Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 610 Cool Instant Kill

Chapter 610 Cool Instant Kill
Goethe Dodd? !
The three of Bruce lay on the ground and glanced at each other. The name is familiar to them!The deputy head of the ninth-ranked mercenary group, Goethe Dodd!
He is also a well-known master in the mercenary world!

But how does this sissy know her?These mercenaries who have been in the mercenary world for many years failed to recognize each other!

"It's your acquaintance again, Beibei?" Hearing Lin Beck's voice, Nangongfeng smiled and retreated.

The sky warrior master was shocked when he heard it, and even more shocked when he looked up!

The other party actually called out his name, which shocked him a lot. When he looked up, he was even more shocked when he saw that a person with such "characteristic" appearance and makeup called him!
"Who are you!"

This question was thrown on the head of the sky warrior master in various ways. If he knew such a character, he would never forget it!
Lin Beck slowly took out a red scarf from his breast pocket and wiped it carefully on his face.I don't know what's special in the red scarf, but it wiped off all the messy makeup on my face just by wiping it like that.Then he stuffed the red scarf back into his pocket, and slowly arranged the shape of the half-exposed red scarf.

"Why are you here!" Seeing Lin Beck's true face on Mount Lu, it was the sky warrior's turn to kneel down this time!
Nangonghua made an appointment with him to intercept a small cargo delivery team. It doesn't matter if there is a powerful sky warrior in it, why is there still a monster like Lin Beck!Pit father ah!

Bruce's voice was a little trembling, he glanced at Imbeck and dared not look up again.

How dare he raise his head, haven't he offended enough people in the past few days!

Have you scolded Lin Beck for that weird makeup before?This question has become what worries him the most now, but he really can't think of it.If he scolded him, well, he deserved a short life.

"Don't be a good mercenary, come here to be a bandit? Depraved and depraved!" Lin Beck continued without intending to wait for the other party to reply.

Goethe Dodd is very depressed, do you have the right to say that you have fallen!Have you ever looked in the mirror, what did your face turn into before!And you, a great magister, transport such a cart of mines here, won't you lose your status!

"Whether you are a bandit or not has nothing to do with you. I, Goethe Dodd, and your iron-blooded mercenary group don't mess with well water. Today, I didn't know that this shipment was related to the great magister of Linbeck. It was my fault. I apologize to you." , how?" Facing one of the greatest existences of the human race, Goethedodd was polite no matter how unconvinced he was.

"How can it be irrelevant? My friend's mercenary group took this dart, and you can leave without grabbing it and saying sorry? How shameless I am!"

Goethe Dodd, who spoke like Lin Baker spoofed, was very depressed.

Nangong Hua at the back was also very depressed!

No matter how you look at it, the master he hired so hard is showing weakness to the sissy who was so disliked before!

Nangong Fengneng's inseparable fight with that master already surprised him, but Goethe Dodd's showing weakness made him even more unacceptable!Because he knows that these cultivators are very proud, showing weakness is more embarrassing than losing.

What is the origin of that guy named Lin Beibei, whom Nangongfeng and the others called Xiao Beibei? !

Although Nangonghua has spent a lot of time in the outside world, the level of experience he has not reached is that high. In addition, for outsiders, the four major magisters are just common sense, and he has not specifically learned about them.

"Grand Magister Linbeck, I admit that I fell into your hands today. But can you sell our peak mercenary group a face, I don't think the iron-blooded mercenary group wants to unite with our peak mercenary group, right?" Goethe Dodd had no choice but to point out the forces behind him and threatened, "Besides, you, a great magister, got involved in trivial matters as small as sesame seeds, and killed innocent people indiscriminately. If you spread the word, you are not afraid of being laughed at by the world?"

"You have to be clear, Goethe Dodd, we don't want to have any grudges with anyone, but it's just because of laziness, not because of fear." Lin Beck laughed loudly, "Did you forget the first rule of mercenary? , Kill without pardon. You, the deputy head of the mercenary group, ran out to intercept other people's goods, and you are afraid that you will not be charged with this crime? I killed you to eliminate harm for the people, who would laugh at me?"


Lin Beck's words made Goethe Dodd's face turn livid, and before he finished speaking, a thorn pierced out from under his feet.His reaction was quick, he quickly squatted down and was about to bounce off the ground, but suddenly his feet seemed to be absorbed by the ground and he couldn't move, and the ground thorn pierced him without any suspense.The sharp part of the ground thorn is extremely hard, but the bottom is like a long snake that is constantly climbing, softly carrying Goethedod's body in circles and flying in the air, as if coiling beautiful yellow stone ribbons in the air, Goethedode is invincible. The assistant's body was more like being caught by a long snake, swinging and dancing with it.

But that beautiful hovering ended with the death of life as the curtain call.

The long snake, with the centrifugal force that had been hovering for a long time, burst out at once, blasting Goethe Dodd into the side of the mountain, blasting a big hole, and then the long snake that completed the task shattered piece by piece, falling to the ground and becoming into ordinary small stones.

Everyone's eyes followed the long snake. After the long snake disappeared, their eyes could not leave the big hole on the mountain wall.But the pit was too deep, and everyone couldn't see Goethedod's body, but when the long snake hit the mountain wall with him in its mouth, the huge blood flower that bloomed at that moment was enough to let everyone know that there was nothing in the pit. Perhaps it is better not to see the dead body of Goethe Dodd.

It was really troublesome, so I acted decisively!

Ya Nongjing turned his head and looked at Lin Beck helplessly: "Brother, Sky Warrior, kill as soon as you say?! Take it for your own use!"

"Hooking up with outsiders has broken the most basic principles of the mercenary guild. This kind of people cannot be trusted. And you don't know that people with such strength can easily hook up with money? It must be Nangonghua who kept the secrets of these mines. I only agreed to join forces with Nangonghua after I told him. In order to prevent the secrets of the Nangong family from leaking out, of course I will kill all of them, and I just killed a scum, I don’t feel bad at all." Lin Beck shrugged indifferently.

Solving troubles in such a troublesome's really Lin Beck!
"Thanks, it may take a while for me to do it myself."

"small issue."

Nangongfeng ran back and gave Lin Beck a high five.

Just now, Lin Beck deliberately bombarded Goethe Dodd with a very cool move, and it also had another function, which was to deter the real mastermind behind the scenes, Nangong Hua.

Now Nangong Hua was so frightened that he didn't know what to do, his face was dripping with cold sweat, and the horses in the carriage he was sitting in could feel his panic, breathing uneasily.

"This kind of Nangong Feng, do you think he is qualified to be the Patriarch?" Of course Yuan Feiwu would not be ungrateful, and took this opportunity to ask Nangong Hua.

"Of course it's enough!" Nangong Hua was a smart man, he jumped off the carriage suddenly, and bowed to Nangong Feng.

The servants who accompanied the car were startled by Lin Beck's long stone snake flying into the air just now, and they were startled by Nangong Hua's actions before they could recover.

"During the time I'm not in the Nangong family, can I entrust the Nangong family's foundation to Du Demi and you, Uncle Hua?" How could Nangong Feng not accept Yuan Feiwu's kindness? In front of Nangong Hua, he looked down domineeringly.

As Lin Beck said before, the trick plan designed by Lin Beck was only to help him leave Nangong's house in a wicked way, but what really made him carefree was everything Yuan Feiwu did.

Prescribing tonics for Nangongchuan's body, interviewing Du Demi to confirm his loyalty, and making Nangonghua completely let go of his ambitions. After all this is done, with them around, the Nangong family has nothing to worry about at all.

"Yes!" Nangong Hua shouted sincerely.

Nangong Hua had already seen the situation clearly in his heart.

In terms of strength, although Nangongfeng and Goethe Dodd did not decide the winner, it is enough to explain everything; in terms of connections, the Goethe Dodd I made with has died, but they have a super master who can kill Goethe Dodd in seconds To be friends; compared to intelligence, that is not important anymore, people can kill themselves with one finger, is it important to be smart or not?Besides, to be highly praised by Nangong Chuan, where is the difference in talent and intelligence?
In the past, he felt that the Nangong family was inferior to him, so he started his new ambitions. Now he finds that Nangongfeng is an existence that he can't compare to anyway. In the future, the Nangong family will be truly safe with his protection.

Nangong Hua really surrendered.

"Okay, don't blame what happened before today, take us to find the mine that was robbed before. In the future, when we return to Nangong's house, we will wholeheartedly assist Du Demi and Grandpa. If there is any conflict of opinion, Du Demi's opinion must be the main one." , understand?"

"Yes!" Since it was the order of the person he obeyed, Nangong Hua willingly accepted the order.

"Okay, please get up, Uncle Hua. I am very relieved to have you at Nangong's house." Nangongfeng then put away his serious face and revealed a usual sunny smile.

Now he really has nothing to do with the Nangong family.

(End of this chapter)

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