whole time!" No matter how good-tempered Raphael was, he also wanted to breathe fire.

"Damn it! The king of gods won't participate, neither will Michael and Gabriel. It's hard to tell the outcome! It's okay for Uliyer, but you are the one who hinders you the most!" Hania said very seriously Looking at Raphael, his tone was full of condemnation.

Raphael took a deep breath to suppress his anger, he really couldn't justify himself with this kind of person!One second I was still blaming him for deserting the meeting, it’s fine if he doesn’t review it, and the next second I’m justified in complaining about you!Is there a lot of difference in everyone's strength? Don't accept it!

"Without reaching a condition of almost equal strength, it is impossible for the opponent to use the master-servant contract as a bet to compete with us." Ulier spoke.

In a word, neither deep nor shallow, but directly blocked Hania's full of complaints.

Seeing that Haniya opened his mouth wide and exhaled a few times but couldn't say anything, Raphael felt a little relieved.Sure enough, only Julier here can cure this bastard!
"I have confidence in your strength, you will definitely win!" Michael suddenly said very seriously.

Uriel still had the melancholy frowning look, and gave Michael a light look.

Does Michael really have confidence in everyone?
Looking at it rationally, when the strength of the two sides is similar, the outcome is unpredictable. It is impossible for Michael not to see that there are some things that you can win without believing.Is he a mindless believer in spiritual ideas?Of course not, so his confidence is actually in other aspects.

Uriel knew what Michael did, and it was actually Ulier's suggestion, but he was not used to it when he concealed the backhand and said it so beautifully, as if he trusted his brothers unconditionally.

After so many years, he still wasn't used to Michael's tone.

He is still quite used to it, giving out many strategies by himself, and then the man waved his hand lightly and said no, and then said with a smile, I will crush the opponent directly with my sword...

How mindless?How could there be such a brainless guy...

"Yes, we can win." Juliyer turned around and said the same thing.

He will only make the best choice under the current situation. Under the current situation, he needs such a sentence, whether he likes it or not.

"Even the celestial brain Uliyer said that, then he will definitely win!" Haniya ignored Uliyer, who was sitting next to him, with a look of contempt, hugged him sideways without any explanation, and patted him on the back. It took a long time to let go, "I don't have to worry so much if you said this earlier!"

The person who deserts all the time even in meetings, I really don't see that he is worried!Raphael rolled his eyes.

"Here, Edith, is one of the four-winged angels in the Chinese army. In addition to your four archangels, he is the fifth representative in this competition. I want to pass this competition inspection Now, if he performs well, he will be the next Archangel, and the title will continue to be the name of 'Bright Angel'." Michael said.

Michael had told Edith about this earlier in the morning, and now he was invited to attend the meeting of the Archangels, and heard Archangel Michael solemnly mentioning this matter, Edith was overjoyed, and his face was in order to endure The corner of the mouth twitched while holding back the smile.

The other archangels had different expressions when they heard the news.Uriel still looked melancholy as if the sky was about to collapse, Kamal sighed vaguely, Raphael closed his eyes heavily, and Hania shook his head as if he couldn't accept it.

Thousands of years have passed, Haniya still thinks that Lucifer's betrayal is just a joke, maybe in the next second, Lucifer will return to the heaven, sneer with disdain and lead everyone to kill all directions .

"Behave well." Kamal and Raphael quickly recovered and cheered on Edith.

"Yes, I, Edith, will definitely work hard!" Edith finally couldn't help smiling after hearing the encouragement from the other archangels.

However, this kind of guy who couldn't hold back his complacent expression didn't give much favor to the other archangels.Maybe it was because he was comparing him with the previous shining angel, so the requirements were harsher, and they could only comfort themselves in this way.

"Is the position the deputy of the Chinese army?" Juliyer asked suddenly.

"Yes." Michael said, "What's the problem?"

"No." Uriel said lightly.

The left army is commanded by Kamal's deputy Juliyer, the right army is commanded by Gabriel's deputy Haniya, and Raphael is the rear treatment and support. The central army commander Michael's deputy is temporarily vacant.

Edith, who was promoted from the central army controlled by Michael, must have admired Michael even more in his heart. Could he be the deputy of the central army... In this way, perhaps the central army really became Michael personal troops.

Why do you think about this?Juliyer shook his head, shaking out his habit of analyzing everything.

Even so, Uriel would never doubt the loyalty of all the archangels to the king of gods.Even Lucifer chose to fall into the Demon Realm because he wanted to save other brothers and sisters, definitely not because of infidelity.

As long as loyalty is okay, what's the problem?
Perhaps such a Chinese army, which is equivalent to a personal army, can exert a stronger combat power, Yulier couldn't help comforting himself in this way.

I had to smile wryly, I didn't expect that as the spokesperson of reason and wisdom, I would actually comfort myself... It seems that I am still more used to cooperating with brainless people.

"By the way, there is one more thing. I asked Zhenshan Nuo Siwei to come over and ask about the suspicious person, but the other party didn't cooperate and injured the angel who went to invite him. At this time, it seems that it is not suitable to talk to him. The Wingless God is at odds, maybe someone needs to go and invite me again..."

"Let's go down there!" Edith, who was eager to express himself before Michael finished speaking, rushed to say.

"Okay." Michael looked at Edith.

Originally, he wanted Raphael to come, but of course it doesn't matter if someone else goes, it's just a trivial matter.

(End of this chapter)

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