Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 400 Uriel's Probing Method

Chapter 400 Uriel's Probing Method

Michael had to think deeply, but at this time Raphael came slowly.

Then briefly introduce to Michael what Edith did just now. Even Michael didn't expect Edith to do such things.

Under the great situation that the angel and the wingless god are about to form a new linkage relationship, what does this idiot want to do?
"I just asked you to bring Zhenshan here, who asked you to do unnecessary things?"

"Ah? This..." Michael didn't say it, but he thought Michael meant it!

"You back down first!" Michael waved his hand angrily, this guy was picked by himself, no matter how stupid or stupid he can only blame himself.

Fortunately, Raphael rushed to the scene, otherwise this guy would almost spoil his good deed!

"Yes!" Edith had no choice but to retreat in despair.

"Raphael, you have the best relationship with the Wingless God. Regarding this matter, do you think the suspicious person is related to the Wingless God? How should we deal with it?" Michael felt a little headache.

I thought it was a certainty that the Wingless God was about to surrender to me, but suddenly a black-haired boy who might have overheard his communication with Vulcan, a pig teammate with a wormy brain who made his own way, did not expect this There can be so many variables.

"It's hard to say without concrete evidence. And the closer relationship between the two sides is coming. Even if the two have a relationship, we can only relax a little, so as not to change again." Rafael said.

"I know what you mean, let's discuss this matter in the long run."

"Well. I'll go first, please take care of me." Raphael even said goodbye to make others feel like a spring breeze, and left gracefully.

As soon as Raphael left, Michael called Ulier.Dealing with the Wingless God, Raphael is still too kind, and many decisions are not suitable for discussion with him.

Julier arrives soon.

As soon as Michael told Uriel about the possible connection between the suspicious person and the Wingless God, Ulier immediately fell into deep thought.

If it is said that people from the demon world follow his way to destroy the heavens, and use their own methods to treat their own bodies, Julier will not be surprised at all.

Especially the black-haired new demon king I saw in the demon world, he looked like a guy who didn't play according to the rules, and I didn't know how Lucifer would be willing to follow such a demon king.

"Take someone to search the Wingless God's residence. This may be the most direct way." Michael thought for a while, and gave this suggestion that he was not very satisfied with.

Uriel understood what Michael meant.

If the opponent only wants to use the wingless god to cause trouble in the heavenly realm, it is the same as Juliyer only using the Brahmans to do things in the demon world.At the beginning, Juliyer still had a lot of secret means in the Demon Realm. He also joined forces with the Lord of Soul, the Dark Wizard, and the Demon Dragon. Only then was he able to cause trouble in the Demon Realm, and even kill a great demon god directly.

Although it failed in the end, if the devil hadn't finally broken through the soul-capturing array to save Lucifer, I'm afraid his strategy would have succeeded.

If the other party wants to achieve this level, they must have a backup.

If you can thoroughly search the residence of the Wingless God, you may be able to get the answer.But doing so would also declare an antagonistic relationship with the Wingless God.This kind of unfriendly approach is absolutely idiotic before you tear your face.

"No, our relationship with the Wingless God is about to reach the final and most critical step. This will undoubtedly violate their bottom line." Uriel objected without hesitation.

Michael didn't think that this method could really be implemented, but he just wanted to throw a brick to attract jade and ask Uriel to come up with a better method.Now, he knew that his abacus was very successful, and Juliyer was worried that he would harm the interests of the heavens by doing stupid things, so he definitely thought about the solution more carefully.

This kind of person with a clear goal and extreme stubbornness is very easy to control no matter how smart his brain is... Michael looked at Uriel, who was melancholy and pensive, and couldn't help but raise his mouth slightly.

"In more than ten hours, the once-in-a-thousand-year night will fall. For the Wingless God, it is an important day to obtain the main materials for brewing Moondew wine." Ulier seemed to have some ideas, and said slowly Come on, "Brewing Moondew Wine is an irreplaceable tradition for the Wingless God. This matter has surpassed the importance of Moondew Wine itself. Use this to test it out, and you should be able to know what the Wingless God thinks."

"Oh, what do you say?"

"When the night falls, call the Wingless God over and talk to them slowly about the danger of the suspicious person, and ask them to cooperate with the angels to catch the suspicious person. Of course, if the suspicious person has already been obtained, just There is no need to waste everyone's time collecting moon dew. Otherwise, this communication will last a whole night."

Michael didn't need to hold back, he really smiled.

As long as it concerns the interests of angels, Juliyer is undoubtedly the smartest and most cold-blooded one, his rationality is so chilling.

"If they really have something to do with the Demon Realm, will this level of temptation force them to fall out? And if they insist on delaying it until after the night?"

"No. First, all five of our archangels have sincerely invited us, and they cannot shirk; second, we only need to make the suspicious person more dangerous, so that they understand why such an important time is wasted on communicating this matter." However, it is still within the range they can tolerate, and it will have less impact than directly searching the resident. If they resist for the sake of Moon Dew, it will prove that they may have a relationship with the suspicious person, and they will simply tear their faces; If they can be patient and spend such an important time with us slowly, it means that the possibility of a relationship is very, very small."

Moondew is not only a very important drink for the Wingless God, but many members of the angels also like Moondew very much. It is very likely that after this plan, they will not be able to taste Moondew for thousands of years. Even Michael feels a little heartbroken. .Actually using the moon dew wine as the lifeblood of the Wingless God as a condition to test the loyalty of the Wingless God, Juliel's cold blood made Michael amazed.

"Then do this. Kamal and I are ready to prevent the rebellion of the Wingless God, and the other Archangels will trouble you to do ideological work." Michael said.

"Okay." Uriel stood up, left quickly, and flew straight to Raphael's temple.

The only one who wants to do ideological work is this guy who has engraved peace into his bones.

On the other side, the Wingless God returned to his house in twos and threes, busy with the coming night.

All kinds of pots and pans in their respective houses were mobilized to hold the moon dew in time.The amount of moon dew gathered in the dark night will determine the amount of moon dew wine produced; the purity of the moon dew will determine the purity and quality of the brewed moon dew wine.

Therefore, Moon Dew is the key to brewing Moon Dew wine, and no wingless god will fail to make foolproof preparations in advance.Even the Ice and Snow Goddess, who no longer brewed Moon Dew Wine, stayed in the courtyard of Thunder God of War to help with life.

"Hey, Kanova, be more serious. I just unpacked the pot that was on the side, and you stacked it again! Hey, listen to me, don't move it home, I just moved it out, okay?" Thunder God of War was very depressed.

The Ice and Snow Goddess reacted after realizing it, and then moved out the pots and pots in a daze.

Yuan Feiwu's smiling and determined expression was still in her mind.

At this moment, angels kept flying by, all of them were searching for places other than the residence of the Wingless God, and they were probably searching for Yuan Feiwu.

However, she didn't hear any news that Yuan Feiwu was taken in. I'm afraid Yuan Feiwu really ran away because he was afraid of hurting the Wingless God.

Thinking of this, the Ice and Snow Goddess felt a little melancholy and worried.

Then the person who should be worried became Thunder God of War, because the Goddess of Ice and Snow was stunned, and then packed up the pots and pans that he had worked so hard to dismantle and moved them into the house, so angry that Thunder God of War couldn't figure out that he invited the Goddess of Ice and Snow To help or to cause trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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