Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 399 The Efforts of the Demon King

Chapter 399 The Efforts of the Demon King

The God of Light, God of Fire, Goddess of Ice and Snow, God of Thunder and God of War, and Zhenshan still stayed where they were.After the angels left, all the wingless gods reappeared from everywhere, gathered near the God of Light, and waited tacitly for the new arrangement of the elders.

There must be a simple meeting for such a big event, and everyone knows it clearly.

At this moment, Zhen Shan's mood was particularly chaotic.

Obviously in order to protect Yuan Feiwu, he worked very hard to deal with it, but he didn't expect Yuan Feiwu to confront himself, and beat up a four-winged angel in full view, even if the healing angel Raphael wanted to help, he couldn't speak up.

"Then everyone will speak in unison, saying that no 'suspicious person' has been found, nor do they know any 'suspicious person'." Guangming God said.

"Wait, what does this mean?" Zhen Shan was a little unhappy.

It has been said before that Yuan Feiwu is a member of the Wingless God's big family, now that the other party has caused trouble and immediately wants to draw a line with Yuan Feiwu, it is too much.

"You can't let what Yuan Feiwu did in vain." The God of Light sighed.

"Huh?" Zhenshan was completely confused.

The other wingless gods were also at a loss.

The Ice and Snow Goddess had some understanding.

"He made a sudden move just to save you, you idiot! And when he signed up for his account, he didn't say he was the Wingless God, did he? The relationship has hurt everyone. Even if Archangel Raphael came forward, it would be difficult to clear up the grievances between you and that small-bellied Edith. He simply came forward to attract all the attention and divert the conflict between the two races. To him. Didn’t you see that in the end people kept clamoring for ‘suspicious characters’? It’s nothing to do with you. Everything is the result of his careful guidance. Let’s admit to the angel that he is a wingless god. Wouldn't it be a waste of all his painstaking efforts?"

After the God of Light explained, everyone came to their senses.

Only now did the goddess of ice and snow understand why Yuan Feiwu's eyes were so determined when he passed by.That was already a decision he made after careful consideration, although the goddess of ice and snow was not satisfied with his decision.

The current situation is very good for the Wingless God. The little friction between Zhenshan and the angels has been completely ignored, and Michael is looking for Zhenshan to ask suspicious people, so this can be saved at this moment. , the angel and the wingless god reunited.But the prerequisite is that the Wingless God has to show the same attitude towards suspicious characters as the angels.

That's what the God of Light does.

As a result, the Wingless Gods, especially Zhenshan, benefited greatly, but Yuan Feiwu was going to become a big villain, a street mouse that everyone shouted and beat.

The Ice and Snow Goddess was very dissatisfied with the choice he made, but there was no other way not to cooperate at the moment.As the God of Light said, if we don't draw a clear line with Yuan Feiwu, not only the sacrifices made by Yuan Feiwu will be in vain, but also the friction between the angel and the wingless god will escalate again.

Falling under the charge of covering up the suspicious person Michael was investigating, the perennially suspicious angels even thought they were going to do something harmful to the angels.

"Oh, Xiao Feiwu is so pitiful!"

"What now?"

"Let's find him first, hide him in my house, and cover him with a quilt so that no one will find him!"

"If someone checks it out, you just lie on the bed and help him cover it up, right? If you're not careful, you roll the bed sheet by the way? I can't see your tricks! If you want to hide my house, I'm not afraid of anything The crime of covering up a suspicious person!"

When the Ice and Snow Goddess sighed, the girls fell out again.

"Don't underestimate this 'suspicious person'. You have all seen it just now. Although it was a sneak attack, he was able to knock the four-winged angel to the ground without using any divine power. I am afraid it is not easy. And this friction is because of him But now, I’m just attracted to him again.” Seeing that most people didn’t take this suspicious person seriously, Vulcan couldn’t help reminding him that he didn’t care.

Now Vulcan believes that Yuan Feiwu escaped from Michael.

Without using any divine power, he was able to sneak attack a four-winged angel among several angels in an instant, and escape without a trace.Let Vulcan try it, but there is no certainty that it can be done.

"So what, if you dare to take responsibility, you are already countless times better than many people." Zhen Shan immediately stepped forward to speak for Yuan Feiwu this time.

Although, as Vulcan said, all frictions were actually caused by him, Zhen Shan still felt that he owed Yuan Feiwu a favor.

"No, I have to hurry and find him. If the angels find him, I will be in trouble." After Zhen Shan finished speaking, he ran away worried.

Afterwards, everyone discussed for a while, and generally expressed their preference for the newly joined Wingless God who dared to act, and then they dispersed.

To them, it doesn't matter at all whether the suspicious person is suspicious or not.The important thing is whether this person is worth cherishing by everyone, and he did not hesitate to stand up for everyone, and this has already made everyone feel Yuan Feiwu's heart.

Edith rushed back to the palace of the god king before Raphael. It was not time for any meeting, and only Michael was in the palace.

"Archangel Michael! Those wingless gods are so unreasonable! They dare to do something to me!" Edith pointed at his face. His nose had recovered, but there was still a dent on his face.

"Do something to you?" Michael held back his temper. As the future Archangel, he ran over to complain about being beaten. It was too embarrassing. "Are you going to provoke the Ice and Snow Goddess?"

At this time, it is impossible for the Wingless God to find trouble with the angel for no reason, and it is more likely that Edith caused trouble.Edith has been with Michael for so many years, how could Michael not know what kind of character he is, he loves to show off his arrogance.But such a person is easier for Michael to control.In addition, his strength is not bad, and he is very supportive of himself, so he plans to promote Edith.

"No, it was the 'suspicious person' who moved!"

"Suspicious person?" Michael was calm on the surface, but in fact his heart was overwhelmed. For him, this guy with a dark aura had too many reasons to want to find him. He was really surprised to hear about him, "What is it like?" appearance?"

"Black hair, not tall and a bit thin, but fair and clean." Edith was extremely unhappy with Yuan Feiwu, and couldn't say any words of praise.

Black hair, it is too difficult to find a person with black hair in the whole heaven.If it wasn't that suspicious person, who else could it be?

But Michael was really curious about the whole thing, but he just asked Edith to go to Zhenshan, and he was able to lure out the suspicious person, and even had a confrontation?

But there is also a part worth pondering. Why did suspicious people take action when looking for Zhenshan?Could it be that this suspicious person is really related to Zhenshan or even the Wingless God?
Could it be that this suspicious person, like Juliel who went down to the Demon Realm, turned against the Wingless God and wanted to cause turmoil in the Heaven Realm?

(End of this chapter)

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