Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 609 Only by accepting the world can we win the world

Chapter 609 Only by accepting the world can we win the world

With a whimper, the three mercenaries in front of them who were still arrogant scrambled off their horses and half knelt on the ground.

"I didn't know you were a sky warrior, we didn't mean to offend!" Bruce's back was wet with cold sweat.

It's just sending a cart of mines. How could it be so unlucky that a sky warrior appeared to rob? !You are all sky warriors, what can you do to not make a fortune, why do you want to be a robber!

"You only have one life. I let you go just now, and you won't have another chance."

The masked master sneered a few times, and slowly walked towards them, the light sound of every step on the ground was like a heavy hammer in their hearts!
The three of Bruce's feet were frightened, they struggled to get up but couldn't do it, and fell to the ground.

Usually they are domineering and domineering in controlling the life and death of others, but now, their own lives are only controlled by the thought of others. This kind of despair makes them unable to have the courage to resist.

"Excuse me, forgive me..."

"Haha... your mercenary group is too weak!" A burst of laughter came, making the three of Bruce's begging for mercy even more pitiful.

Ya Nongjing came to them on a horse, and when they saw it, it was this good-for-nothing leader who was laughing at them? !What is this ignorant mercenary group running up to die if they don't run for their lives in a hurry!

"Kneel down and apologize! I have angered Lord Sky Warrior, none of us can leave!" shouted the mercenary beside Bruce.

"Didn't you see his murderous intent? You have already angered him with a fireball before, okay? If you think it's easy to bully, you will be arrogant, and if you find that you can't win, you will kneel down and beg for mercy. You are really enough to 'do whatever you want'."

What Ya Rongjing said made the faces of Bruce and the others turn blue and red, and their anger rose wildly!If they were not facing a desperate situation now, they would all go up and tear this young man to pieces!

Ya Longjing also looked down on these mercenaries, if they could stick to their duties just now instead of kneeling down and begging for mercy, he might be able to change his opinion of them.

"Your head is really 'courageous', I don't know how to write the word 'death'? So the good show you plan to watch is to see how your head is killed without knowing the sky and the earth?" Nangong Hua turned back and asked Yuan Feiwu.

"I don't know what they're going to do. You'll find out after watching." Yuan Feiwu shook his head with a faint smile.


The sky warrior master looked at the young man who came suddenly, and asked with a frown, "Who is it?"

"The head of Wufeng Nongyue's mercenary group." Ya Nongjing smiled and said, "It's still too late for you to surrender."

Dancing with the Wind and the Moon?I don't know, I haven't heard of it.

Don't worry if you haven't heard of it, Sky Warrior has seen the world better than them, and knows very well that if you offend someone who shouldn't be offended, it may be more difficult to get into trouble afterwards.Since it was a mercenary group he had never heard of, he could do it with confidence.

"Ignorant boy, court death!" It was Bruce who said this. He had seen the sky warrior holding up his long sword, which was shining brightly. With a single sword strike, people and horses would be cut into ashes!


The master of the sky warrior rolled down the raging vindictiveness. The three of Bruce were just mocking Yalongjing for seeking death, but now they are cursing Yalongjing's family.Why are you making people angry? The vindictiveness is coming down, the three of them are so close, they will definitely suffer!

Suddenly a figure flew over, with short brown hair and a bright smile flowing through the gloomy valley like a clear spring, refreshing the heart.The figure didn't even say hello, and flew up to meet the grudge.

"Wind!" Nangong Hua was startled when he saw the figure clearly, why did his silly nephew rush up?
I saw Nangong Feng clenched his fists tightly, and a pair of blue gloves struck out with a domineering arrogance that looked down on the world.As soon as the raging fighting energy of the sky warrior master hit the glove, it was torn apart as if out of control, and was easily crushed.On the contrary, the red fighting energy shot by Nangongfeng flew straight into the sky, leaving behind a rainbow.

"Another sky warrior!" Bruce's eyes were bigger than goldfish.

Nangonghua was no less startled than Bruce and the others, and he also opened his mouth wide.

His nephew, who came back after being away for ten years and didn't practice magic at all, is actually a master warrior? !How old is he!Didn't he run away from home to learn magic?
"Who?" The sky warrior master took two steps back, startled.

"Nangongfeng, just an unknown junior." Nangongfeng laughed.

"Nangongfeng?" The sky warrior master recited it silently, as if he had heard it somewhere.

It's normal for Sky Warrior not to remember. It's been more than a year since Nangongfeng became famous, but many people who have heard of this name can't remember clearly. That's because he and Xueyue disappeared later. Disappeared related.

Those three mercenaries have reacted to the danger of their own lives, this sky warrior is theirs!He quickly lay down on the ground and begged Nangong Feng to save their lives!

"We're just a small mercenary group. You've never heard of a rotten mercenary group. How dare you accept such beggings? The gentleman on the opposite side, we don't know these people, you can do whatever you want .”

Ya Nongjing looked at the three mercenaries lying on the ground quietly, and felt even more disgusted in his heart. The impression of contempt when they first met immediately emerged.

"No, no, please don't remember the villains! It's our fault, we underestimated some masters! Please save us!" Bruce regretted so much that his intestines were green now.

I just looked down on a person who ran over to block the road and robbed him, but he turned out to be a sky samurai; I looked down on the small mercenary group formed by a few young people before, but there are also sky warriors!Are Sky Warriors that cheap now? !

"I can't help..." Ya Nongjing sneered, feeling a sense of revenge when suddenly he was patted on the shoulder.

Looking back, he almost fell off his horse in fright, Lin Becker's current appearance is really hard to get used to no matter how he looks at it!

"As a superior, you can control as much world as you can accommodate in your heart." Lin Beck said meaningfully.

He could see that Yuan Feiwu and others brought Ya Nongjing with him to train Ya Nongjing to become an excellent king. Now that he saw Ya Nongjing falling into personal emotions and couldn't extricate himself, he made some suggestions.

As for whether he can understand it, it depends on his understanding.

"But this kind of people, even the world can't tolerate them." Ya Nongjing said.

"Anyone can have something they can do, the difficulty is how to let them play their value. Feiwu is your biggest example in this regard." Lin Beck said, "For example, what I did with the Nangong family this time is Helping Nangongfeng leave, what Yuan Feiwu did was to make Nangongfeng have no worries. You can see how Feiwu did it for a while. In his eyes, he never cared about all the disdain for him. Or put things in the right direction, nothing else matters."

"He... well. What about you? Can't you be my role model?" Mentioning Yuan Feiwu calmed down Ya Rongjing's mood, and he asked jokingly.

"Cut, I don't need to tolerate the world in my heart! I prefer to let the wrong person or thing stop here, so I don't play with building blocks so leisurely and elegantly as Fei Wu." Lin Buick laughed, "Show you how fast I am. Cut the mess."

After Lin Beck finished speaking, he called to stop Nangongfeng who was already fighting with the sky warrior master in front of him: "God Dodd of the peak mercenary group, the good deputy head doesn't come here to be a bandit? It's really depraved."

(End of this chapter)

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