Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 604 An Unexpected Flaw

Chapter 604 An Unexpected Flaw
"This..." Du Demi knew that Yuan Feiwu was right. Nangong Chuan only used this ruthless move because he was afraid that Nangong Feng's heart would not be with the Nangong family. In fact, the Nangong family needed Nangongfeng to succeed the patriarch. The time is not so urgent.

Moreover, as far as Nangong Feng's personal wishes were concerned, they were ignored by everyone.They ignored it without noticing it, but Nan Gongchuan ignored it on purpose.To Nangongfeng, this may be too much, after all, the Nangong family has not yet reached the point where he must inherit it.

"It's like helping Nangongfeng, as long as you continue to serve as your acting patriarch with all your heart, and assist Nangongchuan to support the Nangong family, the Nangong family will be stable for many years. When it comes time to take responsibility, Nangongfeng will definitely not shirk. "

"Isn't he worried that I, an outsider, will take the Nangong family's foundation as his own during this period of time?"

Du Demi didn't expect Yuan Feiwu to make such a request to him.

"Anyone may be so worried, but Nangongfeng won't. That's why Nangongchuan values ​​Nangongfeng so much, because they can see many things clearly." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile, "For Nangongchuan, you have already He is a member of the Nangong family. Otherwise, how can he be the acting patriarch as a person with a different surname."

Du Demi was taken aback, he didn't expect Yuan Feiwu to see it so thoroughly!Nangong Chuan did tell him many times and did not treat him as an outsider, but he didn't know what Nan Gongfeng thought, but he knew that Nan Gongchuan planned to use this issue to make a big fuss to make Nan Gongfeng nervous.He also doesn't mind being the villain and training the future head of the Nangong family.

I didn't expect Yuan Feiwu, a real outsider, to see it so thoroughly!And what he said was what Nangong Feng wanted to express?

"I... can't promise you."

Du Demi almost blurted out his promise, but fortunately he was able to regain his sanity. If he agreed, he would be against Nangong Chuan!No matter how wronged Nangongfeng is, he can't disobey Nangongchuan!
"You can think about it carefully. As a good friend of Nangongfeng, I just hope to fight for his own interests. What I said tonight, let's keep it as a secret between the two of us. No matter whether it is for the Nangong family or Nangong Feng is not beneficial."

Yuan Feiwu's words were like seeing off a guest, Du Demi got up wisely, said goodbye to Yuan Feiwu and left.

Nangong Min, who stayed outside to watch, waited irritably for a long time, and finally when Du Demi came out, he was very surprised to see his dull eyes and strange expression.What on earth was her brother-in-law talking to that Yuan Feiwu inside, he seemed to be in a daze, looked... so confused?

Just about to question the past, Nangong Min suddenly shrank back again.

Fuck me... Nangonghua is here to join in the fun again!His cousin, who is an outsider who doesn't even know Nangong Chuan is pretending to be sick, has come here to make trouble!
Nangong Min didn't know whether to laugh or cry, watching Nangong Hua sneaking towards Yuan Feiwu's courtyard.It's really fortunate that Dudemi and Nangonghua live in different directions, and the time of arrival is just a bit behind, otherwise they will definitely bump into each other. It would be embarrassing for two people who went to "night attack" the same person to meet. ah!

It's just that she doesn't know that the time difference between Nangonghua and Dudemi will definitely occur, if not, then Yalongjing and Xueyue will make it happen.

knock knock knock...

"Please come in."

There was another familiar knock on the door, but the people inside were not surprised at all.

Of course Yuan Feiwu knew how many people were coming tonight.

Nangonghua entered the room, didn't say anything, and sat down in Dudemi's seat with a nonchalant smile.As for Yuan Feiwu, he had already had a new cup of tea in the morning.

"What do you mean by the words you showed me for dinner?" Nangong Hua asked with a sneer when he saw that Yuan Feiwu hadn't spoken for a long time and was just making tea.

The people with words on the liquid pudding for dinner tonight, besides Dudemi, also have Nangonghua.Du Demi's word is "pretending to be sick", and Nangong Hua's word is "betrayal".When Du Demi smashed the bowl in shock when he saw the words, Nangong Hua quickly wiped out the liquid pudding in the bowl, for fear of being seen by others.

"Dudemi has also entrusted the transportation mission to our mercenary group. We must be fully prepared for this mission, so as to respect your commission. I looked at the previous transportation route as a reference and found a very interesting one. Every time the supplies you transport are robbed, the route will be changed next time, but no matter how you bypass the robbed location every time, you will still be intercepted. I wonder how the other party knows what you are transporting route?"

"Yes, it's very strange. Why don't you ask Dudmi about this? He is the patriarch, he is the person in charge of material transportation, and all routes are planned by him. Although I have participated in the next few times The route design, but you shouldn’t suspect this on me, right? I didn’t know the transportation route at all when our supplies were robbed a few times ago! Oh, of course, except for the first time, the first time it was the old It's the route, everyone in our Nangong family knows it." Nangong Hua asked back in a fluent manner, as soon as he heard it, he knew that he had thought it over before speaking so fluently.

"Dudemi is the person in charge of material transportation, so if the material is lost a few times, he will be unable to shirk the blame and can no longer be the patriarch. He may even be charged with adultery because of the problem of accurately guessing the route. And then, Nangong Chuan was sick for a long time, Nangong Yang was mediocre, and Nangong Feng was absent, so you are the only one left in the Nangong family who is more suitable to be the patriarch."

"Hahaha...I didn't expect you to be a conspiracy theory delusional! Obviously every transportation route was designed by Du Demi, and I only participated in the design of the last few times, but why is it not him who has the problem but me? Although he is the nominal patriarch, he is still an outsider. The property of the Nangong family is not his Dudemi's, but those of us with the surname 'Nangong'! Isn't it the most likely that he cooperates with outsiders to spy on our property! "Nangong Hua didn't bother to smirk, and said with a gloomy expression.

"It's just because every transportation route is designed by Du Demi, so it becomes your loophole." Yuan Feiwu said leisurely, "Do you remember the location where the materials were intercepted every time? The first time, it was nearly a day away from Nangong Mountain and the second and third times you didn’t participate, it was only more than an hour away from Nangong Mountain. When it came to the fourth, fifth and sixth times you participated in the design of the route, the distance became a day’s distance again.”

"What can this explain!" Nangong Hua suddenly broke out in a lot of cold sweat, he had already guessed what Yuan Feiwu was going to say.

Speaking of intelligence, Nangong Hua is not much worse than Nangong Feng.In the past, like everyone else, he was obsessed with the concept of "I am rich and I am a bastard who can buy anything".It wasn't until he was responsible for the data recording and management between Wangnanxing and Nangongshan, and occasionally had to go back and forth between these two distant places, and after seeing a lot outside, he realized that the concept of their Nangong family's money is a big bastard is in essence just sitting in the well and watching the sky. !

Especially later, the Nangong family let an outsider act as the acting patriarch. Nangong Hua even suspected that Nangong Chuan was an old fool before he fell ill. The patriarch!Is his Nangong Hua worse than anyone else! ?
"The two times they were intercepted not far from Nangong Mountain, it was because you didn't know the transportation route, so you had to let people get close to ambush. But I was afraid of long nights and dreams, so I didn't wait for them to go a day's journey before moving ahead. Stop it. If you can hold back and let the supplies go for a day's journey, I am afraid that it will be very difficult for Du Demi to not be convicted of adultery."

"Hmph, why don't I know this. Their thinking is too ignorant. There are many things in this world that cannot be solved by money, such as strength! No matter how rich the Nangong family is, it doesn't matter how rich the Nangong family is. You can kill all of the Nangong family in one night! If you can't protect yourself, what is the use of money! So if the Nangong family wants to really survive for a long time, they should find reliable strength as a backer. This year I was lucky to meet a Master, he has successfully relied on him as a backer. I asked him to stop the supplies that Nangong's family transported recently. But these reckless people who are used to fighting and killing think that the world is invincible. They are always too self-righteous. I clearly told them to stay away I just started, but I didn't listen to what I said at all. It's a pity that some flaws have been added to things that were originally seamless."

Now that the secrets have been exposed, Nangong Hua's depression and heaviness were released at once, and he took a sip of the tea in front of him with ease.

(End of this chapter)

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