Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 393 Come on, be happy!No, be a coolie!

Chapter 393 Come on, be happy!No, be a coolie!

The two people in the living room looked at each other and were silent for a while.

"Okay, that's all for the introduction, I still have to do some serious business."

The Zhenshan delusion is an illusion, and there is nothing to say anyway, so I can only suffer from this dumb loss.Otherwise, what else can I do, catch this kid up and beat him up, let him know that he is actually hanging himself?If he really did this, he faintly felt that he might be caught and beaten by many people instead.

Those lionesses who were laughing brightly for no reason before suddenly appeared in Zhen Shan's mind.

"What business are you doing?" Yuan Feiwu asked.

Zhenshan forced himself to ignore the tone of "Can you still have something to do?" and simply said, "Yes! You have to make preparations in advance. Two days later will be the critical day for making Moon Dew."

"Moon Dew Wine? Will it be night in two days?"

"That's right! It seems that you still have a little understanding of the heavens! Two days later will be the once-in-a-thousand-year dark night in the heavens, and it will finally be the day when the nine suns will all set and appear at night. For us wingless gods, it is simply a big day Ah! The once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity to brew Moon Dew wine is very rare!"

"do you need my help?"

Yuan Feiwu revealed that he seemed to be a little interested in Yuelu wine, which finally made Zhenshan feel as if he was admired.

That's right!This is the younger brother's attitude towards the boss!
Bringing Yuan Feiwu to the yard, Zhenshan pointed at the lush green giant-leafed plants like pointing Jiangshan: "See, those are called pot-leaf plants. When the night comes, they will slowly raise their heads, like a basin It also collects the aura-rich water droplets that suddenly solidified after losing the sun..."

"Mountain shaking! Mountain shaking!"

When Zhen Shan was speaking, it was the first time he saw Yuan Feiwu listening to him with a concentrated expression, and he didn't know how moved he was!I feel more and more like a big brother!Suddenly interrupted by several thunderous shouts, I was very unhappy.

Looking at it in a blink of an eye, outside the high wall, there was a bearded man with disheveled hair hanging on the wall like a beggar. He was startled, and it took him a long time to recover.

"Thunder God of War, your sister! Can you not come out to scare people if you are ugly!"

"How dare you teach others there? Can you make Moon Dew wine? Have you ever brewed Moon Dew wine?! You can't even hold a lot of alcohol, but you still dare to teach people there, I really can't stand it!"

Although Thunder God of War is the elder of the Wingless God, there is no airs between the elder and everyone. If you have to make jokes, you will make jokes, and if you have to complain, you will complain.There are quite a few people who are free and even come to practice a few tricks.

"Brother Zhenshan, have you ever made Moon Dew wine?" Yuan Feiwu asked.

"Uh... no."

Well, Zhenshan also deliberately wanted to hide this fact.After the feeling was spoken out, the tall and stalwart image in front of Yuan Feiwu plummeted by another N percentage points.

I want the Demon King to feel that he is tall and stalwart. If the big demon gods in the Demon Realm know about it, I don’t know how motivated Zhenshan will be!

It's only been a few hundred years since Zhenshan came up, and this time the dark night in the heaven is indeed the first time he has encountered it.But the method of making Moon Dew Wine, he has learned since the day he came up, and he can guarantee it can be brewed!Nima has been studying for hundreds of years, isn't it possible!
"You are the only one who is troublesome! You still don't go home to take care of your pot-leaf grass!" Zhen Shan had no choice but to vent his anger on Thunder God of War.

"Didn't I come here to borrow someone! Yuan Feiwu, as a member of the Wingless God, must learn how to make Moon Dew wine. Learning from me, the god who makes the best Moon Dew wine in the whole world, is a good thing for him! "Thunder God of War patted his chest and said.

However, only his head was exposed through the wall, and no one could see him slapping his chest, but everyone could still imagine the loud slapping sound coming from outside.

Zhenshan had to admit that what Thunder God of War said was the truth, the moon dew wine made by Thunder God of War, I heard that back then Lucifer even humbly came over to ask for it.Lucifer Zhenshan has never seen it before, it doesn't matter if he hasn't, there are so many legends about him in the heavens!He is the archangel who looks down on the wingless god the most, a god who is so arrogant that even the king of gods can't do anything about him, and finally defeated by the moon dew wine of the thunder god of war.Later, they asked for more drinks, but the relationship with the Wingless God has improved. Among the angels, Raphael, the polite guy, will count Lucifer as the best relationship with the Wingless God.

Later Lucifer rebelled against the heavens, and many wingless gods of the older generation sighed endlessly.

Although I'm not happy to be overwhelmed by others just as I want to show my prestige in front of the new recruit, but if it comes to learning how to make Moon Dew wine, of course I should find the best master.

"Brother Feiwu, then go and learn from Thunder God of War." Zhen Shan sighed.

"Really?" Yuan Feiwu looked back, and there seemed to be a bit of reluctance in his smile.

"Really, go."

This boy is not bad, he is very affectionate!It seems that he is not happy to leave!
"Ahem. But if you..."



Zhen Shan was about to turn around and try to persuade him to stay, but was interrupted abruptly by the sound of the courtyard door closing.

Zhenshan, who couldn't get back to his senses, looked around, the surrounding area was obviously the same as the previous yard, but there was one less guy who came in for less than 10 minutes, why did he feel lonely, empty and cold... I hate it, Why does everyone have to find Yuan Feiwu? Why didn't I see myself receiving such warm hospitality when I first came to the heavens?

Zhenshan finally realizes that there are too many unfairness in this world.

Thunder God of War was not very satisfied with Yuan Feiwu, a boy who was so smart and beautiful.But since he is a member of the Wingless God, he is one of his own. The Thunder God of War is also a straightforward and rough guy, and he became brothers with Yuan Feiwu after a while.

Yuan Feiwu's good popularity is not Gai.

As an elder, Thunder God of War has a very large courtyard.

Walking into the yard, Yuan Feiwu took a look at it silently, the huge yard was actually full of potted grass, and there was no end in sight!The potted-leaf grass here looks more imposing than the Zhenshan one, almost as tall as a person, and those huge leaves are stretching their ears, almost hanging down to the ground.

No wonder you need help, so many potted plants need to be taken care of.

"Moon Dew, I love to drink it! And I have to make 1000 years of it at a time, so I have a lot of potted leaves here, ahahaha!"

The Thunder God of War laughed, but drew out a pretty big beauty, poking her head out of a pot of grass.

"Hello, Ice and Snow Goddess, are you there?"

The goddess of ice and snow was a little lost under that dazzling smile, and turned to look at Thunder God of War.

Just now he said to go out to find some coolies to help, but he found Yuan Feiwu!
This... This rough guy can do some good things occasionally!Accompanied by such an exquisite guy, Ice and Snow Goddess feels that her work will not be boring at all!
"She doesn't know how to make wine, but she comes to drink my wine all day long. So she has to come and help, otherwise I won't give her wine." Thunder God of War once again showed off his wine making skills with a haughty look.

But it was obvious that the Goddess of Ice and Snow didn't want Yuan Feiwu to know why she was working as a coolie here. She only heard the sound of glass falling to the ground, and then Thunder God of War suddenly fell to the ground.It turned out that there was a big piece of ice on the left foot, and it took a long time to rub the ground to break the ice, which was very embarrassing.

"Carry the water." Breaking the ice and getting up, only a few cold words from the Goddess of Ice and Snow greeted the Thunder God of War.


The Goddess of Ice and Snow became angry and Thunder God of War would not dare to offend him. So many years of experience told him that the best thing to do now is not to ask the reason and not to get entangled!Pidianpidian took two large wooden barrels and ran away.

"Let me teach you how to do it."

The Goddess of Ice and Snow turned her head and spoke with Yuan Feiwu in a cold tone, but if the old friend Thunder God of War is still there, you can tell that it is not an attitude at all.

(End of this chapter)

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