Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 497 The Nemesis of the Great Magister of Light

Chapter 497 The Nemesis of the Great Magister of Light

"Lin Beck is sick, right? It's none of our business for them to crusade against the rogues! The rogues whose turn is the second largest mercenary group must be strong. This kind of large-scale rogues must be at the junction of the two countries. Lantis City is in the middle of the Northway Empire, and they can't fight each other. How can we get to us by the way?! Don't come here! Let alone the gate of Lantis Magic Academy, even the gate of Lantis No entry! I'm going to let the soldiers of Lantis City close the gate!"

Sure enough, before Livia said anything, Douglas jumped up again, fidgeting around the desk while angrily scolding the Jagged Mercenary Group.

Livia couldn't help but want to laugh, this "official business" really easily pulled Douglas away from the troubles of the monster invasion before.However, it may be separated from another event that is more troublesome.

When it comes to the love and murder between Douglas and Lynbeck, Livia can be regarded as the one who is most clear to the bystanders.

There was an unexplainable affection between the two of them.Oh, by the way, Lin Beck is a man, and the so-called affection is not the kind of affection that people with dirty hearts think.

Lin Beck is one of the rare elemental elves with the physique. He is much younger than Livia, and he has already become one of the four major magisters before he is a hundred years old.Before he became a great magister, the name of a genius magister had always belonged to Lin Beck, and after he became a great magister, the name of a genius magister fell to Livia.And it didn't mean that he broke away from the name of genius, but just changed his name to genius "big" magister.

When Lin Beck was still very young, Douglas was already a well-known great magister of light at that time. Lin Beck was not only an elf envoy of the earth element, but also talented and studious, and was also well-known in the Bagal Empire.

By chance, Douglas also met him at the Royal Court Academy of the Bagal Empire. At that time, Douglas was invited to give a lecture as a lecturer, and Lin Becker was brought into the palace by the royal family of the Bagal Empire in the name of a genius. In it, he studied in the exclusive palace academy of the royal family.

On that side, it was like old friends at first sight.

Livia will never forget how many times her teacher expressed her appreciation for Lynbeck in front of her after she came back to Landis, and Livia, who was still a little immature at that time, even felt jealous for a long time.Lin Beck has also publicly said many times that the person he admires most in his life is Douglas, the great magister of light.

Of these two people, one has a heart of love for each other and the other has a feeling of admiration for each other. This should be a good thing that should be passed on as a good story.

But good things always take a long time... Well, the order of these words is not quite right. It’s not that it takes a long time to make a good thing, but it’s because it’s a good thing that it happens!
Most geniuses have weird personalities, and people's admiration for Douglas is expressed in this way.

Rejecting Douglas' offer to recruit him as a disciple, and also rejecting the olive branch offered to him by Lantis Academy of Magic.

At the age of 20, he made a special trip to St. Wen College in Bolianze, and defeated Lantis Academy of Magic in the college exchange match. Douglas was so angry that he almost vomited blood that day.

Not long after graduating, he set up a mercenary group and began to work hard in the world. He rejected the invitation from Landis School of Magic and Magic that he could be the vice-principal.What an exaggerated honor to be invited to be the vice principal of the most famous Landis School of Magic in Star Luo Continent right after graduation!At that time, many people felt that Douglas's move was a little impulsive. How could a young man who had just graduated be the vice principal?It didn't take a few years to prove that Douglas was right. In just a few years, he was already a genius magister and famous all over the world.

After the Jagged Mercenary Group became the second largest mercenary group in the entire continent, Liang Zi became more and more knotted.Will the Jagged Mercenary Corps choose a day when Landis Magic Academy enrolls students, find a roadside outside the Lantis Magic Academy gate, set up a small stall, and recruit people for their Jagged Mercenary Corps.This person is basically not recruited very much. He came here because of his fame. Who would go to the mercenary group for no reason?Besides, the Jagged Mercenary Corps doesn't need these little kids who have just reached school age!Their existence is more like coming to join in the fun!
But it always made Douglas feel that this group of guys came here just to make a small advertisement by the way!Looking at the decent stall, I really feel disgusted by eating a fly in my mouth.

Looking at all the above deeds, it is really hard to see that he admires Douglas, and it is almost as good as saying that he has a grudge!

But Livia knew very well that Lynbeck really admired Douglas, and the sun and the moon can learn from the bottom of his heart.

Rejecting Douglas' invitation is only because he has his own way to make a living; in the exchange match, he sniped Lantis Academy of Magic with all his strength in order to let Douglas see that he has not stopped in practice; Douglas has many things that he can't do. When he went to deal with it in person, it was Lin Beck who had iron-blooded mercenaries behind his back to help him without saying a word; Super unscrupulous gesture, but it's not because of missing that I came to visit Douglas...

It's just that Lin Beck's personality is rather strange, and he prefers evil things... Every time he comes, Douglas has a headache, which is why it turned into the current scene of falling in love and killing each other.

No, Lin Beck may be bored with his free time, so he found an excuse to come over to be a guest again.

"No, it's just that the strength of a city may not be able to stop them. Are you saying that I seconded half of the Royal Guards from Alexander, or sold Marens Kun to bring the First Army to defend the city?!" Douglas was still circling the table, babbling.

Are you here to burn, kill and loot? !

Livia rolled her eyes, it seemed that Douglas was really terrified of being tortured by Lynbeck!

The majestic great magister of light, running to the army for help in a panic, makes people feel desolate and pitiful!
Besides, the grievances and resentments between you and a great magister like Lin Beck, even the army can't bear it!
Alas... Livia sighed lightly.

Before you were tortured to death by others, to be honest, it is indeed the superior intelligence.Douglas is famous for being upright and awe-inspiring, and Linbeck is famous for being smart and witty, even nicknamed "Ground Net"!That's because none of his prey can escape the big net he quietly arranged!
Isn't it normal to fail others!

But it's different now, didn't you accept a monstrous apprentice who is not inferior to Lin Beck!

In the final analysis, Livia still said the same thing. Bystanders are the ones who are obsessed with the authorities. Douglas's appearance of wanting to pack up and run away is really unbearable to Livia. At such an old age, who knows if he will be frightened and sick, so he still helps him. Opinion.

"Teacher, I said, this is a good opportunity to practice the exam." Livia reminded.

"No, we are going to be in big trouble before the practice! He must have other conspiracies this time!" Douglas said with a look of pain, "You forgot that he came last time and almost knocked out the main tower of our exchange match. Lena was persuaded to go away, damn, the earth elemental magister is amazing! Our students came to snatch good seedlings, I was so mad! If Tarena was not for the high status of the prince's daughter, she might have been caught by that stinking The kid deceived me with the reason of 'the disciple of the great earth magister'! It's easy to pick and choose, just pick a few days before the start of the exchange match, do you dare to say that the bastard is not here to provoke trouble!"

When Douglas said this, Livia remembered such a thing.In the last exchange match, Tarena was the captain and the core force. She was almost abducted, which almost gave Douglas a heart attack.

Livia couldn't tell whether Linbeck's abduction was true or false that time, whether it was serious or just to tease Douglas.If it was the former, then he failed; if the latter, then he was very successful.

Judging from his laughing expression as he was kicked out of the principal's office by Douglas holding the staff, Livia firmly believed that it should be the latter.

This guy is really bad, and that time probably left a very painful scar in Douglas' heart... A week before the exchange match, his captain and main force were almost kidnapped, and any principal would probably vomit blood with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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