Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 631 No wonder the Tianlong Army always loses

Chapter 631 No wonder the Tianlong Army always loses

"What makes the team leader think about it? I am happy to help the team leader share his worries." The person in charge said.

The person in charge was not actually part of Coleridge's team, he was part of the battle group army, but he also asked Coleridge very kindly.

The composition of the Elk Legion is different from that of the other two legions. The various armies in the other legions still compete with each other. Only by performing well can they get the attention of the legion commander, get more resources and more support.One of the two armies in the Elk Legion is the guardian, and the other is the guardian. It happens that the guardian is the core of the Elk Legion. Without the guardians, there is no need for the guardians to exist.This has led to the fact that in the Elk Legion, the two armies are interdependent and have a very good relationship.

"It's nothing, it's just a guy who makes people miss when he doesn't appear, but makes people headache when he appears. It's better for you not to divide this kind of worry." Coleridge laughed.

Although Coleridge said so, his eyes were still looking in the direction where he was dazzled just now, and he was very honest when he said that he didn't need his body.

The captain of the transportation team has been supervising and clearing the supplies, and found that an officer seemed to have come from the Elk Legion. Thinking that he seemed to have said something bad to the person in charge of the other party just now, and wondered if he would be sued, he hurriedly joined In the past, they intend to make up for each other's relationship.

The Elk Legion is the weakest of the three major legions, but each legion is unwilling to fight with the Elk Legion, and it is a fool's thing to fight with the logistics troops.

"Hello, I am the captain of the transport team of the Tianlong Army in Yuema City." The transport team leader went up to say hello first.

"Hello, the transport team of the Sky Army, thank you for your hard work in the hot weather. I am Captain Coleridge."

The captain of the transportation team was stunned, but the one who arrived was actually the captain.Each legion is organized in a different way. Although everyone is called the captain, the captain has at most 500 people under him. This is due to the composition of the transportation team.But the captain of the family is different, as many people as there are people brought out, like this time, they have 3 people!He is the most senior general down from the deputy head, and he is still short of a perfect reincarnation from the deputy head!

"I've been looking forward to it for a long time! We are all new recruits this time, and our efficiency is a bit low. I had some misunderstandings with you when we came here just now. I am really sorry to cause you a lot of trouble." The captain of the transportation team saw that the other party was in an important position. There is no airs at all, and I am willing to apologize a lot.

"Just resolve the misunderstanding, it's a small matter, it's all brothers." Coleridge glanced at the person in charge, and when he saw the person in charge's eyes, he knew that even if there was a misunderstanding, the other party must have been embarrassed, so don't be unreasonable. , and happily gave the other party a step down, "If there is anything, just communicate well, I...fuck!"

The captain of the transport team was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he heard Coleridge's words, when he suddenly felt his head was suddenly grabbed by Coleridge's hands, and he was violently twisted to the side, the bones in his neck screamed.

Coleridge moved the convoy captain's head away so that there was nothing blocking his view, and then he saw Chu Chu, the black-haired guy in military uniform walking leisurely in front of him carrying a box of ammunition. walk by.This time Coleridge was sure he was not hallucinating, for the sleek figure was waving at him.

"Fuckfuckfuckfuck! What are you doing there, brother!"

"Transportation soldiers." The man said proudly.

"Transporter?" Coleridge's eyes were so wide that his eyeballs would fall out, he turned the head of the transport team leader back upright, and made another clicking sound, "You asked him to be a transporter?! Are you crazy? ?! Is your boss crazy?! Let your Tianlong Army be able to throw away several blocks of treasures from the Tianlong and Dilong Army in a few minutes, and you fucking let him be a transport soldier?! With this look, it’s no wonder you have lost battles one after another!”

Because he was too surprised, Coleridge's voice was more like a scream, which frightened the captain of the transport team until he lost his mind, and he couldn't understand what he was shouting.

Seeing that the captain of the transportation team seemed unable to recover within a short time, Coleridge pushed the captain of the transportation team with a sore neck aside, and rushed to help Yuan Feiwu take the box of ammunition.It's not easy for him to be a magician. After taking it, he almost broke his waist.

"So polite, Captain." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

"I'll come, I'll come! Brother, stop making trouble, you are my captain! I said earlier that you want to join the army, the Tianlong Army is so violent, you can come here! No, Nangongfeng and Xueyue probably won't either Throw you here!"

"Put it here. Your waist won't work, use some strength on your waist." Coleridge babbled a lot, which had already attracted a lot of attention from all around, but Yuan Feiwu remained calm as usual, pointing Where he should put this box of ammunition, he doesn't mind someone helping him at all.

But Coleridge has the heart to swear, you are handsome and you can say anything!But let’s talk about it, what does it mean when so many people look at you and say that your waist is weak!Your sister, how will I be able to marry in the future, no, how will I still pick up girls in the future!Rumor has it that he is still messing around in the world of picking up girls!
"Captain Coleridge, do you know this soldier?" The captain of the transportation team, whose neck was still sore, finally came to his senses, and hurriedly chased him over to ask.

Turning around to see him depressed to death, why is this guy again, didn't this guy just commit a crime and was transferred to the transport team?It seems that wherever he goes, he has a troublesome physique!

"Ahem." Coleridge covered his waist, looking at Yuan Feiwu's smiling and silent expression, many thoughts had already flashed in his heart, "I'm not familiar. By the way, the captain of the Tianlong Army, we have some The medical equipment needs to be placed in a different place, and some manpower is needed, can I borrow this soldier from you for a few days? Or... a few hours? Or, a few minutes? A few seconds will be fine!"

Coleridge looked at Yuan Feiwu and asked, and he didn't know what Yuan Feiwu was doing here as a transport soldier, and how much time it took him to be suitable, so he looked at him while asking.It's a pity that it's too difficult for Coleridge to figure out something from Yuan Feiwu's facial expression.

Is it a few days or a few seconds?Is this range too broad? !You can borrow this kind of time for a few seconds, what can you do for a few seconds!Sure enough, there is a problem with the waist, so the concept of time is more "fine" than ordinary people? !

Originally, Coleridge had a good image in the eyes of the captain of the transportation team, but after a series of abnormal behaviors, he is now gradually making great strides towards the crazy side.

"It's a small matter for the captain of the Elk Legion to need help. Otherwise, after we load all the supplies into the carriage, I will send some people to help you carry the medical equipment? There are more people and more strength, maybe, uh, just a few seconds." I helped you move..."

"No, no, medical equipment is very precious. You guys with rough hands and feet can't handle it. This soldier is very good, light-handed, and a natural talent for moving medical equipment. We have neither too much nor too little, It may be finished soon or it may take a long time, I will borrow it for a period of time that I am not sure about." Coleridge fooled people with words that he did not believe.

"Okay, no problem." Lending someone to use such a small matter for the Elk Legion, he, the captain, can still make the decision, "Listen, soldiers Yuan Feiwu, temporarily obey the arrangement of Captain Coleridge, and you must return to the team to report to me within three days. report!"

"Okay." Yuan Feiwu smiled.

The captain of the transportation team felt weird looking at Yuan Feiwu's understated expression, but for a moment he couldn't figure out what was wrong, no matter, anyway, selling favors to this neurotic captain would be a good thing for their Tianlong Army.

Of course, the captain of the transportation team felt that something was wrong, and Yuan Feiwu was the only one among the transportation soldiers who could still laugh without sweating at all.

In short, Coleridge borrowed someone in this way, and he turned around and left without lingering.

Of course, the person in charge wouldn't believe what Coleridge said, but it was inconvenient for him to ask more questions about his captain.Who would have thought that he would not ask Coleridge for more questions, but he did.

"Where is your boss?"

"No, I don't know!"

"Tell him to go back to the camp. I have something urgent to find him. If I don't find him in a while, he will regret it forever." When Coleridge said this, the excitement and mischief in his eyes made the person in charge stand on end.

"Yes, I will try my best to convey your words, Captain Coleridge, to Captain Silas!"

(End of this chapter)

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