Chapter 398 Not caught

"Catch that bastard! And you, are you in the same group?!" Edith had already got up from the ground, clutching her sunken nose, pointing at the wingless gods on her head and shouting loudly. .

"Catch people." The God of Light muttered indistinctly.

Of course, this was said to Edith, and the purpose was to draw a line with this attack!

Of course they all saw who that figure was, it was Yuan Feiwu!He kept smiling even when he beat someone up, what a freak!But I have to say, well done!

Although the God of Light's move is very uncomfortable, it is the best choice for both parties at the moment. They should pretend to arrest people, otherwise it will be difficult to explain.

The other wingless gods could pretend not to hear, but the Ice and Snow Goddess and Thunder God of War who were standing on both sides could not turn a deaf ear to it, and immediately stopped them.

There is a difference between the two, of course Thunder God of War deliberately slowed down a few beats, and Ice and Snow Goddess blocked Yuan Feiwu's way in an instant.

Why are you so impulsive!Obviously she was the one who should be the most impulsive, but this seemingly very well-behaved kid went up and beat up the angel without saying a word!
Does he know what the consequences of this will be?Especially since he is still the God of Darkness!If you get caught, you will definitely end badly!
"You..." The goddess of ice and snow grabbed Yuan Feiwu's arm as soon as she reached out, and she wanted to ask her own question.

Very beautiful black hair.

But what attracted the Ice and Snow Goddess was not her black hair, nor her unbelievable and smiling face.It was the pair of calm, but extremely determined eyes.

Calm means that he is not controlled by impulsive emotions; firm means that this is his decision.

But why? !
This time is not the time to ask these questions, the Ice Goddess' subconscious mind is relaxed, Yuan Feiwu immediately got rid of the Ice Goddess, and rushed to the alley ahead like an arrow, without turning his head and running to the left.

"Oh, even the Ice and Snow Goddess can't stop her, she looks so powerful!" Thunder God of War pretended to shout, how could he not know that the Ice and Snow Goddess released the water, otherwise he would definitely release the water.

Even if that person wasn't Yuan Feiwu, and someone beat up that annoying birdman severely, just because of this, Thunder God of War is determined to let him go!Happy!
"He doesn't even use his divine power!" Edith gritted his teeth.

Is it possible that the Ice and Snow Goddess can't even catch a guy who doesn't use her powers? !

The problem is that even if people release water, there is nothing they can do about it.

Because I can't justify it!The more you say it, the more embarrassing it is!He didn't use his supernatural power, but he was beaten so badly that his nose was crooked!Even the angels brought in, there are still two falling into a ball at this moment!
Of course, even the Ice and Snow Goddess can't stop him at this time, so his face will be better!
But he also understood that the other party didn't let him go just to save face for himself!This made him even more annoyed!
"So you're all watching?!" Edith yelled again.

On the side where Yuan Feiwu fled, the three angels he brought had already quickly chased after him, but when they reached the intersection, Edith had a very bad premonition, and hurriedly turned towards the God of Light. Go crazy.

The God of Light is quite generous, motivating everyone to look for it.Then Edith could see those wingless gods drifting away slowly in twos and threes, without any enthusiasm at all.

If Edith knew that those wingless gods just went home and continued to work on their own affairs, they would be even angrier.

"Captain Edith, the other party is missing!" The angels who rushed out to arrest him made him even more furious.

"Look for it! Keep looking! It must be hidden in the home of some wingless god. I'll call for someone to come over, and I'll have to catch that suspicious person!" Edith yelled frantically, with a flat nose, His blood-stained face completely wiped away his original vigor and suaveness.

"We will search our residence ourselves, thank you Edith for your kindness."

Wanting to search the residences of all the wingless gods is obviously not a polite behavior, and it can even be said to be very unreasonable.The God of Light doesn't care anymore, so he has to stop this time.

"It's definitely you who are covering up the suspicious person! I'll bring someone to search right away, you guys are waiting to die!"

Edith's almost crazy expression made the God of Light frowned.On the other side, the Goddess of Ice and Snow was stopped behind by Thunder God of War, fearing that she would lose her temper at any time.

But Thunder God of War couldn't bear it anymore, he really wanted to beat up that bird man.

"Who approved you to search the residence of the Wingless God?"

A soft voice suddenly sounded behind Edith.

Perhaps frightened by the sneak attack, Edith turned around abruptly and drew out his sword with a look of vigilance, which turned out to be a big joke.

Raphael with long blond hair was standing behind him, three pairs of huge white wings dazzled him almost to the point of fainting.It was the archangel who healed the angel Raphael. He actually raised his sword towards him. This kind of behavior was very offensive among the angels who were very particular about the hierarchy. He was so scared that he immediately retracted the sword and bowed his head to admit his mistake.

Next to Raphael stood the god of fire, Hephaestus. It was the god of light who quietly asked the god of fire to find Raphael.

The God of Light has always been calm because of Raphael's backing. Raphael is the one who most yearns for peace between the two races, and has the best relationship with the Wingless God. Naturally, he will stop Edith from being aggressive.Originally, they came to reconcile the matter of Xie Zhenshan, but when Raphael arrived, the matter seemed to have deviated in another direction.

The original protagonist, Zhenshan, was even in a daze and was ignored by everyone.

"Why did you search the residence of the Wingless God?" Raphael asked gently, not dissatisfied with Edith's unreasonableness.

"Archangel Raphael, the suspicious person that Archangel Michael has been trying to track down just now appeared, but one of them was accidentally escaped by him, and he disappeared after a while, so the subordinates suspected that the suspicious person was hiding somewhere In a residence of the Wingless God. And when it appeared, no one found it. It is very likely that it has been hiding in this area, and it must be protected by the Wingless God..."

"Edith, please pay attention to your words. If you don't see definite evidence, you can't make any judgments." Raphael interrupted Edith.

Raphael is considered to be a very approachable and lenient person. Seeing that Edith was losing his mind at this time, he didn't like it very much.

Will this person bear the name of a shining angel in the future?Raphael couldn't help frowning when he thought of this.

"But Archangel Raphael, I was beaten! The other party dared to attack the angel! Absolutely can't just let it go!" Edith couldn't believe that Archangel Raphael spoke for the other party.

"I saw it." Raphael said lightly.

Edith's tone like a child telling an adult that he was being bullied made Thunder God of War and Zhenshan couldn't help but burst out laughing.

With that spoiled look on your face, who doesn't know you were beaten!Don't you look proud if you don't even wipe your nosebleeds?Raphael must also be extremely depressed in his heart, and he doesn't know how to respond to him except "I saw it"!

"I have to go back and discuss this matter carefully before making a decision, but regarding the search of the Wingless God's residence, even I cannot issue this order."

What Raphael meant was that he didn't dare to come and search other people's base camp, how dare you, a four-winged angel, search?Especially when the two sides have reached an agreement to further peaceful coexistence, even if Michael came over under such circumstances, he would not dare to make such a decision lightly.

"So what do we do now?"

"Go back and talk."

Archangel Raphael has said so, what else can Edith do, he glanced at the God of Light on one side with resentful eyes, and took the other angels away.

"Please let us know if you have any news about suspicious persons." Before leaving, Raphael asked very politely before flying away.

(End of this chapter)

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