Chapter 625

Until the next morning, the gang leaders got up again to catch breakfast for the group army in the city.

Speaking of it, the gang leaders are also very hard. They have to get up early in the morning to prepare breakfast, and they have to wait for dinner to be arranged before they can rest, especially now that the city has a large population and is busy every day.

Fortunately, they only need to prepare meals during the day, and the rest is rest time, and they don't have to be on duty, patrolling, and training like other soldiers.

If even these things have to be spread out, the gang leader may exhaust several people to death every day.

The battalion commander got up as usual, he had already put on his apron when he walked out of the dormitory, and walked towards the kitchen with his big belly out of habit.

After walking a few steps, I remembered that there was a new recruit last night, so I hurried back.

After walking not far, he saw the gang leader who was handed over yesterday lying like a corpse outside the door of his dormitory. The battalion commander frowned and walked over to pat him on the head.

Tell him to be a guardian, but he sleeps really soundly, is he a guardian in a dream?

The leader of the gang was patted twice before he got up in a daze. Seeing the battalion commander staring at him, he wiped his eye poo and stood at attention.

"I told you to guard the man, what about the man? Why don't you go back to sleep?" The battalion commander softened his tone when he saw that the man had slept on the ground all night.

"He, he didn't come back last night! I didn't fall asleep here until dawn!" The leader of the group said with a bitter face, aggrieved.

Originally, I was thinking of going to bed after a few words of training after the recruit came back, but who would have thought that the bastard would not come back all night!What a wave!He is so handsome, so why not go somewhere to seduce the little girl?But it's impossible, how can he go out of the military area here as soon as he says it, could it be that he ran away from the female soldier's area?They shouldn't be able to get in either!

"Didn't come back all night?! The current recruits are fine! If you don't come back all night, I don't believe that you haven't been arrested by the patrols! After a while, the patrols will come to ask, and I will let them give that recruit a hard time!"

The battalion commander feels that since a newcomer came, he has been in a state of cerebral hemorrhage at any time, and his blood pressure has never dropped!
"Battalion Commander, is this, is this going too far? If the patrol soldiers use punishment, it's still quite harsh, especially when martial law is in place now..."

With a sound of pia, the door of the dormitory behind them opened suddenly, and Yuan Feiwu walked out from inside with an angry face.

In addition to the fresh air in the early morning, the chirping birds, and two people standing at the door, one fat and one thin, are quite refreshing.

"You, you, you, why are you in there!" The leader of the gang took a long time to come back to his senses.

"My dormitory, where should I be if I'm not in there?" Yuan Feiwu laughed.

You are so right, I am speechless!The gang leader felt that he had asked a question so stupid that even he couldn't stand it.

"You didn't come back until after the access control time, do you know that!" The battalion commander also came back to his senses, pointing at Yuan Feiwu and spraying.

Huotoubing said that he didn't go to bed until dawn, which means that this recruit didn't come back until dawn!

"No, I just came back before the gate control. When you came back, you just walked away from my dormitory, battalion commander."

The battalion commander turned his head to look at the gang leader. Can he miss such a big man when he comes back?
"I, why didn't I see you! You walked silently!" The gang leader was also startled, and began to wonder if he let the other party go in because he was distracted.

"There is a rule in the barracks that you must make a sound when you walk?"

"That, that's not..."

"So I didn't break the law."


What you said is so right, I'm speechless again!But it’s not too exaggerated that you don’t make a sound when you walk, I didn’t notice such a big living person walking past me!You were a cat in your previous life!
The gang leader decided to ask a question that should no longer seem stupid: "Then, when you come back, why didn't you call me when you saw me at the door?"

"I thought you liked to squat outside other people's dormitories for a while before falling asleep, so I didn't dare to disturb you. In the military camp, I saw other comrades squatting in front of their houses to say hello..."

"No! I'm sorry, there is no such rule in the barracks! You haven't violated the law, just pretend I didn't ask you anything!"

What kind of person has the habit of squatting outside other people's dormitories for a while before falling asleep!What kind of creature do you think I am? It's obviously excluded from the scope of human beings, okay?Am I a gecko!

The gang leader ran away with a whimper, shedding a little tear.

"Okay, it's fine if you don't break the door control. It's time to prepare breakfast. Let's go. I want to ask you how you handled those melons and fruits yesterday." Anyway, it's enough that this guy didn't cause him any trouble, the battalion commander said What he cares about is how he did what ten people did by himself.

Yuan Feiwu just shrugged and followed the battalion commander.The kitchen is full of ingredients again, and someone will deliver the ingredients early in the morning. A considerable number of these handymen who deliver the ingredients are recruits recruited this time.

But these ingredients are for lunch, not for breakfast, just get some bread.

Yuan Feiwu heard the battalion commander say that he needs to know how he handles the ingredients, so he walked over to pick up a melon and fruit without saying a word, and looked back at the battalion commander.

The battalion commander swallowed a mouthful of saliva, as if he was about to see some peerless magical skill or treasure.

He was sure that he was quite concentrated, and nodded, indicating that Yuan Feiwu could start.

Yuan Feiwu chuckled, and lightly tossed the melon and fruit. He didn't know when the kitchen knife was held in his hand, and he went up to it and chopped a few times.This time he slowed down a lot of the speed of the knife, the scene of sharp knitting like yesterday was still too scary, he didn't want to show it in a high-profile way.

But this kind of slashing was amazing enough, the battalion commander only saw that the melon and fruit were thrown up and down for two seconds, the kitchen knife flashed with silver light a few times, and then the melon and fruit fell back into Yuan Feiwu's hands.

"It's over?" the battalion commander asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"It's over."

Yuan Feiwu walked over and put the melon and fruit in the hands of the battalion commander. As soon as he left Yuan Feiwu's hand, it fell apart.


The gang leaders around were already watching the excitement, and they all exclaimed when they saw this place, and then applauded. It was quite like seeing the atmosphere of a busking performance, and they almost jumped out after throwing a few steel bars.

"How did you do it!" The battalion commander was so surprised that his voice split.

He has seen an amazing performance, but Nima is useless, he can't learn to be useful!

"Practice, just practice more, and I can only cut melons and fruits." Yuan Feiwu smiled.

"I didn't expect you to have this kind of expertise. From now on, melons and fruits will belong to you exclusively." The battalion commander sorted out his thoughts. Thinking of this, his tone became much more gentle, "What did you do before, you are so proficient at cutting melons and vegetables!"

"Killing people, I used to be a mercenary, sometimes it's too troublesome to kill bandits and take them back to hand in the task, so I just cut something and go back to hand in the task. I seldom help in fights, so I am responsible for cutting, and I cut too much I'm familiar with it."

your sister!You cut melons and fruits like people!
Yuan Feiwu's words were so unexpected that everyone around felt chills running down their spines!The battalion commander wanted to slap himself, why did he ask such a question!If God did it all over again for him, he would absolutely shut up!Knowing these things doesn't make a person happy, only worry, isn't that a good thing!
"You, you should be cutting meat! Why are you good at cutting melons and fruits?" The tearful guy popped up and asked again, feeling that he had asked a good question.

"Mercenaries usually hand over heads when they hand over quests, so I can only cut heads, not other positions. Look at those melons and fruits, each of them looks like a head, and they are very easy to cut, even the juice that comes out is delicious. Familiarity……"

Seeing such a beautiful face laughing and saying such terrible words, not only the backs but also the soles of the feet were chilly.Qi Shushu turned his head to look at those melons and fruits, and immediately Qi Shuhua turned his head back. They knew that they would not be able to look directly at these melons and fruits for a long time in the future.

And the tearful gang leader secretly swore that he would never ask this new recruit any more questions, and he would go crazy sooner or later if he asked him any more questions!

"Since you have experience in killing people, why do you want to be the leader of the gang! Go to battle and kill the enemy!" The battalion commander couldn't help but said.

"I don't want to come either. The big brother who recruited said that I am suitable to be the leader of the gang." Yuan Feiwu smiled brightly.

But that harmless smiling face now fell into their eyes, it was simply a big lie!Who sent him here, the recruiting captain, please come here, I promise I will never kill you!If you see other people's skin and tender meat, you just give it to the gang leader, but in the end, this guy is a murderer!Are you going to recruit soldiers? You!Please send him to the battlefield to kill people!

(End of this chapter)

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