Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 397 The Definition of Hands-On

Chapter 397 The Definition of Hands-On

"Ice and Snow Goddess..." There was only one person left in Edith's eyes, and that was the Ice and Snow Goddess.

The hatred between the Ice and Snow Goddess and the Angel is known to almost the whole world, and of course a veteran cadre like Edith is not the one who doesn't know about it.

In normal times, Edith might have turned around and left when she saw the Ice and Snow Goddess flying over murderously, otherwise it would be hard to say what happened, because she couldn't beat her!
Today is different, he is a man who is about to become a shining angel!

The title of Radiant Angel used to belong to Lucifer, and it used to be the title with the highest status in the entire heaven except for the God King!This name is the existence that can scare a lot of enemies by reporting it!Although even if it is inherited by oneself, it may not mean that one person is under one person and above ten thousand people, but the meaning it represents is different!
If I saw the Ice and Snow Goddess approaching, I would be so scared that I would run away, so why would I take over the title of Radiant Angel if it spreads out!
"Everyone has to pay the price for what they did wrong, and Zhenshan is the same!" Edith said forcefully.

"Remember at that time, the two-winged angel behind you made the first move? Doesn't he need to bear the price of impulsiveness?"

The goddess of ice and snow came to Edith with a blank expression, and the surrounding temperature froze instantly. Edith and the others even felt that the air was about to be frozen, so they mobilized their divine power to resist.

"This, this..." The two-winged angel panicked under the pressure of the Ice and Snow Goddess.

"Don't talk!" Edith quickly sent him a voice transmission.

Edith tidied up her expression, and after returning to a superior expression, said: "Ge Jie just wanted to pat Zhenshan and talk well. But Zhenshan did it without saying a word, whoever is right about this matter Is the mistake obvious?"

Zhenshan's eyes were wide open, and Edith has reached a new level in talking nonsense!

But he didn't get angry at the first moment, but stopped in front of the Ice and Snow Goddess: "Elder, don't be angry, go back and have a rest, we will deal with this matter, I will do it alone!"

"That's right, the boss of the God of Light is involved in this matter, you should go back first." Thunder God of War also stopped him.

Edith was a little delusional at this time, as if the protagonist of this incident was the goddess of ice and snow?Did you make a mistake!Isn't the protagonist the one who steals the limelight?
When he came back to his senses, he saw an even more unexpected picture.

In front of him, there are no longer a few elders and Zhenshan, and below him are not those three or two wingless gods who wholeheartedly treat them as melon-eating people.

In front of him, at some point, a large group of wingless gods had gathered. At a glance, all of them should be present, and they were trying to dissuade the goddess of ice and snow!All of a sudden the whole picture was messed up!
What are you doing?
Just now I yelled for a long time, and even the flies paid attention to me.

It's just that the goddess of ice and snow came out, and there are so many wingless gods around! ?
Edith was a little surprised and puzzled.

But the goddess of ice and snow has seen this situation many times, and has never paid attention to it.

This time is different. After hearing Yuan Feiwu's seemingly nonsensical words before, she has a new understanding.

"Don't forget that you are also an indispensable person for the Wingless God..."

That's right, she wants to protect everyone in the Wingless God, and "everyone", why doesn't she want to protect herself?Because we are all family!

Whenever there is friction between myself and the angel, everyone will always show up at the first time, isn't it for fear that I will do something stupid, isn't it for protecting myself?
Because I will be the most impulsive one!It is also the one that is most likely to be worried about!
The goddess of ice and snow gave a rare smile, she cherished this big family even more.

The chattering crowd immediately fell silent when they saw the Ice and Snow Goddess smile.That rare smile is as beautiful as a fairy, but everyone is not quiet because of this.

"Oops, I'm so angry!"

"I've never seen her smile, how angry she is!"

"Edith, you fucking run, you don't know how you will die in a while!"

After the silence, everyone's whispered discussions immediately moved the Ice and Snow Goddess, and sometimes this group of people is really a little... awkward.

"Is it just a shake?" Suddenly, a voice came out of Edith's ear, and it didn't know where it came from.

Sound transmission is to compress the voice and transmit it to the ear of the other party. It can be done by any sky warrior or magister, and even fighting spirit and magic power do not need to be released.However, with the strength of the caster, the possibility of being intercepted and eavesdropped also varies.If the party who hears it doesn't know who the other party is, it doesn't know which direction it is coming from.

"Who, who is talking?" Edith just didn't know who was talking to him now, and turned his head left and right. "A shake is not a hand, so what is a hand?"

Everyone heard Edith talking to himself inexplicably all of a sudden, and they were all ready to ask whether the angel was also mad.

Suddenly, a figure flashed past and appeared from bottom to top.Someone with sharp eyes has already seen it, it jumped out from the top of a building under their feet!
So fast!

Edith also noticed that a group of figures appeared as fast as lightning, and came to him in an instant.But he never thought that someone would dare to attack him, and he was always on guard, and it was too late to think about it now.

That group of figures seemed to be different from the rules accepted by others. There was no word "inertia", and they flew like cannonballs and stopped.

The moment he stopped, his whole body stretched out in large characters, and an angelic smile was first imprinted in Edith's eyes, as if time had been frozen.

Then, a fist gradually enlarged in front of Edith's eyes from far to near.

People nearby could see that when the fist touched Edith's face, his face seemed to be sunken, which shows how powerful the fist is!Then, like the one who came, he smashed to the ground faster than a cannonball!

Before it was over, the figure fell down and kicked him heavily in the abdomen, causing his body to be directly embedded in the ground, and a mouthful of golden blood spit out from his mouth!
"At least that's the way to go."

Edith was still in a daze when he heard what the other party said.

This is the voice that was transmitted just now!
The angels were the first to react, their leaders were all beaten, how could they not react quickly!It turned into five golden shooting stars all of a sudden, and with a single swipe, it wanted to surround the figure.

"Who are you, you dare to shoot at Captain Edith!" Ge Jie happened to block the retreat of the figure, and the figure was about to retreat, so he was the first to meet it.

"The suspicious person you've been looking for! You've forgotten your job and have been looking for other troubles. It's too dereliction of duty."

Ge Jie was stunned when he heard that, indeed, several angels came to invite Zhenshan back, because Michael wanted to know the news of a suspicious person.Of course they don't know who the suspicious person is, but all fools know that this suspicious person is the most important thing!More important than Zhenshan!

In such a moment of stupefaction, Ge Jie's eyes suddenly turned upside down.

This picture is so familiar!Ge Jie burst into tears, he experienced this kind of treatment just a day ago, and he will do it again soon!

The figure grabbed Ge Jie's wings and spun around, threw Ge Jie out and hit an angel who was about to rush to his side, slowing down his movements, taking this opportunity, the figure rushed out quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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