Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 622 Joined the job, recruit egg

Chapter 622 Joined the job, recruit egg
He himself is only an intermediate warrior, how can this little boy have a senior warrior?If you want to be fooled, you must be low-level. You must know that this kind of recruitment is for ordinary people. The strength of high-level warriors is already comparable to that of graduates from famous schools. The captain recommended himself, why did he come to these places to participate in the recruitment?

Isn't this a joke? !

"You idiot, you can pretend to be an X when you write a junior or intermediate warrior. How can you fool me when you write a senior warrior with such a high profile? You think we are all fools! Go, go, go, right away Report to the Huotou Army. Don’t underestimate the Huotou Army. You recruits have to train for a long time before you can go to the front line. The Huotou Army does not have such high requirements, and Yuema City is now the forefront of the war. , you can still be regarded as a front-line soldier when you are a fire-headed army here. You are satisfied with this, Comrade Senior Warrior.” If this guy hadn’t kept smiling and greeted people so that he couldn’t get angry, if someone else came, he would have He flipped the table and scolded people.

"Alright. I'm going to report now." Yuan Feiwu seemed satisfied when he heard that, took the form from the captain's hand, and ran away lightly.

The squad leader scratched the back of his head, just looking at his figure, which came and went without a trace, he had the demeanor of a senior warrior.

At this time, another team leader came in and patted him: "Hey, didn't you let me help you take over the shift and give you a rest, why don't you leave?"

"Wait, I'm still in good spirits!" After being amazed by that dusty beauty, I don't feel sleepy, "Seeing the people of Nuo Siwei so support our army, my blood is boiling, and I will work for another ten hours! "

"Okay, okay, keep going, work hard." The other captain rolled his eyes and walked out of the tent, wondering if the captain inside had some kind of illness.

Since Yuema City was on the front line of the war, martial law was in place inside and outside the city, so it was not easy for Yuan Feiwu to wander around with the form on which the allocation of places was written.This was all the negligence of the team leader, under normal circumstances, someone should have sent Yuan Feiwu there.

Naturally, Yuan Feiwu would not waste time under endless cross-examination. To avoid those ordinary soldiers, he didn't even need to use his fighting spirit.

It is said that the kitchen is just a large room borrowed temporarily, with several large pots in it, and a lot of materials piled up outside the door and in a corner of the room, like hills.

The captain was right. Because of the large number of recruits in recent days, many newly recruited soldiers have not been sent to the field or nearby places for training. Providing food for everyone has become the most troublesome thing for them now.

If it wasn't for Yuan Feiwu's sudden appearance, making him feel that this person is neither suitable for fighting the enemy nor carrying heavy work, then throw it to the kitchen, the captain even forgot that the battalion commander of the gang leader had greeted him For this matter, let him quickly recruit a few recruits to help the cook.It is too wasteful to transfer veterans to cook during this war.

Yuan Feiwu suddenly appeared at the kitchen door without a sound, and many people were taken aback when they saw it.

The recruiting office is fine!Enough righteousness!Nima recruits a big beauty with one move!The morale of Huotou Battalion is soaring!Adding chicken thighs to them tonight!
In the kitchen, more than a dozen people in white aprons and military uniforms are all the people in Huotouying in the city. They put down their work for a while and came to watch the excitement.

When the battalion commander took the form, his face turned dark when he saw it, Nima is not a girl!
If it's not a girl, forget it, and find a boy who looks so weak to fuck?Look down on the work of our Huotou camp, right?Could the rough work here be done by this kind of guy?
"With my help, the work of Huotouying should be busy. Just tell me what you need to cook." Yuan Feiwu said to everyone with a smile.

Is it enough to have you? !Does he know how many meals are cooked for more than ten of them? !I don't know if it will be enough to recruit another twenty people!

And you, a new recruit who just came in, dare to let you be in charge!Still let you cook? !Don't be afraid that one careless [-] soldiers will be brought down by something you made!

Knowing that this is not a beautiful woman, those people are all scattered, there is a lot of work to do, and this person speaks without brains and self-righteousness, which is not their favorite tone.

Only the battalion commander's face became darker and darker, as if he had been smoked by coal.

"It's not your turn to cook, you just wash and cut those ingredients!" The other party looked ignorant, the battalion commander was very dissatisfied, and his tone was naturally harsh, "Don't cut off your fingers, I will Thank you so much, do you still want to be in charge?!"

In the eyes of the battalion commander, this slender-skinned and tender-skinned guy is like the second generation of a rich family, who comes to join in the fun when he sees recruiting soldiers.But joining the army is not to travel, but to suffer. This person doesn't seem to understand this truth. The captain who recruited him must have seen that this guy is not easy to handle, so he threw it over to their Huotou army, right?Damn, if he meets the captain after dinner, he won't be a fucking cook after knocking a mountain on his head without a spoon!
"It's okay, it's easy." Yuan Feiwu nodded, and was about to leave, the battalion commander was dumbfounded.

What did he just say?Quite easy? !
The battalion commander confirmed that he was referring to all the ingredients outside the house, most of them were melons and fruits, and they piled up so quickly that they could be described as mountains and plains.The amount of materials outside is about the same as inside, but the materials inside can only be processed by nearly ten people, and he is the only one outside. How dare he say it's easy? !And it's not that I throw it all to him, it's just to scare him so that he won't be so self-righteous, who knows that this guy is so kind!

When the battalion commander was in a complicated mood, Yuan Feiwu walked away a few steps and came back again, which made the battalion commander think that this person might have opened his mind again, and realized that he had spoken too harshly just now.When he asks for help later, should I be more aggressive and let him suffer, or be more tender and let him be grateful and then turn back when he is lost?It's so annoying, why does he, the battalion commander of the Huotou army, act like those big regiment commanders, thinking about how to manage his subordinates all day long... Sigh, there is no way, the battalion commander of the Huotou battalion is also an official the size of a sesame seed , after all, it is necessary to manage people.

"Well, is it possible that I can move around freely after all these are dealt with?"

Unexpectedly, this guy came back and asked such a sentence with a dazzling smile.

The battalion commander suddenly felt very depressed in his chest, and he was about to spit out a mouthful of blood at any time.

With so many things, does he really want to finish them all?And still have free time?This is a disease that needs to be cured!

"Okay! You can move around freely after you're done! Anyone who stops you, just say that I, Battalion Commander Lin Ridge, the fire leader, approved it! Damn!"

The battalion commander covered his head. Veterans like them often lose their temper with recruits, and it's fine once they lose their temper.But this time was different. The more he lost his temper, he felt that the other party was striding forward in the direction of making him soar high blood pressure.The more i lose my temper, the more tired I feel, the more headache I get.

"I don't have a gang leader's logo, shouldn't you send it to me?" The most important thing for Yuan Feiwu to come back is actually this.

He was still wearing ordinary clothes, and he was caught as a spy or something, which was another trouble.With a proper identity, at least there won't be so many problems when walking around!

"Okay, wait a minute!" The battalion commander is a big fat man. Before his blood vessels burst, he staggered to the side room and brought back a set of aprons, several sets of blue military uniforms common to Northway, and the logo of the Firehead Army. Throw it to Yuan Feiwu, "You can rest after finishing these ingredients! And rest immediately! Do whatever you like! The dormitory is in the row of rooms behind the kitchen. In the evening, you can find an unoccupied iron bed Your name is yours!"

"Okay, thank you, go get busy." Yuan Feiwu nodded, turned around and walked towards his ingredients.

Seeing his graceful steps, the battalion commander almost responded, "Okay, I'll go right away...".Go to your sister, are you the battalion commander or am I the battalion commander!
"Come back to me! Damn, don't you need to ask what to do with these ingredients!"

"I saw it in the kitchen just now, I understand." Yuan Feiwu waved his hand.

Fuck, do you know how you drag your mother like that? !Do you want to be dragged to the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun!
The battalion commander decided not to pay any attention to the recruit, hurried into the kitchen, and ordered no one to go out to help him.

Damn, if you don't let him suffer, he won't know the suffering in the world!
Those people all agreed with a smile, thinking that the new recruit would offend the battalion commander as soon as he arrived, and he would definitely suffer a lot.Those melons and fruits outside, more than a dozen of them working together, may not be able to finish them before they are cooked. It would be a ghost if the recruits can finish them!So thin and thin, it is estimated that a few catties of fingers will be abolished!
(End of this chapter)

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