Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 620 The devil also has an affair, let's start the war!

Chapter 620 The devil also has an affair, let's start the war!

"I think you're talking about a myth. If it's true that even the Creator God can't do anything, what can we do if we unite?"

Ya Nongjing shook his head straight after hearing this, not to mention how much this story is beyond his imagination, nor whether he can persuade the human race to let go of the hatred with the beast race and the demon race for the time being, but only to say that if he really wants to be with this kind of person who soars beyond the three realms. Xingyu fought against the gods, and he felt that there was no difference between the mortal world and the scum!Whether it is combined or not, it is all slag, but it is the difference between softer slag and harder slag.

"It's more ambitious than giving up and waiting to die, isn't it?" Yuan Feiwu laughed.

Looking at Yuan Feiwu's indifferent smile, Ya Longjing felt extremely emotional in his heart, how could this guy be so magnanimous in the face of such doomsday things?In fact, is this guy making a big joke on himself from the beginning to the end?

"This is a long and arduous road. I'm not sure, but if the end is real, I'm willing to fight against the master of chaos, and I have to die to be more competitive!" Yanongjing finally said.

"The task of saving the mortal world falls to our Wufeng Nongyue mercenary group, it sounds very exciting!" Nangongfeng said with enthusiasm.

"It's easy to say, can we really save the mortal world with just a few of us? If we can really save it, it will be more powerful than the Creator God! I would rather fly to me the next day with breakfast and tell me that what I said yesterday was just a joke !" Ya Longjing couldn't laugh or cry.

He finally understands what ignorance is the happiest. If he doesn't know all this and then happily lives as an ignorant, it would be great.Now that he knew that such a tragic future would come at any time, he just felt heavy in his heart, as if a big stone was pressing on his chest.He can only lower his sight so that all he can see in front of him are these three good brothers, knowing that they are about to accomplish a great and unimaginable thing together, that's all.

Thinking of this, Ya Longjing made her feel a lot easier.Perhaps it is because he knows that he is not the only one to carry this matter, and someone else will help him carry the big rock in his heart.And he doesn't want to see his disappointment in their eyes, so he has to work hard.

"We have to work hard! Come on, we are dancing the wind and the moon!" Ya Nongjing suddenly shouted with great enthusiasm, and the hatred he had just met with Lulikai and Lucia was also diluted by a larger ideal.

"Can you stop shouting like that, I don't know why I feel a little ashamed all of a sudden." Nangongfeng felt a little embarrassed when he heard Ya Nongjing shouting there.

Why don't you come on? We are dancing with the wind and the moon, and it sounds like our whole body is going to suffer from embarrassing cancer.Like himself, he never said "come on!" Nangongfeng, it's embarrassing!

"Yes, good middle school two." Yuan Feiwu couldn't help it.

"If you shout again, I will freeze your mouth." Xue Yue had already threatened directly.

"Okay, stop yelling. I'll wipe it. I, the head of the mercenary group, can't even call out the name of my own mercenary group. Is there any reason for this? Alas..."

In the next few days, a few people started their return journey. Since the Demon Race's plot against Xingluo Continent is known, let's solve these messes first.

Gathering intelligence as they went, they soon heard what they wanted.The occurrence of such a major event that can shake the whole continent is absolutely fast, but it has been several days since the event spread to the north of Northway.

The next day: A rebellion broke out in the Tost Empire, and the only prince proclaimed himself king and led troops to besiege the palace.

Day [-]: The guards in the palace couldn't bear the temptation and attacked the palace.

Day [-]: The imperial palace was breached, all the royal family in the imperial palace were wiped out, and no one survived.

One day, a new message was received, and Yuan Feiwu was taken aback for a moment when the last message came.

The updated news was also heard from the mouths of those who were keen to discuss.

Sabo Fengshen, the proud disciple of the great magister Arnold, took action to quell the rebellion and killed all the rebels.

But the Tost royal family has no descendants, and the civilians and ministers of the Tost Empire hope that Sabo Fengsha will succeed the king, so as to prevent other people from coveting the throne and launching a new wave of war.Sabo shied away many times in the name of following the great magister Arnold's practice, but he couldn't hold back the popular will, and finally succeeded to the throne, changing the name of the Tost Empire to the Fengyu Empire.The founding of the new country celebrated the amnesty of prisoners throughout the country, and even the civilians on Northway's side expressed their appreciation to Sabo, congratulating him on destroying the rebels and bringing peace.

"After you go back, Jing, try your best to speak to the king for the main battle. We will join the army and fight against the Fengqi Empire." Yuan Feiwu said suddenly after hearing the news.

Nangongfeng and Xueyue silently walked to his side and patted his shoulder.

"What, what's the matter? Didn't you tell me to stabilize the domestic mood two days ago, and then you go to Tost to quell the chaos?" Ya Longjing was a little confused.

"It's late." Yuan Feiwu said silently.

"Well... Don't look at Yuan Feiwu as heartless, but Yuan Feiwu is still a person of flesh and blood. In fact, he is very emotional." Nangong Feng went over to mention a few words about Ya Longjing.

"Oh! That Sabo! I was also there at the time. I know that Sabo really had a bad relationship with Fei Wu in the exchange match. Don't worry, I will support you in defeating that disgusting guy who doesn't mean anything... oops!"

Nangongfeng pinched Ya Nongjing's ass before he finished speaking. Fortunately, his buttocks have less pain sensitivity, otherwise he would be in pain.

"The crown prince of Tost, Prince Eddie is Yuan Feiwu's friend." Xueyue couldn't stand it any longer, so she had to puncture it, "Feiwu, the deceased is gone, we will avenge him."

"..." Ya Nongjing also knew that he made a fool of himself by talking nonsense just now, so he immediately shut up.

That's right, when he first met Prince Eddie, Prince Eddie didn't know that the character Yuan Xiaowu didn't exist at all.But Prince Eddie is very friendly to Yuan Feiwu, and Yuan Feiwu appreciates it.Although the friendship between them cannot be said to be very deep, Yuan Feiwu never looks back and forgets the favors given by others.

Yuan Feiwu will investigate Prince Eddie's death, but this Sabo is absolutely inseparable.The princely rebellion of Tost?The palace fell?It just so happened that all the people with the surname Tost died?With such a coincidence, it is okay to deceive the common people, and even politicians with a little political savvy will not fail to see the strangeness in it.And they have eavesdropped on the conversation between Lulikai and Lucia, so it is estimated that this is also a conspiracy of the demons.

"Forget it, this is probably also a running-in that Star Luo Continent must go through, so let's end it quickly with the flames of war."

Yuan Feiwu was a little helpless, and in the end Xingluo Continent still embarked on the road of war unification that Athena planned to take before.But if it does not use external force that exceeds the limit of the mortal world, this is a step that must be taken, and Yuan Feiwu has nothing to do.

He is a god, and he can look down on the gods of other worlds, but he doesn't want to deprive the selves of these lives that are smaller than him in the mortal world just because he is a god, and force them to do what they should and should not do, even if what they are doing now is stupid. .Even if it is a mistake, they should let them grope forward in the mistake, and they can't even turn back and lead to destruction.

In fact, the true approach to the gods beyond these planes should be like the creation gods of other worlds, allowing the three worlds of the other world to develop on their own, no matter war, hatred, alliance, or genocide, they will not intervene, just like a spectator.Unless threatened by external forces, they will protect them. Respect all individuals with self-awareness in the alien world. It is their own choice to fend for themselves.If you point out when you see something wrong and require each individual to do things according to their own judgment, then the Chuangshi God might as well create an unconscious doll for Him to play with.

Yuan Feiwu is willing to play a guiding role in it, and he is considered a very "approachable" god.

"So shall we continue on the road now? Do you want to rest for two days?" Ya Rongjing asked Yuan Feiwu cautiously.

"Xingluo Continent hasn't had the history of the great unification of the human race, right? Go back, we will make you the king of the human race and history." Yuan Feiwu patted Ya Nongjing on the shoulder, and took the lead to walk forward.

Three days later, Yalongjing returned to the palace, and Alexander felt that Yalongjing seemed to be a different person after only a short exchange with him, and his spirit was different.

A week later, the Fengfeng Empire suddenly attacked the Northway Empire without any warning.Their soldiers disguised themselves as commercial civilians and mixed into Yonggu City, and they easily occupied this important fortress on the Northway border that defended the former Tost Empire.

The Northway Empire was in chaos due to the sudden invasion, and no one would have expected that the Fengshou Empire would start a war for no reason just after the national celebration was over.The condemnation from the public opinion poured down on the Fengfeng Empire like a torrential rain, but a few words of scolding would not lose a piece of meat.On the contrary, the Fengyu Empire took advantage of Northway's still panic, and took the opportunity to take down two cities before stopping the offensive, because after that, Northway's legions assembled their troops to defend the front line.

But then the situation has been very good for the Fengshou Empire. After breaking through the most difficult to break into the Yonggu City, the core hinterland of Northway in front of them lay flat in front of them.On the contrary, it is very difficult for Northway to capture the three horned cities backed by Yonggu City. The Fengshou Empire can be said to have the advantage of advancing, attacking, retreating, and defending.

In the same month, Xueyue and Nangongfeng joined the army in a low-key manner and joined the Dragon Army, the first army of Nuo Siwei.It would be huge news if they joined in senior year.Now that the war between the two countries has become the most attractive time to join, it has not brought out any splashes.


Both chapters are big chapters, proud face=. =
(End of this chapter)

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