Chapter 394 Hate
"The leaves of the pot-leaf grass are very eye-catching, but in fact the stem is the most important part of supporting them. When the night falls, the leaves of the pot-leaf grass will slowly lift up in the dark, which is very helpful for those who need to provide support. It is a big load for the stem. So now that the night is approaching, what we have to do is to slowly pour water down the top of the stem, so that it can absorb the water well in advance and provide strong support during the night The work of lifting the leaves is completed. But when watering, the water should not be spilled, otherwise the dew contained by the leaves of the pot-leaf grass will be mixed with ordinary water, and the moon dew wine made will not be perfect."

The Ice and Snow Goddess took out a huge wooden spoon, filled a large wooden bucket slowly, and poured water on a potted grass with a gentle way that was extremely contradictory to her appearance.

The clear water that slowly flowed from the spoon seemed to be tightly stuck to the stem of the pot-leaf grass, without splashing a drop, and flowed down with the stem.

Under the soft sunlight, the goddess of ice and snow bathed in it, with her face held high, staring carefully and cherishingly at the pot of grass under her spoon, earnestly and focused.Under this scene, Yuan Feiwu felt that the "goddess of nature" was more suitable for the current goddess of ice and snow. The kind of cherishing and love for life was incompatible with the cold title of goddess of ice and snow.

"You try it."

The goddess of ice and snow poured out all the water in the spoon, immediately turned around to refill the water, and went to water the next potted grass.She knew that Yuan Feiwu had been staring at her just now, but she didn't realize it was a little unnatural.This feeling made Ice and Snow Goddess feel very uncomfortable.

"No wonder you need help, this is a big project!"

To water the pot-leaf grass in such a meticulous manner, it cannot be done with divine power, and can only be spent more energy and time, especially the large pot-leaf grass on Thunder God of War.Yuan Feiwu sighed, and went to get a big wooden spoon and started working.

The Ice and Snow Goddess couldn't help turning her face away, and looked over quietly to check if he understood.

In the end, I saw Yuan Feiwu put his feet on his feet, raised his head vigorously, stretched his arms to the limit, which was just higher than the pot of grass, and slowly poured out the water in the spoon.

The water flows slowly down the existing river bed like a small stream, without any splash.

Just as detailed as Ice Goddess, but faster!

The Ice and Snow Goddess didn't expect Yuan Feiwu to master it so quickly, and to control the strength very skillfully on the first try.The destructive power possessed by gods like them with supernatural power is astonishing, but it is often difficult to hold back their power when doing these delicate tasks.Yuan Feiwu has no problems at all in this regard, which shows that he has very good control over his divine power and body, which makes the Ice and Snow Goddess look at him with admiration.


The ice and snow goddess Wannian's cold face couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth.She couldn't hold back any longer and smiled.

That smile, against the backdrop of the pot-leaved grass forest, seemed to be the most brilliant flower blooming in a piece of emerald green.

Yuan Feiwu worked hard on his feet, reaching out with his hands to barely reach it.Then he raised his head high, almost turned his neck upside down, his mouth was slightly opened due to the inconvenience of the height and the high head.Under the focused expression, the exquisite nose and those cherry lips make people salivate, and I can't help but want to take a bite.

This person must have been favored by the Creator God to be created so flawlessly.

"Elder Ice and Snow Goddess, why..."


Yuan Feiwu said something suddenly, but the Ice and Snow Goddess didn't hear clearly because she was distracted.After reacting, I realized that I had been holding a wooden spoon that had been emptied of water, and was still in the motion of watering, watching Yuan Feiwu watering several pot-leaf plants so seriously.

"I ask, Elder Ice and Snow Goddess, you seem to hate angels, why?" Yuan Feiwu repeated the question, and at the same time turned his gaze away.

This is where Yuan Feiwu is cultivated, making you feel that he is full of politeness when talking to you.

But the Ice and Snow Goddess hated Yuan Feiwu's politeness so much now, in order to avoid being found staring at him in a daze, she hurriedly filled a spoonful of water and poured it hard on a new potted leaf grass.

In this state, the result can be imagined, the water splash is so happy, it is more dynamic than the water splash pressed by the Chinese national diving team when diving.

The Ice and Snow Goddess herself was taken aback, but fortunately, she had time to make up for it, and when the divine power of ice and snow was released, those sprays of water in the air had already turned into ice.

Then the goddess of ice and snow slapped the potted leaf grass a few times, and all the ice residue was shaken off, without letting the leaves absorb any moisture.

The Ice and Snow Goddess let out a long breath. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with the potted grass.But it doesn't matter what went wrong, there are so many anyway!On the contrary, the goddess of ice and snow regretted her fuss.

But if God of War Thunder saw the Ice and Snow Goddess slapping his precious pot-leaf grass so violently, he would be so angry that he would take out two big hammers and fight the Ice and Snow Goddess desperately.

"Be careful, this potted leaf grass is almost going to go wrong." Yuan Feiwu suddenly changed into a serious and preaching expression, so cute that the ice and snow goddess blushed.

But it's not because of you, the little elf, that I almost went wrong!

The Ice and Snow Goddess was angry, but she didn't forget Yuan Feiwu's question: "That's right, I really hate angels, and I wish I could kill them all with my own hands."

The Ice and Snow Goddess's natural arrogance, which seemed to be born, was completely exuded at this time. The nearby pot-leaf grass seemed to have sensed the pressure, and the leaves drooped even lower.


"Hate. They killed my sister, my dear sister." The Snow Goddess said coldly.

"Sorry, I brought up your sadness." Yuan Feiwu smiled, but that smile was not a heartless fake smile, as if bringing spring breeze and drizzle, soothing the goddess of ice and snow to uncover the bloody scar that had been covered up all along again .

"But why, you agreed to compete with the angels? With that result, no matter whether you win or lose, you will all go to a higher level of peaceful coexistence." Yuan Feiwu asked again.

"It's almost 2000 years. I vaguely remember that it seemed to be before the night came, and there was less than a week left." The goddess of ice and snow silently picked up the wooden spoon again, watered the pot-leaf grass, and looked at the pot leaves. Grass stems slowly become straight.

"My sister, she is very beautiful, just like you."

"Thank you for your compliment." Yuan Feiwu also walked to a new pot-leaf grass and started a new watering job.

"The Wingless Gods had some friction with the angels that day. My sister is nearby and arrived soon, trying to stop this unnecessary fight."

"But the angel on the opposite side seemed to be enraged and went crazy. He regarded her as one of the helpers called by the Wingless God, and launched a fierce offensive against her."

"That friction was the biggest friction between the wingless god and the angel. Even the god king was alarmed. It took a lot of money to prevent this friction from rising to a higher level. There were five wingless gods and angels. The gods of the four angels disappeared between heaven and earth in this incident, and lost their original eternal life forever."

"My sister is one of them."


Make up for a chapter that was missed before

(End of this chapter)

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