Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 498 Super Unreliable Practice Exam

Chapter 498 Super Unreliable Practice Exam
"Teacher, calm down and listen to me clearly: this is a good opportunity for students to practice the exam! What you have to do now is to arrange the content and candidates for the exam, and it is not for you to greet Lin Beck." Livia said The second time is more straightforward.

To be honest, with her temperament, that's the last thing she likes to engage in conspiracies.

Business!These arrangements fall into her hands, and whoever is suitable will do it.In the previous entrance examination, tampering with Yuan Feiwu's examination steel plate had already made her feel that it was a stain on her life, but it was also a helpless move to protect the princess and Ophelia.Now that she has directly stated that Douglas can make some suitable arrangements for the content of the exam, Livia has already gone all out, which is very unorthodox.

The reason why she violated the principle was, firstly, that she couldn’t bear to see Douglas being played around by that little trick all day long at such an age; secondly, she was also very curious about whether Lin Baker would be invincible when he met the monster Yuan Feiwu .

Lin Beck is almost a hundred years old, and it is not suitable for Livia to say the words of the little slippery head.

"Hmm? Hmm... Hmm! Hmmmm!!!" Douglas quickly understood from Livia's words, nodded like a woodpecker, and quickly sat back on the office chair, picked up Livia's brew He drank the tea and laughed heartily, "Yes! You are right! Livia, Livia, I didn't expect you to come up with such a crazy idea. It seems that you are enlightened!"

If being full of ghost ideas in her head is called enlightenment, she would rather not open anything... Livia raised her forehead.

"Good, Lin Beck, I don't believe that our family, Yuan Feiwu, can't kill you! Go and call Yuan Feiwu to come over, I want to arrange a practical exam for him before graduation!"

Livia, who is so serious to the bone marrow, can't understand Douglas's dancing appearance.

Livia suppressed the urge to slap him and said, "Teacher, it's late at night, so let's wait until tomorrow if you have anything to do... Linbeck is not going to bring someone in immediately."

"Oh, that's right, go for a walk and go home! There is a solution to this matter, and I feel good all over!"

Of course, now that Douglas is jumping and jumping away from the principal's office, Livia also wants to kick him in the ass.

She once fantasized about what it would have been like if Douglas had succeeded in taking Lynbeck as an apprentice?A strict and serious apprentice, a genius second apprentice who doesn't torture the teacher, unhappy... It is estimated that Douglas will struggle between the two extremes of aggrieved and painful every day, which will shorten his life for many years, right?
Still jumping and jumping here?Don't worry about losing your hair!
Teacher, you should thank Lin Beck for not being your disciple, thank him for not killing him...

Soon, the sixth grade students received the practical exam content of this graduation season either directly or alternately.

Only Yuan Feiwu, after receiving the practice test report, thought for a long time with his clever little head, but still couldn't figure out what he wanted to express.

Ghost drawing symbols... the words on it, each line has experienced the experience of writing and crossing out, crossing out and rewriting.Not to mention trying to understand the meaning, first of all, few of the handwriting can be read clearly, as if the ink has been spilled. this an abstract painting?

Although Yuan Feiwu is very smart, he never thought of guessing other people's abstract content. It would be too wild and unrealistic, so he simply went to the principal's office and asked directly.

Douglas and Livia were both there, and it didn't seem surprising to see Yuan flying over.

"Feiwu! This practical exam is very important! You must drive that stinky Linbeck away! Let him see how powerful we are at Landis School of Magic!" Douglas was a little excited, Yuan Feiwu came He rushed over to hold his hand, and gave him a good meal.

It wasn't the first time Livia had seen this picture, but every time she couldn't accept it.It made people wonder who is the Great Magister of Light and who is a mere student who has not graduated from the sixth grade.

"Where did Lin Beck come from? Isn't the iron-blooded mercenary group written in the information?" Yuan Feiwu saw Douglas' attitude, and knew that the great magister of light seemed to throw strange things on himself again.But it involves practical exams related to graduation, and he has to spend a little bit of effort to deal with it.

Although he wants to be an ordinary person and enjoy an ordinary life, there is no pursuit of failing grades and repeating grades in ordinary life, right?
"What iron-blooded mercenary group, your mission is to drive Lin Beck away!" Douglas' morale was very high!

It seemed that the king was cheering for the general who was about to go out, and the voice was very loud.

"Isn't the practical exam to cooperate with the iron-blooded mercenary group to drive away the rogues?" Although Yuan Feiwu didn't understand all the abstract words above, he still had an impression of a few special words.

Such as "Iron Blood Mercenary Group", such as "Rogue Bandits".He can also understand the column of personnel allocation, but it is even more troublesome to understand that column, and he would rather not understand it.

"That's right, don't worry about his nonsense." Livia finally couldn't help but stand up and speak.

Even her most respected teacher directly described it as "nonsense", which shows how much Livia can't stand it.

"The content of your practice is to join the Iron-Blooded Mercenary Group and assist them in eliminating the bandits. However, there is only a preliminary discussion between us and the Iron-Blooded Mercenary Group. The specifics of how to complete your practical content this time have not been determined. This also requires Do it yourself."

Livia's explanation finally gave Yuan Feiwu a general idea.

After Livia finished speaking, she was also a little embarrassed. A practical exam has not even been negotiated for cooperation, and it is full of so many uncertainties. It is really shameful!She had never had a practice exam given like this!

Douglas was to blame for all of this. When he heard people say that we would talk about it in detail when we arrived, he immediately ignored it and threw it all aside.However, Lin Beck was intentional and deliberate, Livia and Rodney were unwilling to discuss with him, they just wanted to talk to Douglas, alas... full of teasing!
Simply hand it all over to Yuan Feiwu to see if he can save Douglas from being so miserable.

"So, even the proposal to help exterminate the bandits has not been settled yet?" Yuan Feiwu didn't seem to have much reaction to such outrageous things, and just wanted to learn more about the facts.

"The other party has expressed their intention to cooperate. You really need to discuss the specific matters. This is also one of the contents of your practical exam." Livia can only say so, and can't be honest and say that Glass is afraid of Lin Beck, so he hides Don't dare to meet people!So even the beginning of the matter has not been settled yet!
That was her teacher's last fig leaf, let him keep it!Otherwise it would be too pitiful!

"If the cooperation intention fails to be negotiated in the end, what will happen to our practical exam?"

"Failed. If you can find a suitable practice opportunity later, I can give you a make-up exam; if not, you can only repeat the grade."

"Repeat the grade..." Yuan Feiwu felt a little overwhelmed looking at the names of the personnel arrangements on the practice materials.

If these people repeat the grade, I really don't know what will happen...

Seeing Yuan Feiwu leave the office with the report, Douglas finally heaved a sigh of relief. What he was most afraid of was that Yuan Feiwu would drop his burden and quit.Now Yuan Feiwu didn't say much, which moved Douglas very much.

Yuan Feiwu is full of surprises and hidden secrets. It is really interesting to face the genius and great magister Lin Beck!

Douglas is now slowly becoming not afraid of Lin Beck's coming, but wants to see this good show sooner!
(End of this chapter)

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