Chapter 621

The joining of Xueyue and Nangongfeng didn't get much response from the outside, but it seemed like two depth charges had been dropped in the military circles of the Northway Empire, blowing up water billowingly.

Although they only joined the First Legion, which made the other two big legions jealous and heartbroken, their joining was like a shot in the arm when Nuo Siwei was caught in the flames of war!

In particular, their origins are not in the Northway Empire. I don’t know where Xueyue came from, but he studied in Xuefeng College at the beginning, so he is probably a Tostite; Nangongfeng himself said that he is from the Bagal Empire, Because of some unspeakable reasons (running away from home, wanting to learn magic), he came to Lantis Magic Academy to study.

But they are all willing to join Northway's army in the end, which is very exciting.

The happiest person was not Marens Kun, the commander of the First Army, but Alexander.

He asked his son to follow this group of people to practice, one is to let Ya Rongjing take refuge, and the other is to let his son establish a good relationship with these two. With the talents of these two, he will become the strongest below the Juggernaut in the future. The achievement should be no problem.With the support of such powerful friends, the throne of the Nuo Si Wei Empire and Ya Long Jing will be stronger.

But he didn't expect Ya Longjing to bring him such a bigger surprise, and let them come back directly to join the army!Such support shows how deep their relationship is!
Xueyue and Nangongfeng joined the First Legion silently, the other two Legions could only be jealous but could not rob people, but the First Legion was crazy about it.The First Legion claims to have 40 people, and it is the main combat legion with the largest number of people in the Northway Empire. It is composed of three armies, and the three armies are robbing people so fiercely that they are about to kill Marens Kun. The station was overturned.

There are those who cheat, those who sell favors, those who talk about life-and-death friendship, those who pretend to lose their temper, and even those who say that their house will burn down if they don't give Xueyue to go home with him to put out the fire.Marens Kun is also not surprised, the generals under his command can say anything for the sake of talents, and veterans are usually more shameless.But the one who said that the house was on fire was punished by Marens to wash his toilet. It’s fine to be careful, but you should be punished for talking nonsense!
Those who broke into the door were all his capable men, and it would not be good to offend anyone. Later, Marens asked Xueyue and Nangongfeng to choose by themselves, and no one would be offended.

What surprised him was that these two masters who had a good relationship didn't pick the same army group, one joined the Dilong army and the other joined the Feilong army.That's fine, at least two armies are happy, it's better than only one army.As for the Tianlong Army that didn't get a master to join, the head of the regiment happened to be the one who said that the house was on fire, and there was a two-thirds chance that it would not be his turn. Now he has the heart to really set the house on fire.

When the regimental commander lost his temper at home, a deputy ran in. Knowing that the regimental commander was in a bad mood, he reported the matter cautiously: "Commander Belun, it's our army's turn to hold a public recruitment today, do you have any questions?" special instructions..."

"Yes! Damn it! If I lose by robbing people, then recruit more soldiers! After all the recruits, don't leave a single one to those bastards! Only the generals will have no soldiers. Let me see how the two of them play! When you beg me to ask for soldiers, I will fucking let them come to my place to wash the toilet for a month! Pass it on, and make a big deal!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The pair of hands ran away like a gust of wind.

What the leader means is what to do or what to do.It's nonsense to do special things. It's a special thing to do. In the period of war, which place doesn't treat recruiting as a major event.As for recruiting all the soldiers so that the other two regiments have no soldiers to recruit, that is impossible. Even if he listened to the angry words of the regiment commander, he would be an idiot.

Yoma City, which is very close to the two captured cities, is imminent in recruiting strong men. It is actually adjacent to the two captured cities. If they don’t fight you, who will they fight?
There were crowds of people recruiting at several recruiting points in Yuema City. When the Northway country was in trouble, everyone enthusiastically joined the army, which proved that the Northway Empire was still quite popular.It just so happened that the defenders of Yoma City were in charge of the Tianlong Army.

There were many people at the recruiting site, but the order was maintained well.The military has set up a lot of recruitment points, and the recruitment requirements are not high. Most of the recruits recruited here are for some logistical work.Except for those logistics duties, these soldiers can't go to the battlefield. They can't let the recruits who have not experienced training go up to die, so as long as they have healthy limbs, they can basically join the army, and they are gradually eliminated during training. Large scale without paying too much attention to quality.More importantly, most of the well-established fighters already belonged to various forces. More than 99% of those who join the army are ordinary people, and these people are not worthy of attention.

One of the recruitment sites near the west of the city is in charge of a small team leader who sits at a desk in a tent like a clerk, asks the name, age and place of origin when seeing someone, reads the personal registration form, and reads all the words that should be read in this life in a day enough.

Just as he was about to take a break and let someone else help him, suddenly a smiling guy with a black ponytail walked in and handed him a form.

The black hair and fair face are really eye-catching. He stared at him for a long time before recovering, wiped the corners of his mouth and said, "Girl, the female soldiers are recruiting in the military tent next to you. Wrong side."

"Pure man." The man smiled, and the two dimples made people feel fascinated.

"Grass! The pure man is so beautiful and hairy!" The captain shouted vulgarly, covering up his embarrassment just now, "Let me see, Yuan Feiwu, the name is not a man! If you enter our army, you will be called by someone with a name like yours. I despise those who are bullied, let me give you a name, let's call it Yuan Dapao!"

"Do you have to change your name to join the army?" Yuan Feiwu didn't mind the other party's rudeness. Most of the soldiers were like this. On the contrary, he felt that this person cared about others. If you want to change to someone else, maybe you won't bother to care about whether you are despised in the army or not. being bullied.

"It's not necessary." The captain continued to look at the information. Originally, he wanted to see if the other party had any physical defects, but now he didn't dare to look at it, as if he was a little embarrassed, so he just looked down at the information.

Looking at it, I feel something is wrong, what the hell is the "other" written on the hometown?Although the world is big, there is no place that you can't write about!Even if it is the Demon Race Continent or the Beast Race Continent, there is always a place name!He would rather he wrote from the devil world!At least it's not as weird as saying "other"!

"It's not necessary, so I'd rather use Huiyuan Feiwu." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

What a tactful contempt!I despise the bad name I gave myself, right?Enraged enough by him, the team leader suddenly forgot to ask what else he wrote about his hometown.

"All right, all right, call it whatever you like. You skinny and tender, go to the kitchen to be a fire leader. It just so happens that a lot of new recruits have been recruited recently, and the other side is too busy." The destination is written on the form.

"Look at my basic information first." Yuan Feiwu said, pointing to a certain part of the form in the leader's hand.

Such beautiful fingers, it seems too wasteful to chop vegetables with such hands, right?No, going to battle to kill the enemy is also a waste!In contrast, it is better to chop vegetables.

The squad leader knew that he was distracted again, so he quickly collected his energy and looked at the place he was pointing at.

Senior Samurai? !
The team leader raised his head in disbelief, looked at the crystal clear smiling face, his eyes were full of suspicion.

(End of this chapter)

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