Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 395 Can't Brew Moondew Wine Anymore

Chapter 395 Can't Brew Moondew Wine Anymore
"I don't understand what mistake my sister made to make her pay the price of death!" The Snow Goddess' tone was full of hatred.

That kind of hatred, Yuan Feiwu has no doubts about what the Ice and Snow Goddess said before, wishing to kill all the angels.

The goddess of ice and snow fell silent after saying this.In the large forest of pot-leaf grass, there is only the occasional sound of spoons filling water.When watering, the water flows along the stems without any sound, but colorful refraction flashes under the gentle sun, embellishing the pot-leaf grass with a beautiful coat.

The goddess of ice and snow hadn't said what Yuan Feiwu wanted to ask, but Yuan Feiwu just watered it silently without any urging.

After a long while, the Ice and Snow Goddess said again: "When I arrived, my sister's sea of ​​consciousness was broken... I don't know what the people around are talking about, I don't know if I said anything , I just want to wipe out all the guys with wings in front of me..."

"I wanted to move, but my sister grabbed my hand."

"At the end of her life, the last words she left behind were also her last wish, or the last request."

"'Please live in harmony with the angels, and stop unnecessary wars...'"

"What about your revenge? Should I fulfill your request, or avenge you? She didn't have time to answer me..."

"Don't you already know the answer?"

Faintly, as if talking about the tone of chatting after dinner, the air fell into silence again.

"That's why you always dislike the angels, but when there is such a chance that you can really coexist with the angels without any disputes, you agree without hesitation. This is the answer you know, and firmly enforced."

After a while, I didn't expect Yuan Feiwu to speak first.

"Do you know why I didn't make moon dew wine?" The goddess of ice and snow continued Yuan Feiwu's words, and the topic seemed to turn a corner.

Yuan Feiwu didn't speak, stretched his waist with a smile, raised his head to meet the warm sun that made him drowsy, squinted his eyes and enjoyed it.After a while, I worked hard again, uh, or put my head up and worked hard.

"As a wingless god, of course I will brew moon dew wine. In the past, before the night came, it was my younger sister who happily watered these potted grasses and took care of them to keep them alive. And I will make The moon dew obtained after the night is brewed into wine."

"Now, those potted grasses in my yard fall into my hands and are completely wasted, but there is no way to brew them again..."

Yuan Feiwu didn't look at the Ice and Snow Goddess, but Yuan Feiwu's ears could hear a few water droplets falling into the bucket not far away.It fell into Yuan Feiwu's ears, it was so crisp and heavy.

The sentence "But there is no way to brew it again..." puts an ellipsis very implicitly for the sadness of the goddess of ice and snow who lost her sister.It was an endless emotion with no end in sight.

"Actually, I think my sister's request is only half of the reason for the decision I'm making now, and the other half is my own wish."

"I will do my best to prevent our Wingless God from losing anyone..."

dong dong dong...

The heavy footsteps of Thunder God of War approached from far away, and even the pot-leaf grass seemed to be disturbed, and the heavy leaves swayed gently in unison.

He ran in with two big buckets, and saw that the Ice and Snow Goddess and Yuan Feiwu had already penetrated into the depths of the pot-leaf grass forest, and couldn't help but praise: "Not bad! Well done!"

The goddess of ice and snow ignored him, but Yuan Feiwu turned around and responded with a smile.

The God of War Thunder thought that the Goddess of Ice and Snow was still angry at him for saying that she was drinking and drinking, and he didn't care. Anyway, that guy was used to being cold and arrogant, and he was not used to being so passionate about him one day.

No nonsense, I went back to the house to find a big wooden spoon, and joined in the watering work.

The goddess of ice and snow wiped the corners of her eyes. She didn't know why she said so much to Yuan Feiwu. She never mentioned these words to anyone.

I feel that he seems to have a reassuring aura, so I let myself feel relieved.To be honest, now she feels a burst of relief in her chest, as if all the years of stagnation have been exhaled in one breath, and even her body seems to be a little lighter.

"This wish is very good, and it must be fulfilled. So don't always think about taking yourself seriously, and don't forget that you are also an indispensable person among the wingless gods..."

"Huh? What are you talking about, Brother Feiwu?" Thunder God of War heard Yuan Feiwu suddenly say something inexplicably, it seemed as if he was speaking to others, but also as if he was speaking to himself, he didn't know what expression to use to express replied.

"Didn't you understand? What I mean is, don't take it all on yourself, including me, everyone is happy to share it for you. So, don't force yourself too much." Yuan Feiwu turned around and used a comparable The bright smiles of the nine suns gathered in the sky dazzled the Thunder God of War.

"Haha, I understand. Didn't I call you to help me? Thank you, Brother Feiwu, you are loyal!" Lei Ting God of War responded eagerly, smiling very happily.

The Ice and Snow Goddess stopped watering for just a split second, so it was not easy to find out.

It's so similar, except that she doesn't like to act like a baby, that kind of delicate caring and caring for others' warmth all the time, very much like her sister.At that moment, she even wondered if Yuan Feiwu was her sister reappearing in front of her.

In just a split second, she regained her senses.

Because unfortunately, this is not possible.

The three of them watered silently again, very efficiently.

Compared with the past, this time the pot leaf grass was watered more than Yuan Feiwu, and the speed was more than one-third faster.Even so, it took them nearly a whole day to almost finish watering the pot-leaf plants.

The finishing work was not yet completed, and suddenly there were anxious shouts from outside the pot-leaf grass forest.

"Aris! Something went wrong, what about you, Ares?!"

"What's the matter?" The thunderous voice of the Thunder God of War came from far away.

"Come out quickly! Something serious happened! A four-winged birdman came over with a few birdmen, saying that Zhenshan injured one of their people and wanted to cut off his hand!"

The tall pot-leaf grass was pushed away, and the person who came was about to meet him, but was suddenly taken aback: "I'll go, Goddess of Ice and Snow, you imitate the voice of Thunder God of War very much! Don't make trouble, I'll find Thunder God of War ah!"

"Like your sister!" The God of War Thunder was tall and tall, and he pushed aside the potted leaves and ran out with a lot of noise, appearing after the goddess of ice and snow, "While walking, what is the situation!"

The man didn't talk too much, and hurriedly led the way, talking all the way.

In fact, it’s not that complicated, it’s just that Zhenshan threw the angel out at the meeting last time, and asked Michael to come to him by himself, offending the angel.

However, after the Wingless God agreed to the competition, everyone will enter an era of more peaceful coexistence in the near future. At this time, it is impossible for the opponent to take the initiative to cause trouble.

The God of War Thunder and the Goddess of Ice and Snow couldn't figure out why the angels were making such a big fuss to find trouble. No archangel would make such a decision.

Oh, it's still possible if it's the charismatic angel Haniya, that guy has always been a little thoughtless in his actions.


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Thanks together!

(End of this chapter)

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