Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 629 The little 99 of the Bagal Empire also depends on the face of the boss

Chapter 629 Little Jiujiu of the Bagal Empire also depends on the face of the boss
"Boss, King Bagal has sent another invitation card."

Li Keke came to Lin Beike's room and placed a golden and exquisite invitation letter on the table in Lin Beike's study.

The exquisite invitation letter has a glittering golden appearance, and gold is the color that symbolizes the royal family of the Bagal Empire.

And under the invitation letter that Li Keke threw on the table, there were two identical invitation letters.

The seal with gold-rimmed tidbits has never been opened.

"Reply for me, don't go." Lin Beike was propping his cheeks with his hands, looking out of the window without looking directly at him.

"Boss, it's the third time. If you haven't invited us yet, the king might be suspicious of us." Li Keke scratched his head, "I'm too embarrassed to refuse again, or you can just play it off, boss."

"If you're too embarrassed to refuse, let Poli refuse. You'll pretend to be injured and climb out, which will definitely make the other party stunned. Remember to smear some blood on your mouth, as if you're saying something, and you're talking." Saying that, spit it out and scare him to death." Lin Beike's belly became dark again by accident.

"Stop making trouble, boss!" Li Keke said dumbfoundedly, although it sounded like a lot of fun.

"I won't go if I say I won't go. He will become suspicious whenever he likes, it's none of my business." Lin Beike finally couldn't help closing his eyes lazily while bathing in the sunlight outside the window.

"Don't fall asleep again, boss!" Li Keke was deeply afraid that his boss would fall asleep again. For Lin Beike, this atmosphere and this posture have reached the perfect conditions for him to fall asleep, "Why is it none of your business! You and Xueyue Nangong Who doesn't know that Feng and the others have friendship, they are fighting like crazy, and the king is anxious to take advantage of it, what will the king think if he is not a bird at a time like this?"

"You made a mistake, Li Keke." Lin Beike suddenly smiled, "What he's worried about is that if you don't help him, it's none of my business, and I can't make a move. Hey, look at the person in front of you clearly, I , is the great magister."

I am the Great Magister...

These words were originally uttered from the mouths of the great magisters with all kinds of extraordinary temperament and grandeur, but why are they so flattering when Nima uttered them from the mouths of their bosses!
But Lin Beck's words hit the point. He is a great magister, and he cannot participate in wars or anything.

Although he cannot personally participate, he can make a decisive impact on the structure of Star Luo Continent through the Jagged Mercenary Group. Is it interesting to play such a word game!

"Okay, okay, I'll go to Poli to help us refuse. But Nuo Siwei and Feng Shao are fighting fiercely, are we really standing by and watching? Even if we don't participate, King Bagal will not miss this opportunity." Li Keke He gave up persuading Lin Beike, and he couldn't change the decision made by the boss.

"Participate, I didn't say we won't participate. The king came to us because he wanted us to take advantage of the opportunity to follow the Fenghuang Empire to pick up the benefits, so that the Fenghuang Empire could hit Northway's needles, and the Bagal Empire would reap the benefits. I won't go with it. When the king talks about this, it means that he disagrees." Lin Beike said.

"It's right not to help the Fengshou Empire, I think that Sabo is not pleasing to the eye! But if you really want to help Xueyue and the others, wouldn't it be better to advise the king to sneak attack the Fengshou Empire when the focus of the Fengshen Empire is on Northway?" good?"

"I didn't say I would help them. My beliefs will not change. What I want is peace in the world. Under normal circumstances, your idea is good. If we light a fire in the backyard of the Fenghuang Empire like this, they won't be able to fight anymore. But now Northway has Yue Hefeng and the others to join, and it is estimated that Feiwu is also there to help. I am afraid that Fengshou Empire will not be able to please them if they are here. I delay the Bagal Empire to prevent them from taking advantage of what they think is just around the corner. In fact, I am helping They don't want to be sent there to be beaten to shame together with Feng Xie."

"No way, plus the Bagal Empire can't win Northway? The situation in Northway is very bad. During the confrontation with the demons and beasts, the Beacon Empire and the Bagal Empire sent troops to leave the territory of Northway However, I am no stranger to Northway's terrain mastery, which is the shortcoming of the Northway Empire. In addition, the Fengfeng Empire has almost invincible cavalry on the plains, and Northway has been greatly different since losing the natural shield of Yonggu City. Wonderful. I don't think they can repel the Fengshou Empire, but I don't agree with us taking advantage of it. It is more interesting to light a fire in the backyard of the Fengshou Empire." Li Keke said honestly.

"They will figure out a way to deal with it. I'm more curious about how they plan to deal with us when they suppress the Fengfeng Empire. I won't stand by and watch the war expand." Lin Beike opened his mouth again when he said this The eyes, lazily swept away, are radiant.

Lin Beike knew that Yuan Feiwu and the others knew that he would not change his beliefs for them. In fact, they didn't need to do anything, he would also prevent the desire of Fengfeng Empire from succeeding.But they still chose to participate in the war to unbalance the situation, which shows that they have their own ideas.

As long as I do what I should do, this is also Lin Beike's trust in them, because they must have thought about this aspect and made countermeasures.

Even if he might meet his Iron Blood Mercenaries on the battlefield, he believes they are ready.

This war initiated by the Fengjiao Empire was obviously a problem of the Fengbao Empire, but in the end, Lin Beck thought about how to restrict the Northway Empire. Even Linbeck himself felt a little helpless and felt a little sorry for the Northway Empire.But he still won't just watch the war expand. Now three cities have been directly affected by the flames of war, and countless cities and people have been affected. It won't end so easily, he can only restrain it according to the situation.

"So in the end, we still have to contain Northway, which is not the same as King Bagal's sending troops to Northway to kill him!" Li Keke found that after a long time, Lin Beck's approach was the same as the king's, although the purpose was different. The reason for sending troops is to take advantage, and another reason for sending troops is to control the balance.

"It's not the same. The timing of dispatching troops is different and the results are very different. He called it courting death, and I called it balancing the situation. That's why I am a genius magister, and he can only be a king."

"That's enough, king is not a derogatory term..." Likke rolled his eyes and walked out of the room, "I'm going to deliver an order. The Jagged Mercenary Corps is temporarily standing still, and its subordinate mercenary regiments are not allowed to accept any dispatch missions from the Bagal Empire."

Anyway, he knew what his boss meant, but it was unbelievable for Li Keke to be so optimistic about Northway, who was currently at an absolute disadvantage.

Li Keke can calmly analyze the current situation and is a very good talent, but he is still far behind Lin Beck.

Because what Linbeck sees is already the future.

Without the support of the Iron-Blooded Mercenary Group, the Bagal Empire's idea of ​​taking advantage of the war between the two countries to make some money could only temporarily stop. Without the support of the Iron-Blooded Mercenary Group, their soldiers and the second- and third-rate mercenary groups invited It's hard to say whether it's being taken advantage of or taking advantage of others.

Xiangmai City, a city with beautiful scenery, is also the city behind Yoma City.The two cities are so close that it is not too much to say they are sister cities.

Because they were worried that the soldiers of the Fengzhu Empire would bypass Yuema City and attack Xiangmai City, so many soldiers deployed and patrolled in the outskirts of Xiangmai City, which was incompatible with the beautiful scenery.

War is always such a disaster.

The captain of the transportation team on the side of Yuema City ran to Xiangmai City with hundreds of soldiers early in the morning, feeling uneasy all the time in his heart.Obviously, the Elk Legion has already transported the supplies to Xiangmai City, and it was only a short journey to Yuema City. Why didn't they send the supplies over, but let them come and get them?

The captain of the transportation team came to Xiangmai City with such emotions, and asked his subordinates to wait outside the camp, and then swaggered in to trouble others.

"I'm the captain of the Sky Army's transportation team, and I'm here to hand over the supplies to you. Where is your person in charge?"

(End of this chapter)

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