Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 617 Lulikai's 1v2

Chapter 617 Lulikai's One-on-two
Xueyue and Nangongfeng's flying directions are very purposeful, the more desolate and more hidden they fly there, and when they find a suitable hiding place, they leave Yalongjing and go back to meet Yuan Feiwu.

But they still underestimated the sensitivity of the fallen angel's induction, and they could follow the slight vindictive aftermath left by them from the air.

As Yuan Feiwu said, Lulikai is very strong!

He has already cultivated to the middle level of the four-winged fallen angel, and has reached the bottleneck. It is not too much to say that he has stepped into the high level with one foot.This kind of strength is already comparable to that of a god of war. For the mortal world, as long as one becomes a god of war or a saint of law, one can break through the void and enter the heaven or demon world to continue cultivating.

But the four-winged fallen angels are a different kind. The exercises they practice are much more advanced than ordinary battle qi or magic. After all, this is a low-level mental method created by Lucifer that is closer to divine power. There are big differences according to the understanding of each person.Just like Nangong Fengxueyue's special physique, compared with theoretically the same level of practitioners, there will be greater fluctuations.

For example, Lulikai is a leader who has a deep understanding of the dark element demon. In theory, his current level is equal to that of a great magister or a high-level sword master. Not surprising.

It can be said that Lulikai has reached the point where he can try to cut through the void. If it is placed in the Star Luo Continent, it can be regarded as having few opponents.However, Douglas also has the high-level strength of the great magister, which can make Lulikai a little bit afraid. If he gets one or two more great magisters or sword masters to help, Lulikai will also be deflated.No matter how strong a master is, he can't stand the crowd!Moreover, Lulikai has only made a breakthrough in his cultivation in recent years, and Douglas alone was enough for him before.

The strength of the demons is definitely beyond human expectations. If it were not for Douglas' painstaking efforts to unite the great magisters and sword masters of the Star Luo Continent, the Star Luo Continent would have fallen apart and been invaded by the demons. This is why the demons would Think of Douglas as the greatest rival for hundreds of years.

Nangongfeng and Xueyue quickly flew a long distance, and just now they felt safe and wanted to take a breath, when a black energy was unobstructed, blasting heavily towards their backs, the speed was very fast!

The energy contained in that energy was very domineering, and the two of them immediately came to the conclusion that they couldn't bear it in a hasty fight, so they could only give up the idea of ​​fighting, and plunged into the dense forest below.

With the cover of the dense forest, the attack could no longer accurately attack them, but their speed was also greatly restricted in the dense forest.Not long after flying, I saw a large figure blocking the front.

The figure was covered in light armor, the black cloak was fluttering in the wind behind him, his expression was cold and powerful, and the two pairs of huge black wings spread out behind him, making him appear to be very huge!

"Four-winged fallen angel!" Ya Longjing felt as if his heart was about to stop, "Are you Lukaiser or Lulikai!"

"Know us? Hehe, I didn't expect to be a human prince." Lulikai sneered, the person who can know his and his brother's name is either a general or a human royal family. How can ordinary people have the opportunity and qualification to hear about it?

Combined with the age of the guy in front of him, he is at best a prince.

"I am Ya Longjing, the prince of the Northway Empire! I will definitely make you pay back a hundredfold for the damage you have done to our country!" Yalongjing was in a hurry, and he didn't care if a four-winged fallen angel appeared here. There is no question of life returning.

"I heard from the great master that the prince of the Northway Empire is a weak and mediocre person. It seems that the information is a bit inconsistent. You are more kind than the legend."

Lulikai admired Ya Longjing's toughness, but his murderous intent became stronger. It would be more beneficial to their plan to kill Nuo Siwei's prince.

"Who is your great master? The information he gave you is not right, I will help you go back and criticize him." Nangongfeng noticed that the other party's murderous intent was getting stronger, and quickly pulled Ya Nongjing behind him, laughing and laughing.

"Crude cliché."

Lulikai stopped talking nonsense, and was delayed by the other party for a while, and the reinforcements here were about to arrive. He would not naively think that no master would find that there were fallen angels here if he didn't block his breath.

Nangongfeng knew that the opponent would not give him any more time, so he reacted faster, rushing out quickly was a punch, and his red fighting spirit exuded a rolling momentum.

"First kill, Overlord Comes to the World!"

Lulikai just threw a punch at will, which collided with Nangongfeng's fist.

Qi burst out between the fists of the two, with a strong air flow rolled out, and Nangong Feng's body was rolled out at the same time.

Nangongfeng himself was not surprised at all, because Nangongfeng believed in what Yuan Feiwu said - he is very strong!

Lulikai was a little surprised. He touched his fist. It was the first time that a human being from the sky samurai fisted him, which made his fist feel a little numb, and the dark element magic that was emitted could hit the glove like There is no way to unleash the full power of General.

Before he finished recollecting it, Nangongfeng's body jumped back with a cyan light, kicking in the air and sweeping towards his head.

Fire element fighting qi, wind element fighting qi, dual talents are not good enough to learn magic to learn fighting qi, how wasteful is this kid?
With such doubts, Lu Likai drew his sword, and a wide sword with countless serrations blocked Nangongfeng's flying legs.To be faster, their fallen angels have never been afraid of anyone.

Nangong Feng was taken aback by this uncle who seemed to be moving very slowly in mid-air. He used the advantage of the wind element fighting spirit to the extreme, retracting his legs strangely in the air and flying back, otherwise his legs would definitely break in two when kicked on the sword edge Half!
But how could Lulikai let him come and go freely, don't even think about leaving after it's delivered, and chase after Nangongfeng as soon as the blade turns.Seeing that he was about to succeed, at this moment he frowned suddenly, paused, and a wing behind him flapped forward, and the three ice picks and an ice spear were driven back by the huge momentum and flew back.

Xueyue was terrified, knowing that those magics were still controlled by his mental power, and the momentum of his wings alone could break the connection between him and the ice pick and ice spear to counter-control his magic. Such strength is too strong. Terrible!

The ice pick and ice spear Xueyue who flew back were easily resolved, but the blow to him psychologically was huge.Just like Patrick from the Holy Land of the Black Mage in the Molot Swamp forest, he lost control of his magic because of the opponent, which shows that the opponent's strength is much stronger than his own, and he has a clear understanding of each other's strength in an instant. Compared.

Xueyue's attack didn't buy Nangongfeng much time, on the contrary, it made Lulikai's mentality serious. In just one breath, Nangongfeng hadn't retreated far, and a pitch-black broadsword chopped down.

Nangongfeng hurriedly raised his fists to block, a huge force was transmitted to him, he was slammed on the ground and fell to the ground.Fortunately, the glove was made of ancient secret stones, which absorbed a lot of energy for him, otherwise Nangong Feng would feel better about it.

Seeing this, Xue Yue sighed, and hurriedly continued to attack, but suddenly felt that something was wrong in the rear, a few weird black bats pounced on Ya Longjing.

In this situation, Xueyue had no choice but to turn around, pushing out a cloud of icy fog to cover him and Ya Longjing, and the speed of those black bats dropped sharply when they entered the icy fog.The sword in the stick was out of its sheath, and several black bats turned into black light and shattered in the silver-white sword light. Those shattered black lights in the white mist were extremely dazzling, as if many stains had been painted on the white and flawless white paper.

Those bats were not living creatures, but more like a crystallization of magical energy.

Xue Yue hurriedly looked towards the direction where the bat was flying, and a person wrapped in a thin cloak turned out from behind the tree over there, holding a long wooden staff with both hands, with sharp eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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