Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 608 Such an Escort Team Is Too Extravagant

Chapter 608 Such an Escort Team Is Too Extravagant
Early the next morning, the carriage set off again.

Bruce and the two mercenaries of their mercenary regiment rode in the front of the team flamboyantly, followed by several servants of the Nangong family who were driving the carriage. Nangong Hua was also sitting in the carriage transporting the "coal mine" .Yuan Feiwu and the others rode a horse each, and stood at the back.

It's just that the laughter and complaints from time to time made the people in front feel that they were not serious.

What kind of mercenary group is this? It’s as noisy as going out for an outing when you come out to complete the mission!
"Bruce, you said that the Nangong family invited us here to transport such a carload of coal, and you underestimate us?" A mercenary at the front complained to their great magician.

When they set off in a hurry yesterday, they saw that the goods delivered were really just a cart of coal as the Nangong family said, and they were all from Sparta in their hearts.

When they were first invited to go up the mountain, they had already heard Dudmi introduce that the goods they were transporting were coal mines, and they thought they were just joking or hiding secrets.It is common for cargo owners not to let the mercenaries know what they are transporting, so Bruce and the others stopped asking.In the end, it turned out that it was really fucking coal. This family must be sick, so pay a lot of money to ask them to send a car of coal!

You should know that it is no problem to buy hundreds of cars of such coal with their money!
"Our destination is to be sent to the capital of Tost, don't you think why?" Bruce actually thought about it all night last night, and finally let him think of a more reliable possibility, pretending to be profound at this time Said calmly.

"Why? Although the journey is far away, it's not cost-effective to deliver a load of coal like this?" said the mercenary.

"Fool, it depends on who wants this cart of coal. What is the most famous capital of the Tost Empire? It is the 'Wangnanxing' forge located there! It is said that it often buys coal mines all over the mainland, The coal delivered here in Nangongshan should be what they want."

"Ah, you said these might be the coal mines that Wang Nanxing wanted? What's wrong with buying coal so far away?"

"You don't understand this. The substances contained in the coal in different places must be different. Perhaps Wangnanxing's forging technology is unparalleled in the world because of the secret here."

"Makes sense!"

When Bruce said something, the two mercenaries beside him suddenly understood, and they admired them very much.

"So these things that are just cheap supplies to ordinary people may be very important to Wangnanxing. Is Wangnanxing still short of money? No matter how much money you spend to hire someone to escort these coal mines, it's just a small problem!" Bruce said proudly.

"That's right, you're smart, Bruce!"

"Okay, it's inconvenient to speculate about the owner of the goods, don't break the mercenary rules." Bruce laughed, "Use money to do things. Although the escorted things lost our identity, the money we took did not lose our identity."

The three mercenaries at the front didn't take the escort behind them seriously. Nangong Hua watched silently from the carriage and sneered.

A magician is quite honorable, honorable because he has something special, not because he is particularly strong.Nangong's family generally thinks that magicians are the strongest, which is the idea that Nangong Hua secretly poured into.He is most often on business trips, and every time he goes back, he will brainwash them about how powerful the magician is, making them think that spending a lot of money to hire a magician for help this time is sure to be foolproof.

When all failed this time, it is estimated that the acting patriarch of Du Demi will also be the end.

Nangongfeng's sudden return to Nangong's family at this time disrupted Nangonghua's plan. With this extra choice, after Du Demi stepped down, it might not be his turn to be Nangonghua's successor to the patriarch.Fortunately, this time Nangongfeng came out with the transportation team, so everything will be easy.

Only when he became the patriarch firmly, would Nangongfeng appear in Nangong's house again.

"You're smiling so happily, are you dreaming of something sweet?"

Nangong Hua was startled by the words that suddenly sounded beside him, and when he looked back, Yuan Feiwu was riding alongside him on a horse.

"I didn't expect you to look gentle, but your equestrian skills are quite good." Nangong Hua regained his composure and put aside the topic of his embarrassment.

"Thank you for the compliment."

"Look at Nangong Feng laughing foolishly in the back. Why, you didn't tell him? After a while, he might not be able to laugh." Nangong Hua said with a smile.

"It's just escorting some goods, there's nothing to be nervous about. Looking around, there are probably not many people who can rob goods from them on the Star Luo Continent. And there is only hope for those few to work together." Yuan Feiwu Pointing to those heartless people behind him, he smiled.

Yuan Feiwu's words are really true. Xueyue and Nangongfeng, the two young heroes of the sky warriors, have made progress over the past year. With their unique talents, they have almost no opponents in the sky warrior class. .In the Yalong Scenic Area, a land warrior can be ignored, but there is also a "ground net" Lin Beck, one of the four great magisters!
Such a team composition, placed in the Star Luo Continent just to escort a pile of black purple iron ore, is really extravagant to the point of wrath!To be able to compete with it, at least two or more sword masters or great magisters from the mortal world must join hands to snatch the goods from them. Yuan Feiwu was not joking at all!

Besides, Yuan Feiwu hasn't counted himself in yet. If he counted the Great Demon King, the topic would be beyond the outline, and it would become a bug.

If this pile of dark purple iron ore is conscious, would it be proud of being escorted by such a gorgeous guard team from the Mortal Realm?
Yuan Feiwu said honestly, but Nangong Hua definitely dismissed it.He has a lot of experience and knows how difficult it is to practice.Just these guys who look young, dare to say that there is no opponent in Xingluo Continent?
Nangong Hua began to wonder if Yuan Feiwu was as smart as he imagined, why was he so ignorant?

"Speaking with the facts, there's no point in arguing about it. If you came up just to say these things, then you can shut up." Nangong Hua said.

"I just ran up to take a seat at the theater first. The small ravine in front is quite suitable for an ambush. The person you invited is over there, right?"

Nangong Hua was taken aback, the place where he was ambushed was in the small ravine over there!
This is an uninhabited area, as long as the two entrances and exits are blocked in the small valley, there is no way to escape, and the light of some magic fighting spirit produced by the low terrain is not easy to be seen, especially this time with a magician accompanying, it is definitely the most suitable place. Where this interception was made!
Nangong Hua smiled happily, as expected, he was right, this person's mind is frighteningly clever!
"Now that you know, you are still so leisurely? Did you give up struggling?" Nangong Hua laughed.

"It's quite leisurely, because I won the bet by chance and won the right to 'do nothing and have a bunch of servants'."

The "servant" is naturally the bunch of heartless guys behind him.

"Bet, bet? What are you talking about?" Nangong Hua was taken aback for a moment.

At this moment, their pair had already driven into the small ravine, the mountains on both sides were not high but very steep, and the convoy felt a little oppressed when they walked in.

"Who? Who's blocking the way?" Before Nangong Hua could finish being stunned, he heard the former Bruce yelling in front of him.

With the shouting, a few big men ran out from behind the team, blocking the road behind.

In front was a masked man with his hands on his back, standing proudly alone, the team had to stop temporarily.

The master he relied on came.

Nangong Hua smiled triumphantly, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the Nangong family is pedantic, if he learns to hook up with a master who is willing to cooperate with him, it will definitely make the Nangong family better.

"Leave your things, you can go." The man in the middle of the road said coldly.

"Hahaha! Arrogant and ridiculous!!" Bruce drew out his staff and began to mutter.

In addition, the other mercenary didn't come to stop the other party, and he didn't guard his magician any more. He looked at the man in front of him with dead eyes.

In the next second, a huge fireball flew out of Bruce's staff and roared towards him with terrifying momentum.The servants of the Nangong family behind them had never seen such a powerful attack, and they almost applauded and cheered for this anger.

It turns out that this is magic!If such an attack falls on him, no amount of lives will be enough to die!

The fireball seemed to fly, but suddenly burst, and the flames flew out in all directions, which was more beautiful than fireworks.

But the vibrating vindictiveness in there deeply shocked the three of Bruce!
"Outward fighting spirit!" The three mercenaries exclaimed together.

Lin Beck, who was at the back, smiled and said, "Hey, it's finally time for the ground net I laid down to catch the net. I didn't expect to catch a big fish!"

(End of this chapter)

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