Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 632 I Hired Foreign Aid For You

Chapter 632 I Hired Foreign Aid For You

Coleridge was busy, but he didn't mind spending some time figuring out what Yuan Feiwu was up to.

Especially when the Beacon Empire suddenly went crazy and attacked the Northway Empire, the flames of war spread and the civilians in those cities in Northway were displaced. Coleridge was full of blood and wanted to pay back the hatred of his family and the country, but unfortunately he was powerless , Watching Northway's army suffer successive defeats.When he heard that Xueyue Nangongfeng joined the Dragon Army, Coleridge was excited about it for many days. He was afraid that these geniuses were not interested in ordinary things like war. Coleridge was happiest.

But the point is that the genius among the geniuses is not there!With him in Coleridge, I don't feel afraid of the sky falling!But he didn't have time to meet with Xueyue Nangongfeng to understand the situation, so he could only put the question mark aside.

Now that this guy has appeared, and he is still wearing Northway's military uniform, Coleridge has to catch this unpredictable figure even if he is busy with his work for a while.

Taking Yuan Feiwu to his camp, Coleridge poured a glass of water for Yuan Feiwu quickly, and sat on the side, staring at Yuan Feiwu with sparkling eyes that were eager to learn.

"Why?" Yuan Feiwu asked back.

"Wait until you tell me what you are doing! Captain, it's time to show your true skills. There must be some conspiracy behind you joining the army. No, there must be some purpose. Tell your story!"

"Move supplies."

"Get out!" Coleridge patted his chest, with an expression of "You think I'm a fool", "You will be a transport soldier? Tell me, if you want to do anything, I will help you. , and save you the time of slowly groping. I’m not talking about you, captain, you can rely on us for some things, and it’s so inefficient to work hard on your own.”

Yuan Feiwu didn't speak, but the look in his eyes made Coleridge not very happy, and the unexpected look in his eyes deeply hurt him.It seems that in Yuan Feiwu's mind, he belongs to the stupid class!

"I want to take a look at the military equipment and see if there is anything that can be adjusted." Yuan Feiwu finally expressed his purpose.

In fact, there is nothing to hide from my friends about this matter, but it is not suitable to talk about it in a big way, and it is more suitable to study it quietly by myself.On the one hand, it can play the role of surprise soldiers, and on the other hand, it will not distract the attention that the army should focus on the enemy now.

Coleridge was taken aback for a moment before continuing, "Captain, do you even know equipment?"

For Coleridge, a sword is a sword, as long as it has a blade; a spear, it is a spear, as long as it has a pointed point;But when Yuan Feiwu said that he could still research equipment, he suddenly felt that this person was amazing, what else did this guy not understand?

"Captain, you want to study equipment, small things, why sneak into the transportation team to study? If you want to mix, you have to mix into the logistics production team! I'm just kidding, don't sneak into it..."

"I'm quite efficient now. After bringing the ammunition back to Yoma City, I can slowly study it in the 'unspeakable' way tonight."

"Hey, since you can't say it, don't say it!" Coleridge had a headache, "You just want to study weapons and equipment, right? I'll let you study it here!"

"It's okay, I don't mind if I look upright."


Yes, thank you for not minding, I am so sorry for you!
Coleridge was so angry that he nearly vomited blood, and after greeting Yuan Feiwu for a while, he took Yuan Feiwu to a big camp in another place.In his capacity, he didn't need to apply or report, just broke into the camp carelessly.

"Yeah, I thought you were gone again, my dear Commander Silas." Coleridge smiled as soon as he entered, "Okay, you, the commander of the army group, are doing well enough!"

Behind a large sand table full of various chess pieces in the tent, a green-haired man in military uniform was squatting on the ground drinking tea. There were enough things to worry about. When Coleridge came in and was still smiling, his eyes almost rolled. to heaven.

"It's not like you don't know how annoying I am, and you dare to tease me there! I just came back from outside, so please tell me what's urgent, I'm not done yet." Silas said angrily.

After Silas joined the Elk Army, it seemed to outsiders that he was on a steady rise to the sky. Not long after he joined, the head of the De Funk Army specially established a separate army, and let him be the commander to coordinate everything in the army.Although the number of this group army is very small, it can still be regarded as a group army. It can be regarded as the same level as other group army commanders. The high position and fast promotion are simply legends in the military circles. Even Xueyue Nangongfeng and the others can't compare .

But it's actually a pit!Of course, there are no brave and skilled fighters in the Elk Army, nor are there any generals who are skilled in war, and there are no resourceful staff officers to join the army.As a result, Silas's personal ability has grown rapidly, but he is almost exhausted to death.

Outsiders can only see the magnificence on the surface, but they don't know how much effort and sweat others have put into it.

For example, in the past few days, his group army escorted Coleridge and the others to Xiangmai City. Others thought that they would be free after they arrived at the destination and set up camp. The healers should be busy.

Wrong, terribly wrong!

They are responsible for all the martial law inside Xiangmai City, which is understandable, and the workload is not bad.But Silas looked at the sand table showing a nearby terrain, and found that Xiangmai City and Yuema City were too close, and the terrain was not dangerous, and the city wall of Xiangmai City was very weak, probably relying on Yuema City I am used to relying on external resistance, so I don't care much about it.Originally, they were sister cities, but their lips were dead and their teeth were cold. If Yuema City fell to Xiangmai City, there was no way to defend it. It would be unnecessary to strengthen the city wall.

There are so many potential safety hazards, so the defense outside Xiangmai City should be more cautious.Silas had to be busy, checking the specific terrain outside, checking the defense of the Tianlong Army, and found that it was full of mistakes and omissions!Whether it is a strong attack or a sneak attack, if Silas is a member of the Fengyu Empire, he can think of at least ten ways to sneak attack on Xiangmai City, and take the water element magician and his weak subordinates who dare to laugh in front of him in one pot. .

However, the bigwigs of the Sky Army didn't take this young man seriously at all. They didn't pay much attention to Silas's suggestion to modify the defense, and instead laughed at him behind his back.

Silas had no choice but to arrange the soldiers he brought to make up for those loopholes.It is quite hard work to make up for the loopholes in other people's general direction with the root and the bottom. It is good that Silas has not been tossed to death during this period of time.Even so, Silas hadn't adjusted to a perfect arming yet.

"I just know you've worked hard. Didn't I come here to give you warmth? I worked so hard to find a great expert to help you solve the problem of arming. Do you think you want to thank me?" Coleridge asked. Sitting on a chair with his buttocks, the smug and proud look on his face was incredible.

"Okay, thank you!" Silas held up a cup of tea and bowed to Coleridge, "I have nothing to do, bye!"

Coleridge can find a master to handle things that he can't handle?Even if Coleridge recruited the head of the Tianlong Group, it would be of no use. Those rough men were brave enough to lead troops to fight, but they were not even half as good at these tactics and defenses.

Silas drank the tea angrily, but saw Coleridge yelled loudly: "Captain, come in, Silas despises you!"

The sip of tea, which Silas probably hadn't swallowed much, sprayed Coleridge all over his face.Coleridge originally wanted to mess with Silas, but now he deeply doubted whether he was messing with him or himself.

"Long time no see, Silas." Yuan Feiwu walked in and greeted cheerfully.

As soon as Silas saw Yuan Feiwu, he couldn't help it. He rushed over with tears in his arms, hugged Yuan Feiwu, and cried uncontrollably: "Captain, you have worked hard these days! Don't hide, why don't you turn yourself in?" !"


Let alone Coleridge, Rao Yuan Feiwu didn't understand why he was going to surrender himself?

(End of this chapter)

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