Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 616 Everyone Has Wings

Chapter 616 Everyone Has Wings
Listening to Lucia's words, Lulikai was also a little speechless.

Although they have been openly and secretly trying to get rid of Douglas as a big trouble, but if one day this old fox really dies, the Demon Race may also feel heavy regret.

A person who can dedicate himself wholeheartedly to a continent, even if he is of a different race, is worthy of respect.

"In addition to that Lin Beike, it seems that the Great Master also mentioned a black-haired boy who is Douglas's young apprentice. He also played a great role and was highly appreciated by the Great Master. I want to find time to talk about this in detail with the Great Master. Every future opponent should have a good understanding, and the time to go back should be postponed."

"Your Highness, Northway has just calmed down in turmoil and is full of vigilance. It is not convenient for the Great Master to meet us now. As for the black-haired boy... Hehe, in terms of appearance, he is more suitable to exist as a demon. If he Is it for us who advocate black, and we are probably going to be robbed by girls?" Lulikai deliberately said with a smile, diluting the sadness of the inexplicable enemy getting old.

The hair color fluttering in Ropa City was too easy to cause misunderstanding, so he was always wrapped in a turban, and it was the same when he and Lucia exchanged a glance.

"Do you think he even has black eyeballs?" Lucia's eyes exuded a murderous look.

"Do you doubt the one you saw at dinner? She's so handsome, did you miss him? Hahaha..."

"Uncle Lulikai, you laugh too much, be careful that the walls have ears!" Lucia said hastily.

"The partition wall has ears for a long time, but I didn't intend to keep them alive so I let them listen to it. It's very interesting to hear, everyone..." Lulikai's wild laughter quickly turned into a sneer.

Lucia understood immediately when he heard it, and Void grabbed a handful of long black sticks and dropped them into his hands.

"Come on!"

The people upstairs were stunned when they heard this, but Yuan Feiwu had the quickest reaction, kicking him decisively.

There was a big hole in the wall of the room with only a slight sound like paper being torn, and then Yuan Feiwu took the lead in throwing out Ya Longjing who hadn't regained consciousness.

It would be too late when this guy came back to his senses, after all, the information he overheard just now probably shocked Ya Longjing the most.Yuan Feiwu also blamed himself a little. He didn't expect that the other party could find them through the low-level shielding circle. It seemed that he still underestimated the perception ability of the fallen angels.

Yuan Feiwu and Nangong Fengxueyue then jumped out of the big hole and landed lightly on the ground.

"I'll stop for a while, you guys run with Jing first." Yuan Feiwu said softly.

"Feiwu, let Xueyue stay and help you!" Nangongfeng said worriedly.

He knew that Yuan Feiwu was very strong, but he was still very worried about leaving him alone. In addition, Xueyue's ice element might be more effective in slowing down the enemy.

"No, take Jing back quickly, I'm afraid the civilians in the city will suffer if we fight here, I will catch up with you in a while!" After Yuan Feiwu finished speaking, he waved his hands in the air a few times quickly.

"Okay!" Nangongfeng gritted his teeth, together with Xueyue, he grabbed Yalongjing and flew away.

"You can't leave Fei Wu behind, you guys are crazy! Go back!" Yanong Jinghong yelled, "It turns out that the imperial tomb of our Nuo Siwei was destroyed by demons and beasts, even the old generals who guarded the tomb They all... and those inexplicable assassinations and small actions, and even caused internal chaos in Northway! I want to kill them!"

"Calm down! Now Star Luo Continent can lose anyone, but you can't lose!" Nangong Feng was also a little anxious, and yelled at Ya Nongjing, "Do you think we really want to leave Fei Wu behind? You're not the one who is holding back We will go back as soon as you are settled!"

"I'm not that important, ignore me! Put me with the guards! Go and save him!" Ya Longjing yelled.

"Don't disturb the guards, Fei Wu will cause big trouble!" Xue Yue frowned.


"He's also a fallen angel."

Ya Nongjing was stunned for a moment, his face suddenly turned pale.

"No one wants to run away! Haha, he really has black hair!" A sharp laugh came, and the breath caught in the sound wave actually uprooted several big trees beside Yuan Feiwu, but Yuan Feiwu was still in waves Standing there calmly doesn't seem to be affected in the slightest.

This small scene did not cause any change on Yuan Feiwu's face. With his hands open, an invisible black net in the sky covered the hotel in front of him.

There was another big hole in the wall on this side of the hotel, and a black shadow shot out, and the black net was torn apart without any movement from him.

"The smell of dark elements... who are you!"

The figure floated in the air, looking at the black-haired boy below with unimaginable eyes.

Beautiful black hair, beautiful black eyes, what an enviable appearance if born in the demon clan.The eyes were firm enough, and Lulikai expressed his liking, but the fake smile on his face was too eye-catching.

"No matter who you are, those who stand in my way will die!" Lulikai sneered when the other party didn't respond, the black cloak rustled automatically in the air without wind, raised his right hand and punched Yuanwu.

A thick black energy flew out from the fist and hit Yuan Feiwu straight.

The black energy hit Yuan Feiwu solidly, passed through him, and blasted a deep hole on the ground, and the gravel flew in all directions, causing a loud noise.

Now the people in the hotel couldn't sit still anymore, and fled out of the hotel one after another, seeing that there were perverts fighting outside, a random punch would be a pit, and they didn't dare to stay and run for their lives.

Lulikai frowned, no matter how fragile the other party was, it was impossible for his energy to penetrate directly, so it was just his afterimage!

I don't see how much Yuan Feiwu's movements are, and he has come to Lulikai's back without a sound. power.Lulikai didn't realize how this kid came to his back. He didn't realize it until he was less than two meters away from him!

What a terrible movement!

Lulikai suddenly couldn't see the way Yuan Wu was flying, and he roared angrily, and four huge black wings grew out from behind him.I thought it would be easy to deal with these small fish and shrimps, but I didn't expect to use all my strength when I came up!

The huge energy gushing out caused Yuan Feiwu's sneak attacking body to pause. Just this pause was enough for Lulikai to use his fallen angel's speed. Appeared behind Yuan Feiwu, grabbed Yuan Feiwu by the neck and threw him back to the ground.

Yuan Feiwu's Wuying body technique has been used to perfection, and he used Wuying's first weight "Light Swallow" to defuse the momentum in the short time in the air, and landed as light as a swallow.It's just that the energy of another punch that almost fell with him has already attacked, this time Yuan Feiwu couldn't dodge even if he wanted to.

The ravages of dark elements are always so silent, huge energy erupts on Yuan Feiwu, and when the energy dissipates, Yuan Feiwu has already been knocked upside down by the impact of energy.But the energy didn't hurt him, he wrapped himself with a pair of black wings on his back.

"Fallen Angel!? How come I haven't seen you!'re stupid, I'll settle the score with you later!" Lulikai was surprised and annoyed when he saw a pair of black wings appearing from Yuan Feiwu's back.

Just now I felt that the grudge he released had the smell of dark elements, but I didn't think much about it.Now that the other party has even spread its wings, do you need to think too much!Only the demon royal family can cultivate into a fallen angel!

Don't get entangled with Yuan Feiwu right now, and chase after Nangongfeng and the others in the direction they escaped from.

The speed of the four-winged fallen angel is really no joke. After flying out, there can only be a long series of hazy afterimages in the air.

Yuan Feiwu couldn't stay any longer, so he hurried to catch up. After a while, those fleeing civilians would soon bring a large number of soldiers.This is an important place to defend the demons and beasts, and there will even be masters sitting there. People who hear the news will come much faster than they imagined.

But Yuan Feiwu was also a little helpless, this place was no different from the place where he fought Athena last time, it was just a barren mountain with no one, so he could confront Athena.Here is Ropa City. Even though there are few residents in Ropa City and most of them are fugitives, there are still many innocent people and officers and soldiers. The surrounding cities will be reduced to ashes at any time.

If he uses a higher combat power to subdue Lulikai, then the illegal operation will destroy the rules of the game on the other side of the world, so he might as well just take out Lucifer and make the opponent surrender. (Takes out... the Lucifer he was talking about looks like something)
Head-to-head confrontation with the powerful demons here is really not what Yuan Feiwu wanted to happen. These will be the main force of the mortal world to fight against the master of chaos in the future!

On the other side, Lucia, who had been hiding behind the hole, was also surprised to see Yuan Feiwu chasing after him with his black wings spread out.

Then he frowned and wrapped the cloak casually around his body, and chased after him in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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