Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 623 I knew I would come to ask for someone

Chapter 623 I knew I would come to ask for someone
Be low-key, be low-key.

Being low-key is something the Yuan family had to learn from an early age, whether it was temperament, expression, or performance, they had to be low-key.Intelligence officers and killers are similar to some extent, the less conspicuous the easier it is to complete their tasks.Of course, there are exceptions for cases where special methods are used to obtain information.

The Yuan family has this kind of temperament.

Even Yuan Feiwu felt that Yuan Feixing, who was the most ostentatious and proud, was always calm and calm when he faced the tasks assigned by his father, and sometimes he was so quiet that people felt that he did not exist at all.This is the temperament that an intelligence family should have.

Among the Yuan family, Yuan Feiwu deeply understands the importance of being low-key, because it involves the importance of life.

Yuan Feiwu is also a little worried about how to keep a low profile now.

The handling of these ingredients in front of him is really a small matter, and it is not as troublesome for him as being in charge of the spoon.Because you can't handle the spoon quickly, you can only watch the ingredients slowly become cooked in the pot.He can process these ingredients very quickly, and he still has to walk around after processing them.

But the problem is that he can't be too fast, or he will be too ostentatious.

While Yuan Feiwu was thinking, he threw all the melons and fruits into the large pool filled with water, walked to the side and found two large baskets, and walked to the edge of the pool.

Put a large basket into the pool, catch a basket full of melons and fruits, and stop in the water.

goo goo goo...

Suddenly, many ripples appeared in the water, which was caused by Yuan Feiwu vibrating the basket in the water at high speed.Use the shaking of the hand to make the melons and fruits in the basket rub against the water molecules at high frequency to achieve the purpose of quickly washing the melons and fruits.

After washing like this for a while, he lifted the basket to shake off the water splash, and poured the melons and fruits inside into the empty basket.

I don't know when the kitchen knife caught in his hand faced the falling melon and fruit. The moment it touched it, the kitchen knife disappeared, leaving only countless blooming silver lotus flowers in his hand.

The melons and fruits that fell after passing through the silver lotus fell steadily back into the empty basket, all in the same shape as before, without any change.It wasn't until all the melons and fruits fell from the upper basket to the lower basket that Yuan Feiwu kicked the basket of melons and fruits aside.

The other hand picked up another empty basket, put it in the position where the basket was originally kicked away, and repeated the previous action.

"If it was Jiawen, her blooming sharpness would be even more beautiful." Yuan Feiwu murmured.

Unknowingly, he has more and more people he cares about in the mortal world, and when he occasionally thinks about it, he always feels a little strange.

"But you may still think I'm slow..." But these people who are worried about it are not good, Yuan Feiwu added with a wry smile, "Is this speed about the same? Any faster will be scary."

After more than an hour, Yuan Feiwu cleaned the kitchen knife and put it down gently.

The water droplets on the kitchen knife fell along the stone table, and the drops were fragmented on the ground, disappearing without a trace, leaving only a dark mark on the ground.

The drop of water disappeared, as if it had never appeared before; the owner of the kitchen knife just now also disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

The rhythmic sound of chopping vegetables and frying pans was still coming from the kitchen, which was extremely lively, but outside it was so quiet from the beginning to the end, so quiet that no one knew it had started or ended.

on the other hand.

When Xueyue and Nangongfeng joined the Feilong and Dilong armies, the starting point was much higher.

On the day Xueyue joined, the head of the Flying Dragon Group immediately appointed him as the deputy head of the group, so he almost told everyone that he was his future successor.

Seeing that the army next door is so brutal, the head of the Dilong Army Group could treat Nangongfeng badly. Wouldn't he be despised by others in comparison?Also gave Nangongfeng the position of deputy head, and at the same time gave him whatever he wanted, and even stuffed a team of elites for him to take up the post immediately, so he got used to it first.

This is already an exaggerated situation.

To know that there are new talents joining, no matter how you want to cultivate them, you must first inspect them for a period of time to verify their loyalty, and then slowly give military power.

Like Xue Yue, who only gave a deputy head, but didn't give him any soldiers, which means that he has a high position, but none of his soldiers listened to him at critical moments.As soon as Nangongfeng joined, he already had a team of soldiers that belonged entirely to him. This was the first time in the military world.

It doesn't matter to Nangong Feng, just take it with you first.It's just that he was a newcomer and was afraid that the elites below would not accept him and be difficult to discipline, so he only spent 5 minutes to subdue these 1000 people cleanly.It's very simple and rude, just pull it over and play a game, and 1000 people will play together.

The most formidable people in this group were only three earth warriors, and there were less than 100 other high-level warriors. The fight was really just a warm-up for Nangong Feng.

After subduing the 1000 people into obedience, Nangongfeng gave them some training tasks every day, and rested in the house by himself, which was quite a bit like Lin Becker's life.

That day Nangongfeng was sitting in the room with his legs crossed and his eyes squinted, feeling very unsatisfied.

"Deputy head of Nangong! Ophelia is here to visit!" A messenger ran in and shouted to Nangongfeng excitedly.

This messenger has been an eye-opener since he followed this Nangongfeng!As soon as they came to their group army, they were the deputy commanders, and beating 1000 people by themselves was like abuse.The most frightening thing is that he has only been in office for less than three days, and a big shot comes to him almost every day!Who told him that this person has no background and came from grass roots?Play him!There are backstages of all forces!

Leaving aside those who visited before, let’s just say that Ophelia, who came here this time, is definitely a big shot among big shots in the First Legion.The daughter of the supreme leader of the First Legion, isn't she a big shot!

"Ask her to come in..."

"Nangongfeng, get out of here!!"

Before Nangong Feng could finish his words, Ophelia had rushed in and passed by him, the agitated formation startled the orderly!

Oops, those people in front of the relationship are here to reminisce, this time Ophelia is here to seek revenge!

It's not good for the new deputy head to offend anyone, how could he offend this big shot!
The messenger suddenly felt very complicated!

"No need to invite, she has already come. You step back, let them have a good rest, don't practice today, the people who should come have finally come, and I will bring them to practice together from tomorrow until they vomit!" Nangong Feng smiled and waved the orderly to retreat.


The messenger had just turned around to leave when he heard a loud noise behind him, and was so frightened that he quickly let go of his feet and ran out of the house.

"Calm down, the table is going to break." Nangong Feng just finished speaking, the wooden table beside him cracked and fell down, and he reached out to grab his teacup without having time.

"Tell me, where did Yuan Feiwu go!" Ophelia's face was full of anger, the eyebrows on her eyes were almost turned into an upside-down character, and her chest heaved violently due to anger.

"I don't know." Nangongfeng spread his hands.

"You went out together, but you came back missing someone, you don't know who knows!"

"Xueyue, you ask him to see?"

"I've already asked! That dead-faced man, no matter how he asks, he only has the word 'don't know'. If I can't beat him, I'm going to kick him to death!"

"Pfft ha ha..." Nangong Feng could imagine how pitiful Xue Yue would be if she was entangled by this eldest lady.

If Xue Yue knew Yuan Feiwu's whereabouts, she might have already recruited this troublesome lady.It's a pity that Xue Yue really didn't know, and he didn't know either. Yuan Feiwu didn't say where he was going when they parted.

"No wonder Tarena Leites and the others have come. You haven't come yet. So I went to Xueyue's place first. I think this choice is right. He likes to be quiet, so it's very likely that you will be so noisy that he will recruit everything. "

"You're still laughing! You guys are back, what about the others?" Ophelia's eyes turned red suddenly, "Is he alive, dead, injured or disabled? What happened, don't hide it from me, tell me!"

After being separated from the two places for two years, Ophelia realized how much she relied on Yuan Feiwu to live by her side.I used to think that during the short three-month vacation, I would miss it day and night, but because I was not used to it, I would gradually get used to it.Now two years have passed and I can't get used to it, so Ophelia can't deceive herself no matter how she refuses to admit it.

For that person, it is worrying.

(End of this chapter)

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