Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 607 Unconsciously has grown into a towering tree

Chapter 607 Unconsciously has grown into a towering tree
Nangong Feng came running in refreshed, Nangong Chuan liked it more and more.This kid is so handsome, he has the demeanor of my youth!
"Grandpa, I can't help but want to tell you a piece of good news. I haven't told anyone about this news yet. You are the first to know!" Nangongfeng ran to Nangongchuan and half-kneeled on the ground as soon as he came, looking at him sincerely. With Nangongchuan.

Seeing Nangongfeng's expression, Nangongchuan's heart skipped a beat, with an ominous premonition.

Can not be done! !

Nan Gongchuan opened his mouth slightly, almost shouting, but he held back.

After Nangongfeng finished speaking, he immediately left contentedly.As soon as Nangongfeng walked through the door, before the door was closed tightly, Nangongchuan jumped up.

what to do!Feng'er is about to go astray!what to do! !

What about Nangong Min?What about Nan Gongxiu?What about Dudemi?

Nan Gongchuan can think of anyone, show up soon, and now he is in a hurry to stop Nangongfeng!No one is there when you are in a hurry to ask for help, what a mess!

When he turned around like an ant on a hot pot, it suddenly occurred to him that Nangong Min and the others had all gone back to sleep, there must be some ghosts around!

He really wanted to open the door of his room and rush out, but if he did so, all the painstaking efforts of the past ten years would be in vain!
How to do?
He didn't think about what to do for a while, he warned himself to calm down first, and opened the wooden window that was closed all the year round, and happened to see Nangong Feng outside the yard, hugging a black-haired man happily and walking away go.

"Feng'er, you can't!"


Nan Gongchuan was so angry that he finally fell to the ground with a black eye.

Eyes closed and opened, when Nan Gongchuan woke up again, it was already night.

In his room, Du Demi, Nangong Xiu, Nangong Min, and Nangong Yang were all standing in front of him, each of them looked disturbed.

"Feng'er is having an affair with that vixen! They still say they want to get married! Go, stop Nangong Feng quickly! Drive that vixen away! Ouch, I'm so mad!" Nangong Chuan jumped out of bed Get up and say in a panic.

"Father, that...they're all gone." Nangong Min didn't dare to look at his father directly, so he supported Nangong Chuan and asked him to sit down.

"Gone? Where are you going?!"

"Delivery supplies..."

"How did you let the wind go?! Why did the wind go away?" Nan Gongchuan was incredulous.

"Look at this." Dudemi lowered his head and handed over a piece of paper, his face embarrassed.

He knew that Nangong Chuan would feel embarrassed after watching it, but he had to let him watch it, it was something left by Nangong Feng before he left.

What are these people doing out of nowhere?
Nan Gongchuan snatched the paper, and the first thing he saw made him choked with anger.

On the top third of the paper, a bunch of things were scribbled and scribbled. If you can understand it clearly, it is the signatures that Nangongfeng and the friends he brought casually wrote.The content behind the signature is what really made Nangong Chuan's anger rise.

Xueyue: Two days, I can't pretend
Ya Longjing: Four days, I can't stand the surrender
Nangong Feng: Three days, I can't pretend

Lin Beck: Two days, fainted

Yuan Feiwu: three days, dizzy

Behind the line of Yuan Feiwu, there was a tick, which said "win".

Seeing this, Nan Gongchuan has already guessed, these guys are betting on themselves!

Sure enough, the first sentence of the official text was Nangongfeng's complaint.

"Grandpa, you are too disappointing. You were only a little bit too close to pretend, why didn't you blow yourself up? It would be embarrassing to be stunned!"

Damn, you're still blaming me!Nan Gongchuan almost tore up the paper when he got excited.

He waited until Nangong Min calmed down by stroking his back for him, then he continued to look down.

"It's actually a little joke that Feng'er and his friends played with you these few days."

"When I came back home this time, I saw my long-lost family members. I feel relieved that everything is going well. But Grandpa, you still have a lot of energy, and Uncle Dudemi's performance is also remarkable. Without you, there is no need Feng'er came back early to inherit the family business. So Feng'er plans to go out to practice again, with you at home, Feng'er is not worried at all."

"Feng'er will solve the problem of transportation, no need to worry. The real genius doctor in our group has prescribed medicine for your body, and the prescription has been given to Dagu. There is no laxative or athlete's foot medicine, so please rest assured to drink it! Hahaha... In the future, you don't have to pretend to be sick, just go out for a walk. The wooden railing for the support of the sapling you planted outside Feng'er's house has been removed by Feng'er. You haven't seen the sapling for many years, right? It has already grown into Towering trees, the wooden fence has become a limitation that hinders its growth."

"You can occasionally take a walk under the tree to enjoy the shade, and it can already protect you from wind and rain."

"Finally, I wish grandpa good health, don't read it."

This word... not so good, Feng'er's handwriting still hasn't improved at all.Nan Gongchuan's first reaction was this.

"Father, do you want me to send someone to call Feng'er back?" Dudemi said seeing that Nan Gongchuan had finished reading the letter and hadn't spoken for a long time.

"Call it back? Call it back and tease us again! Look at us these days, being played around by those boys! Call us back and we can win the fight!"

After Nan Gongchuan read the letter, he was both embarrassed and emotional.Embarrassed and pretending to be crazy and stupid, it is a joke in the eyes of others!What I feel is that Feng'er in their family has grown up, and it's been a long time since I took a good look at it. It's really unexpected to grow so fast. .

"Then...then let's go with the wind this time?" Dudmi asked uncertainly.

"Let him go! Even I can tease him, do you think he still needs us to train him? Take me out for a walk, I don't know how many years I didn't dare to go out for a breath, now I don't have to be trapped in this room to suffocate ! While I can work for you for a few more years, I have to take good care of myself!"

Nangong Min and the others looked at each other, for some reason, the old man made them feel energetic suddenly.

Maybe it was infected by Nangongfeng's youthful blood, maybe it was because he finally didn't have to pretend to be sick and stay in the house, even Nangongchuan himself didn't know why.

"By the way, can you now tell me what you were doing in Yuan Feiwu's room last night?" Nangong Chuan walked out of the house, followed closely by the Nangong family, Nangong Chuan asked suddenly.

Nan Gongxiu had almost forgotten about it, but when Nangong Chuan mentioned it, she quickly looked over to Du Demi, and she was most worried about this.

"Just fooling me, saying that I know father, you are pretending to be sick, and I hope I can help Feng'er. I couldn't bear Feng'er, so I didn't tell you. Now I understand, in fact, I deliberately found things to annoy us and make us feel uncomfortable. Our minds are restless." Dudemi laughed.

"The other side has held every detail to death. We deserve to be defeated." Nan Gongchuan also shook his head and smiled.

"Oh, by the way, he told me later that he would help our Nangong family find a trustworthy helper, but I didn't understand." Du Demi said again.

"Idiot, think about who is going in behind you! A good helper? Hehe, if Feng'er can really subdue him, he is indeed a good assistant. It's unbelievable, why are young people nowadays so scary?" Nan Gongchuan sighed.

Walking under the moonlight, Nangongchuan took a deep breath of fresh air.

After more than ten years of pretending to be sick, Nangong Feng has not been forced to become the head of the family. Isn't it too much of a failure?Has it become a waste of effort?

This idea only existed in Nangongchuan for less than 1 minute.Because he saw the tree outside Nangongfeng House, it was no longer a sapling more than ten years ago.How long has it been since he looked at it so tall?

His painstaking efforts were not in vain, at least these years of forbearance proved that the Southern Communist Party did not disappoint him.

Is it a towering tree?Ha, all these years, worth it!Nangong Chuan wiped his eyes, and told Du Demi to gather the Nangong family and go back to the main house for dinner.

He still needs to take a good look to see if any of the other juniors have grown into big trees!
Under the moonlight.

The transporting carriage pulled a cart full of dark "coal mines" down Nangong Mountain, and headed in the predetermined direction without rushing.

When it was late at night, the carriage stopped by a village, and more than a dozen people escorting the carriage found a hotel there to rest for the night.

(End of this chapter)

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