Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 396 GroundC396 Do something?Then do something!

Chapter 396 Ground 390 Chapter [-] Do something?Then do something!
Thunder God of War and Ice Goddess guessed correctly, even the Archangels couldn't have guessed that Edith would do this.

Michael just asked Edith to come over and call people again with a more serious attitude, but now is the time for Edith to express himself, and after hearing the two-winged angel's embellished complaints, he decided to do it for him. He made a good start and added more prestige among the angels.

Edith took five two-winged angels, including the wounded one.Edith flew over to the gathering place of the Wingless Gods, and the Wingless Gods who were busy with their own affairs didn't even look at him, and shouted loudly: "Where is Zhenshan? The angel who hurt us is still here!" Won't you get out?"

Those wingless gods who were passing by or chatting, just looked up at them, and then turned back and continued to do their own things, as if nothing had happened.

The attitude of not taking it seriously at all is vividly expressed.

Edith was so angry, he felt that he was about to become the noble status of an archangel, and he already felt superior to others among the angels, and he looked down on these wingless gods who were about to hand over their master-servant contracts .But being ignored like this left no room for his arrogance!

"Did you hear that, let Zhenshan get out!"

"Does this angel have to put down his noble figure to find him?"

"Hearing my Edith's name, you're scared, aren't you?!"

The Wingless God below looked up silently again, and added such a dialogue to the chat.

"Who is that guy up there cursing like a shrew? He keeps nagging and shouting, isn't he tired?"

"It seems to be Ivans. It looks familiar. Maybe it's crazy?"

After shouting for a long time, Edith's voice was almost hoarse, but there was no way, Zhenshan just didn't show up.At the beginning, I said that I didn't want to put down my body to look for Zhenshan, so now I'm going to look for someone else?What a shame!Besides, the gathering place of the Wingless Gods is not small, when will every family look for it!Edith hated the Wingless God who was still chatting leisurely at the moment. These people are too out of the way, and they don't help to convey the message!
Don't they all say that the Wingless Gods have a very good relationship with each other?You should show it!

Although Edith felt that he was a little ashamed now, he was not a brainless person, and he was thinking about what to do while calling him.

As soon as the brain strikes, I immediately have an idea.

Don't go looking for it yourself, but fly around the place where the Wingless God lives, shouting while flying, Zhenshan will naturally run out when he hears it!If you don't come out, it means you hide on purpose, then go to the elders of the Wingless God and ask them to explain!

Anyway, I can't let myself stand up for the first time and return in vain!
If he did this, Yuan Feiwu would definitely call him "Wow, garbage truck!"

With its own sound effects, it travels every corner of the place of residence. Isn’t it the recycling garbage truck that works hard in the early morning on the earth!

Before Edith changed places, someone came up to pay attention to them. After all, they have been shouting there for several hours. The God of Light can only pretend to be deaf, and he can't really treat himself as deaf!Seeing that the other party was indeed very persistent, he drifted over slowly.

Seeing the God of Light, Edith, feels touched!Opening his mouth, he sneered openly and secretly.But no matter how Edith vented his anger with a rough voice, the God of Light always looked like he was dying, which made Edith feel super boring.

Don't give an explanation, right?I'm so welcome!Edith was about to take advantage of the problem to make a fuss, but at this moment, the God of Light summoned a wingless god and asked him to call Zhenshan over.Edith had no choice but to suppress the fire forcefully.

Zhen Shan was alone in the yard watering the pot-leaf grass. There were not many pot-leaf grass and could have been watered quickly. Maybe he couldn't bear the blow of Yuan Feiwu's job-hopping without looking back, and he was listless at work.

Called by the God of Light, Zhenshan just responded lightly and passed.

"What do you want from me?" As soon as he arrived at the God of Light, Zhenshan didn't take a look at the angels, and another guy who showed his attitude of not taking it seriously appeared to the fullest.

"Archangel Michael is here!" Edith almost gritted his teeth.

Zhen Shan also probably guessed what the angel came to see him for, the potted leaves and grass were almost watered, and now he has nothing to worry about, so he just let them go, always let the archangel please ask again It's also embarrassing: "In this case, let's go."

Zhen Shan has already started thinking about how to hide Yuan Feiwu from the past.

I don't know how Michael discovered the existence of Yuan Feiwu and was brought back by himself, otherwise why would he keep catching him and asking some suspicious people?Who is suspicious here?And can you get in touch with yourself?Only Yuan Feiwu who just came up!Vulcan said at the time that Yuan Feiwu was a suspicious person. In fact, everyone knew it well, but after letting him join the Wingless God and becoming a family, he wanted to protect him, so he kept ignoring the fact that Michael was invited. .

If Michael knew that Yuan Feiwu was the secret of the God of Darkness, Yuan Feiwu would still be in trouble. Maybe when the competition between the two sides has a result and the two races get along more peacefully, it will be more acceptable to the angels. .

Maybe at that time, all the wingless gods will sign a master-servant contract with Michael, and they will give up their lives, so why not accept it!

Bah, bah, bah, Zhenshan scolded himself inwardly, why did he presuppose that the Wingless God would lose so quickly!
Anyway, when the time came, I would prevaricate casually, saying that I saw a suspicious person, but flew away by myself.

"Wait a minute, before you go, I remember that you have done something to Ge Jie before!" Edith sneered.

Ge Jie is the two-winged angel who was thrown out by Zhenshan before.

"That's right." Zhen Shan was taken aback for a moment, and was thrown a few times, so it should be considered a move.

"You dare to touch a noble and holy angel. You should be guilty of an unforgivable crime! But on the premise that our two races are prepared to live in harmony, the death penalty will be avoided. I will keep the hands I have touched, and I will let it go. "

"Haha..." Zhenshan laughed out loud when he heard it, and became angry, but was pulled back by the God of Light when he was about to speak.

The God of Light knew that something was serious at a glance, so he quickly came out to smooth things over, and on the other side quietly asked someone to call the Thunder God of War or the God of Vulcan over.This matter seems to be up to a few of them.

"This matter is not that serious. There may be some misunderstandings between the two parties. I will apologize to that angel on behalf of Zhenshan, and this matter will be written off. What do you think?" The God of Light pointed at the second wing behind Edith in a calm tone. said the angel.

"Elder Guangming God, why bother to apologize! He obviously did it first!" Zhenshan is a very bloody person, and he will never admit cowardice when he encounters such an obviously unreasonable encounter.

"I've done something to an angel, can it be solved by just apologizing? God of Light, you don't think much of us!" Edith sneered.

If it was changed to before, Edith would still give some face to the God of Light.but now?He is about to be one of the archangels, the God of Light is a fart!

"Angels are so precious, you can't even touch them." The cold voice, as if mixed with ice, floated towards the angels in Edith.

It made them shudder.

The feathers on their wings stood up one after another, this is an instinctive reaction to sense danger!
Because what accompanied the sound was even more murderous!
The God of Light turned his head and saw that the Thunder God of War and the Goddess of Ice and Snow were flying over, and the murderous aura on the Goddess of Ice and Snow was so strong that even he could feel it.

While sighing in his heart, he quickly sent a sound transmission to the Wingless God who was running errands just now: "I'm sorry! Didn't I call you Thunder God of War or Fire God? Why did you call the Goddess of Ice and Snow here!"

"I can't help it, the Goddess of Ice and Snow and the Thunder God of War are together! I didn't call her, she came here by herself!" That person was also helpless.

He also knows that such a frictional scene is not suitable for the Ice and Snow Goddess to appear, but what can he do, tell the Ice and Snow Goddess not to follow?If you do that, you will be frozen into popsicles in minutes and won't be able to melt for days!
Edith came here with the mentality of picking things up, and when he met the Ice and Snow Goddess who had a deep hatred for angels, the God of Light felt that today's small things would turn into big things in minutes!

The two races are about to enter a new century of great unity, but this happened, and he doesn't know how to deal with it!
(End of this chapter)

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