Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 630 Your friend, the rising star of the Elk Legion is online

Chapter 630 Your friend, the rising star of the Elk Legion is online
"I am the person in charge of the Elk Legion responsible for this material transportation. It turns out that the transportation team of the Tianlong Army is here. I will take you to the place where the materials are loaded and unloaded."

"Wait! I want to ask, your people have sent all the supplies to Xiangmai City, why can't you unload supplies here and send them dozens of kilometers longer? Isn't it tricking us to let us come over and load and unload supplies again?! "

"How can we have the heart to make things difficult for you? It would be inappropriate for you to say that. Our team is not a transport force, but a guard and treatment team that escorts the treatment team. Do you think it is specially for you to deliver the goods? If it weren't for you Legion Commander, please, when our Legion Commander comes to the front line this time, help us escort supplies for a while, and we won’t do this drudgery!”

"Isn't it almost here! Isn't it easier to walk more than ten kilometers than to unload supplies once more?" I heard the other party say that this matter has involved the communication of the legion leaders, and it seems that the leader of his own legion asked someone to handle the matter. The battalion commander already lacked confidence, and his tone was not as tough as it was at the beginning.

He, a sesame mung bean official, doesn't know about these high-level affairs, the army chief will never come over and explain to him in person, right?How old is he?It's just that when the other party unloaded the goods and asked them to pick them up when they were delivered to such a close place, I was a little upset and wanted to find an explanation.

I didn't expect to regret it as soon as I found it.

"I have already said that our team is not a transport force, but a guard force! Where the healing team stops, they must stop there. The combat force guards the healers who have almost no combat effectiveness. This is our legion's mission. Military law is an iron rule, the military rules of the Elk Legion that even the king cannot change! Do you still want our treatment team to follow and deliver the supplies to the door!"

"That's okay, it's not too far away..." The battalion commander of the transportation team was actually speechless when he was told that. What he said made sense, and he was just short of playing GG.

"Hehe, yes, your Tianlong Army will win more battles, don't send so many wounded over every day, our treatment team can help you as porters every day! But now? Do you want me to do the math for you? How many of you wounded can be saved in the tens of kilometers of time wasted going back and forth?"

"Or this way, although I'm soft-spoken, I'm still very helpful. I'll help you apply to the leaders and let them agree to release the wounded first, and let the medical team deliver the supplies for you. What do you think? "

The battalion commander of the transport team became more sweaty the more he listened. Compared with this, of course it is important to treat the wounded!The wounded who are eager to be treated are almost all brothers of their Tianlong Army. Many of them are dying and rely on the medical care of the Elk Army. Those are extremely precious lives. If their treatment is delayed because of the delivery of supplies, It's simply unreasonable.

What's more, the last sentence was clearly a slap in the face for him aboveboard. If he dared to apply like this, it would be strange if his head wasn't chopped off by the leader and hung up for public display!
"I'm sorry, sorry, I was talking nonsense just now, everyone is a soldier of Northway, in fact, they are their own family members, don't take it to heart! We are going to move supplies now, I really appreciate your help on this trip... ..."

The soldiers of the transport team of the Tianlong Group Army just watched the captain enter the camp with arrogance and arrogance, and then backed out with bowed head and back, without asking, they knew that the captain was deflated.

The captain was exhausted outside, of course his face was not good when he came back, and the soldiers under him would also look at him, so don't be foolish to touch the captain's head at such a time.

After being taken to the place where the materials were parked by the people of the Elk Legion, the captain was professional and experienced in this regard, and quickly directed his subordinates to work in a orderly manner.

Among the goods transported here at the beginning, some ordinary materials were still placed on the carriage and were not unloaded, but the horses were untied and taken to the stables to rest.These are easy to handle, go to the horse and lead it over and tie it to the carriage again, and you can start at any time.

However, those weapons, bows and arrows and other ammunition must be unloaded and placed in a temporary warehouse.The Elk Legion also sent some soldiers to guard it strictly. After all, these military weapons are relatively precious things.

Without further ado, the battalion commander ordered a few people to pull the horses and tie the carts, and brought the others to the temporary warehouse, and carefully checked the list of supplies that the person in charge had brought out.

After checking everything was correct, they began to carry boxes of ammunition onto the carriage. Although these things may not look too big, they are actually very heavy.Armor weapons and arrows made of metal are of course much heavier than ordinary materials.

Those soldiers moved back and forth twice each, and felt that their arms were about to break, and they almost dropped things on the ground several times, which made the transport team leader frown again and again.

The transfer has been carried out for more than an hour, and the progress is getting slower and slower, not to mention speeding up. The person in charge of the Elk Legion is also a little irritable. He has other things to do, but he is the person in charge of the Elk Army and has not handed over You can't leave after all, all your time is wasted here.

At this time, he had to secretly think that when their team unloaded supplies, the progress was very fast.

There is a difference. Before they unloaded the supplies, it was their elite group. Most of them were strong men who had practiced fighting spirit for some time. There were also trained warriors and ordinary people. The gap was really not small. Much faster.But now the Tianlong Army brought these new recruits at a glance, and more than half of the ordinary soldiers in the army did not meet the physical standards, and they couldn't be too blamed for moving these heavy objects.

Maybe it took a long time, another officer came down from the Elk Legion to check the situation.

The Elk Legion has a relatively small number of people and is not divided into three armies like the Dragon Legion.They have only two group armies, and one of the newly formed group armies says that the group army actually has only 3 or 3 people, and the number is not even considered to be a group army.And the main group army is a team composed of healing mages and medical staff to play the core functions of the Elk Legion, and the legion leader Defenk Fila is also in charge.There are several deputy heads under him, and then there are the captains, and there are not too many positions.This time, the troops sent by the Elk Legion to Xiangmai City were led by a deputy head. They were the most elite healing team in the legion. The total number of healing mages and medical staff reached about [-].

The person in charge was called out, and when he looked back, the officer who walked over was wearing a neat military uniform, and the captain's medal was shining brightly in the sun, no matter how he looked, he was tall and straight.

The person who came was the captain of this team, the second person below the deputy head, one of the best young generals of the Elk Army in recent years, and it is said that he will be promoted to the deputy head in a few years, and the future is bright!
This time, a soon-to-retire deputy head led the team to the most intense frontline of the war, which further confirmed the rumors that he was going to be promoted!

The future star of the Elk Legion is very good in terms of strength and management ability, and before joining the army as a healing magician, he actually participated in the college exchange competition and won the championship as the main force, becoming a legend. Under the influence of various halos, the person in charge The more I look at it, the more I feel that this general is very talented!
That's right, everyone can already shout his name after seeing this - Coleridge! (Scream a little more!)

The person in charge was a little taken aback, but Coleridge patted him on the shoulder: "What's wrong? Did you faint from the sun?"

"No! No, Captain Coleridge!" The person in charge said hastily, "Why are you here?"

"As a captain, whenever you have free time, you should take a look at your team and learn about the situation of your team. Seeing that you are busy here, come and have a look." Coleridge said to his team, He is still very caring, which is also an important reason why he is valued by the head of the army.

"We are handing over materials with the Tianlong Group Army. They are all munitions needed by the front line. The quantity is relatively large, so it will take some time to transport them." The person in charge introduced.

"Oh, the number should be quite large. We have fought several times before, and the consumption of armaments must be quite large." Coleridge nodded. Anyway, he just sneaked out for a walk to relax, so he decided to stay here. Watching the transportation team move things and bask in the sun as a way to relax, "What are the materials delivered, show me the list."

"Here." The person in charge had been holding the list in his hand, and handed it over as soon as he heard it.

"Let me see...there are only so many swords, just move them to death...I'll go!"

Coleridge raised his head suddenly and shouted, which startled the person in charge: "Captain, what's wrong? Is the number wrong?"

"No, it's not." Coleridge blinked continuously, pinched his temples with his fingers, and looked tired, "There have been many injuries recently, and he may be a little tired from being busy, so he had some hallucinations just now. It seems that I saw a black thing swaying in the distance. It may be daydream, anyway, that thing must not exist. Yes, it does not exist. "

(End of this chapter)

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