Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 603 Chaotic Night Attack

Chapter 603 Chaotic Night Attack

This sumptuous dinner is tasteless, and I have troubles in my heart, and I feel like chewing on anything.

After dinner, several members of Nangong's family gathered together again to arrange the monitoring work at night.Several times Du Demi wanted to tell them the two words he saw at dinner, but finally gave up.Because he couldn't be sure what Yuan Feiwu meant, if he had other plans and he told others about it, after he found out, he would probably get angry because he couldn't fulfill his intention and tell Nangong Feng.

This time Nangongfeng came back, the most important secret was just this matter.As long as Nangongfeng can be concealed from it, it won't be a problem for anyone else to find out.

Thinking of this, Du Demi decided to figure out what Yuan Feiwu wanted before making any plans.

At the end of their discussion, Nangong Min led people to monitor Nangongfeng's house tonight, and resolutely guarded Nangongfeng's chastity!

It was late at night, there was no moon in tonight's night, and the stars were as agreed, all dim.

Everything seems to indicate that tonight will be an uneasy and depressing night.

Nangong Min personally waited outside Nangongfeng's house, slapping the annoying mosquitoes around him depressedly.It was only in the middle of the night, and she already felt that her upper and lower eyelids were fighting. Normally, it was time for her to sleep at this time.The thought of having to stand outside all night makes me sick just thinking about it.Fortunately, this kind of life only needs to last for one or two nights. After one or two days, those annoying guys will all go away!

She could only comfort herself like this, trying not to fall asleep.

After another hour or so, she heard footsteps nearby, hurried and loud.

Nangong Min already greeted Lin Beck with swear words in his heart. It's fine for this dead monster to attack his nephew's room at night, but he is still so flamboyant, and his footsteps are not a little bit lower!
Too much!
Nangong Min gritted her teeth and rushed out. When she saw a figure, she was about to curse loudly, but she was shocked before she could say anything.

"Elder Sister?!" Nangong Min saw the figure clearly, and it turned out to be the red-eyed Nangong Xiu, "Why did you come here? Didn't you agree to let me be on duty tonight?"

"I came to see you, not because I was on duty." Nangong Xiuchu said pitifully, "Since dinner tonight, your brother-in-law seems to have something wrong, and he just crawled out of bed not long after going to bed, I was extra careful Followed up quietly, I didn't expect him to go to find that Yuan Feiwu in a slander!"


Nangong Min immediately felt a headache when she heard it. Nima is still preventing the dead monster from attacking Nangongfeng at night, but the backyard is on fire first. What's wrong with brother-in-law, to attack people at night? !And it's a man!What's the difference between you and a dead ladyboy!
Nangong Xiu's temperament is gentle and virtuous, Nangong Min thought for a second, she must be in charge of this matter.

So he said: "Sister, you watch here, I'll go and have a look! Maybe my brother-in-law is looking for that vixen, that's wrong, I have something to talk about with Yuan Feiwu!"

"Okay." Nan Gongxiu had no choice but to say.

Nangong Min sighed, and hurried to Yuan Feiwu's side again, thinking that tonight might be the most difficult night in her life.

knock knock knock.

Du Demi knocked lightly on the door of Yuan Feiwu's room, and the people inside seemed to know that he was coming, as soon as the knock on the door sounded, he replied, "Please come in."

Dudemi walked cautiously into the room and closed the door.And Yuan Feiwu was sitting on a chair making tea, with black hair hanging along the edge of the chair, with a kind smile on his face, exuding a quiet and elegant atmosphere.

When Dudmi thought that the two of them were alone in the same room, his mouth became dry subconsciously and his heart beat faster. He quickly shook his head and said, "Mr. Feiwu still has the lights on so late, so I'll come in to say hello."

"There are a lot of people who can't sleep tonight, so I'm not the only one." Yuan Feiwu smiled, motioning for Du Demi to sit down, while refilling a cup of tea for him, "Just call Feiwu, I'm the same generation as Nangongfeng, no need polite."

"Okay. You and Feng'er seem to have a good relationship." Dudmi couldn't help scratching his shoulders, he didn't know how to get to the point.

According to his prediction, he should come here by himself and the other party can't wait to negotiate terms with him. The other party is not in a hurry when the problem is up to now, and he can't figure out what the other party is telling him those two words for.If you can't figure it out, you don't know how to negotiate.

"Our relationship is very good. Feng can be said to be one of the closest and most intimate friends in my life. I can go to the tiger's den and go to Longtan alone for him, and he can give up his life for me and refuse me to take any risks for him. I think, nothing can break this bond, and I am very glad to have this bond." Yuan Feiwu said.

Dudmi was stunned for a moment. He knew that everyone in their group had a good relationship, but he didn't expect it to reach this level.He would not feel that Yuan Feiwu just opened his mouth to talk casually just now. The indifference hidden between the words was just released with endless confidence and confidence. Dudemi would not feel that those words were just words. That's all.

"Then... Why didn't Feiwu tell Nangongfeng the truth." Du Demi suddenly understood that since he was a close friend of Nangongfeng, maybe what the other party wanted was not money blackmail.

"I think the problem is not whether Nangong Feng knows, but whether you want Nangong Feng to know. You are the acting patriarch." Yuan Feiwu said.

"Feiwu, you worry too much. I have no intention of competing with Feng'er for the position of patriarch. I was an orphan, and my parents died unexpectedly. If Nangongchuan's father hadn't taken me in, I might not know how long I would have lived. I don't even care about my background. Let me marry Nan Gongxiu, to be honest, my father is so kind to me, and I won't complain if he doesn't let me get any of his family wealth." Du Demi said a little angrily.

"Do you also think that Nangong Feng is suitable for the position of patriarch?"

"I...Although I don't see the traits my father mentioned in Feng'er, and I don't agree with his father's method of forcing Feng'er to succeed the patriarch, but I respect my father's choice."

"Just like you respect Nangongchuan's choice, I also respect Feng's choice. If Nangongfeng doesn't want to inherit the Nangong family's foundation, why bother to force him?"

"because of him……"

"Did the Nangong family have any problems because of Nangongfeng's absence all these years? Nangong Chuan has been pretending to be sick for many years, and you have been doing it for him. Although Nangong Chuan is still manipulating the direction of the Nangong family behind the scenes, those trivial things have been left to you. .At least you did nothing wrong, otherwise, how could Nangongchuan let you be the acting patriarch for so many years?"

"I still have a lot of shortcomings. Feiwu, the Nangong family's foundation has always belonged to the Nangong family." Du Demi frowned. Did this person want to stir up his own ambitions by saying this?
I'm afraid the opponent's trick is about to fail, because he has no ambitions for the Nangong family at all.

"What I mean is, since Nangong Chuan is still healthy and can still sit in the position of the patriarch for many years, can't you let Nan Gongfeng do something he wants to do during these years? I believe that in these years, since you did After acting as patriarch, Nangong Chuan will not work so hard anymore? With your support, the Nangong family still needs a long time before the new patriarch will be on top. I want to ask you to take care of the Nangong family during these times until Nangong The day when Feng is willing. You all know that he will not abandon the Nangong family, as long as the Nangong family needs him, he will come back. It's just because of the needs of the long-term future, he wants to kill those ideals and dreams of his youth. Wish, isn't it too much?"

"Nangongfeng is from the Nangong family, but not from the Nangong family. From east to west, he also has what he desires."

(End of this chapter)

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