Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 624 What a bohemian and freedom-loving gang leader

Chapter 624 What a bohemian and freedom-loving gang leader
In the past two years, the only information she could get from Yuan Feiwu was a greeting card delivered on time on her birthday.

She wanted so much to find out where Yuan Feiwu was, and to leave everything behind and look for him, even if it was just to meet him once.It's a pity that the greeting card has never written the sending address. Even if there was, Ophelia knew that even if she arrived, the address would have left.

"Not dead, not injured, not disabled, living well, how much do you want something to happen to him! If one day you see him, and you can tell him your thoughts like this, I believe that idiot may die I'm enlightened." Nangong Feng poured another cup of tea for Ophelia to calm her emotions.

But it is obvious that this way of comforting the tsundere girl who rarely expresses herself is wrong.

Ophelia immediately went into a rage: "Hang your head! Read your dead head! I just care about my old classmate. His character is so easy to be bullied. Worry about it, right! Where is the one who didn't die!"

"I don't know." Nangongfeng could only spread his hands when he came back to this question.

If he knew, he probably couldn't help but say it when Ophelia's eye circles were red. After all, he is a loyal supporter of the Ophelia faction.

He suddenly discovered that Yuan Feiwu, that shrewd man with a silly and sweet smile all day long, knew that they would not be able to keep the secret, so he purposely kept them from knowing where he had gone.And what he is going to do is really not suitable for these people to know, especially Ophelia.

It must be noisy with him.

"You don't tell any of them, how can you make me not think in a bad direction?" Ophelia's tears came up again.

"Oh, I really don't know. He didn't let us know where he was going. He's always so hard to see through. How can we guess what he's thinking?" Nangong Feng persuaded, trying his best to fly the pot towards the source Cover your head.

"Forget it, forget it." Ophelia sniffed, kicked the fallen table to vent her dissatisfaction, and ran out in a hurry just like when she came here in a hurry.

After all, Nangongfeng couldn't bear it, and stopped her: "He said that he wanted to look at the situation of the Northway Empire's legion at the bottom. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. Study the most basic composition of Northway's army, starting from the details. Improvement... It's very troublesome to explain, but it's in Northway!"

Ophelia stopped, turned her head, her eyes widened.

"You also know that this guy likes to explore bit by bit, and then create bit by bit, and after accumulating bit by bit, people will be surprised. Don't worry, how long do you think such an outstanding guy can remain unknown?"

"I know, the one who is so persistent is Yuan Feiwu." Ophelia actually wanted to feel at ease, and finally confirmed that Yuan Feiwu seemed to be fine, so she was relieved, "But can't you report that you are safe before doing it? came back……"

"That... I think that if you knew, what he's doing now would be more than ten times more difficult, so I didn't report to you about safety..." Nangongfeng finally couldn't help but say what was in his heart.

"When he shows up, he's dead!"

Ophelia gritted her teeth and kicked at the door of Nangongfeng's house. The wooden door couldn't withstand the strong kick of a high-ranking warrior, and the door frame was dented a lot.After kicking this kick, she left angrily, leaving Nangongfeng behind who couldn't laugh or cry.

Sure enough, this girl is still hard to get rid of. Now he likes Tarena a little bit. He was the first to kill and find someone. He was quiet and quiet, and then he said "Yuan Feiwu has his plans" and then easily dismissed her with a complaint. nothing.

As for Leicester, I don't want to comment. I'm sorry, but in the roster that Nangong Feng made for Yuan Feiwu, he is very sure that he will not have a place in the harem option.

Yoma City.

In the evening, because the ingredients had increased a lot, the meat ingredients in the kitchen were finally processed.

The Battalion Commander of the Huotou Army waited for several people to hold the spoons, looked at the slowly fried meat, wiped off their sweat and asked loudly: "Next batch!"

After shouting, he froze for a moment, the next batch was to stir-fry some vegetables, that is, the melons and fruits outside the kitchen.

And those melons...

"Battalion Commander, the next batch will be in charge of that recruit!"

Damn, you don't need to say it!
Time is too fast and he forgot!Even if you want to trick that new recruit, you should ask a few people to help process a batch of melons and fruits for emergency. At that time, everyone will get less for dinner, but at least they will still have something to eat!It's such a sin that there are no vegetarian dishes now!
"Come here to help carry the ingredients, and see how many eggs the recruit has cut!"

The battalion commander sighed, put down the pot and spoon, and took the lead to go out, his heart covered with dust.

The big deal is that there will be no vegetarian dishes tonight. Anyway, the staple food is ready.Just to let the people at the top know how bad their Huotou army is, and now there are so many soldiers in the city that they can't even prepare vegetarian dishes.

He could only comfort himself like this.

As soon as he walked out, several people's eyes widened.

There was no sign of the recruit egg outside the kitchen, and the ingredients were placed in baskets, as if they had never been touched.

"That bastard! Report it later, and punish him severely! How can such a piece of trash have the right to be a soldier in our army!" The battalion commander was so angry that his hands were shaking, disappointed, he turned and walked back to the kitchen.

"Battalion Commander, why don't we hurry up and get some materials out? There's still a little time." A gang leader said as he walked towards the melons and fruits.

"It's too late, there are no vegetarian dishes tonight!"

The battalion commander turned his head while talking, and happened to see the leader soldier reaching out to pick up a piece of melon and fruit.

Yes, only one piece.Because the melon and fruit he picked up suddenly split open, and everything fell to the ground except the one he was holding.

And the size of that piece happened to be the size they were going to fry tonight.

The battalion commander was dumbfounded again, but the leader of the gang was so shocked that he even threw the piece in his hand on the ground.

"What, what's going on, the melon split itself!" The leader soldier took a few steps back in disbelief.

Another daring leader went to the basket of melons and fruits closest to him. This time he learned the lesson and stretched out his hand to hold the whole melon and fruit. He touched it with the other hand and found several pieces of melons and fruits. piece.

"Damn, this basket seems to have been cut up!" He checked a few more, and they all fell apart when touched, "Couldn't they all be cut up?"

"Quick, let's move in!"

The battalion commander doesn't know how to describe the feeling in his heart now.

There is a kind of displeasing person who wants to slap him a few times, and then finds that the other party has jumped up before he can react, swung the hot wheel with both hands and slapped his face swollen, but after being slapped, he still can't fight back. I have to say thank you to others, and I feel aggrieved like a child weighing more than 300 catties.

"Then, the battalion commander, are you still going to punish him?"

In the beginning, the leader of the group was so scared that he wouldn't open any pot and carry which pot. The battalion commander was so angry that he wanted to be slapped by Hot Wheels: "If you don't move in quickly, I'll punish you!"

The evening meal was provided on time and in the right amount, and the fire fighters finally breathed a sigh of relief.It was late at night after the work was over, and when I went back to the dormitory, the battalion commander searched around the dormitory for the first time. The dormitory for the new recruit had already been selected. In bed, no one is there.

"He hasn't come back yet, where did that guy go?" the battalion commander said depressedly, touching his bald head.

He also wanted to find that guy and ask how he cut the melon and fruit so quickly.

"The entire city is under martial law, and our group army is under martial law. Will he be arrested as a spy for running around like a fool?" said behind him.

"It's better to be caught, and you'll learn how to be good after being caught a few times!" The battalion commander said angrily. It was also the first time he saw such a free recruit. How dare he be so free, yet he still hasn't come back at bedtime at night, there are so many places for him to visit in the military camp! "Anyway, he has the logo of the Huotou Army on his body. If he is caught as a thief, he will definitely come to us to find out the situation! I am so upset, go back to sleep!"

"What the battalion commander said makes sense!" The gang leader nodded in agreement, followed the battalion commander out of the room, and walked to his own dormitory.

Then the battalion commander stopped suddenly and turned around: "Then where do you want to go?"

"Me, me? Didn't you mean to go back to sleep? After chopping boar pork all day, my arm hurts like hell. Go back and have a good rest."

"I'm going back to sleep, who told you to go back to sleep! You guard the guy's door, check the time when you come back, scold him severely if you exceed the access control time, and report to me tomorrow! Also, in case you are really inspected The soldiers caught him as spies and came here, at least someone greeted him!"

"Ah! All right, all right."

The gang leader wanted to cry, and sat desolately in front of the dormitory door with the words "Yuan Feiwu", praying in his heart whether he was arrested or wandered out, he would come back quickly!You don't want to sleep, I want to sleep, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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